when can we start feeding the birds again

due to a visiting rat Ive been told to take away the bird food (countryside garden). I plan to let the current batch run down (wont take long), then not refil them. Once the rat trap / poison does its job, if I restart the food will the birds return? Daft question probably but Id hate to lose them. If it makes any differnece theyre goldfinches, collared doves, chaffinches, assorted tits, starlings, wood pigeons, woodpeckers, sparrows, the odd crow, jackdaws, occasional magpies and rooks.

What the best kind of feeders to use?

Depending on how much time, money, and space you have to dedicate to the project, you can go either simple or elaborate. We prefer to serve food in a variety of settings and at different heights. More bird species will visit your area thanks to this altitudinal variety than from a single feeder, as each species will select a different area for feeding.

Tossing bird seed on the ground or a low stump is the easiest. Many birds prefer to eat at ground level, including numerous native sparrows (like the stunning Fox Sparrow). They will gather food that has been dropped by other birds and will rummage through leaves to find food that you have scattered.

But we usually don’t scatter a lot of birdseed on the ground. In this way, you can accumulate old and even moldy seed. Also, we find it attracts a few too many chipmunks. Although they are very cute, there is such a thing as too many chipmunks. So we offer most bird food above ground level.

A porch railing can help keep the food cleaner. A feeder on a pole gives even better hygiene. You might be able to avoid being eaten by raccoons and squirrels if you install a baffle.

Hanging feeders are the most economical with seed. Placing them under eaves, away from the rain, is ideal. We particularly enjoy feeders that have an integrated roof to keep the seeds dry.

One example is the No/No Cardinal Feeder. (Theres a photo near the top of this page. Because squirrels are unable to chew through the all-metal platform, roof, or mesh, it says “No-no,” which is how it got its name. Conversely, cardinals enjoy it because it provides them with a broad landing platform that allows them to eat without turning their heads. It seems that cardinals find it uncomfortable to elongate their necks in order to eat. ).

Make sure to place your birdfeeder where you can observe the birds from your home, regardless of the table setting you choose. When you’re eating your own food, take pleasure in the birds’ company.

Suet is another popular dish among the birds at Birdwatching Dot Com. We used to dislike how the suet would draw large groups of Eurasian Starlings.

Then we discovered Upside Down Suet Feeders. These are made so that the only way to access the suet is from below. The suet is now available to the birds that can cling to objects from below, including woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches, and titmice. But with no competition from starlings.

What foods to offer

Seeds are the mainstay of bird feeding. Black oil sunflower, sunflower hearts, white millet, nyjer, safflower, cracked corn, and broken nuts are some of our favorites. All species of native sparrows, including juncos, find these appealing. Finches, cardinals, doves, and jays eat them also.

Certain Nyjer feeders, such as the 17-inch Spiral Finch Thistle Feeder, are available with tiny holes. To prevent them from being dragged out onto the ground at once, it dispenses the rather pricey Nyjer seeds one at a time. Its just right for goldfinches but inaccessible to big birds. Nyjer feeders frequently draw Common Redpolls, Pine Siskins, and other small birds in addition to goldfinches.

I’ve been told to remove the bird food from the countryside garden because of a visiting rat. It won’t take long for me to let the current batch run out before not filling them. It may be a silly question, but I would really hate to lose the birds, but will they come back if I restart the food once the rat trap or poison does its job? They are goldfinches, collared doves, chaffinches, various tits, starlings, wood pigeons, woodpeckers, sparrows, the occasional crow, jackdaws, infrequent magpies, and rooks, if that makes a difference.


When should I start feeding the birds again?

There’s nothing wrong with feeding them all year long. However, they do not need to be fed during the summer and fall, when plenty of natural food is available. It’s most important to feed them during the winter and in the spring, when they are bringing up their babies.

Is it OK to feed birds all year round?

Some people prefer not to feed birds in the spring and summer when there is abundant food. However, leaving your feeders up year-round is not a problem as long as you keep a few things in mind: If bears live near you, you should not keep feeders up during the warmer months.

Can I feed the birds yet?

However, feeding and providing water to wild birds is generally discouraged because the increased congregation of wild birds at bird feeders and bird baths may lead to fecal contamination of the local environment, which can aid in disease transmission.

Is it still OK to feed birds?

Put out bird food and water on a regular basis through autumn and winter. In severe weather, you may find you need to feed twice daily. Birds need high-energy, high-fat foods during cold weather. Always adjust the quantity given to the demand, and never allow uneaten foods to build up.