how to keep rats away from bird cages

Whether you keep birds indoors or outdoors, one thing is for certain; you don’t want rats invading your bird cages. Rats pose several threats to birds. Not only do they spread diseases, but they also steal bird food and can sometimes even attack birds and other pets with surprising ferocity. Rats are attracted to bird cages as a source of food and nesting materials. Every bird owner should take steps to keep rats at bay long before they start to pose a hazard.

You don’t have to lay down traps or poison to prevent rats, although these are useful to have on hand just in case you do find an infestation. There are some much simpler things you can do that will prevent rodent infestations.

For example, many people have reported success using cotton balls soaked in liquids with a strong aroma, usually essential oils. The idea is to overwhelm the rats’ sensitive noses and keep them away. If you also own a cat, you can use urine-soaked kitty litter as a very effective rodent deterrent.

Exposed food of any kind is likely to attract rats. But it just so happens that rats and birds often have similar diets. Both animals love seeds and nuts, bird food is a tempting target for a bold or hungry rat. Keeping stored food properly sealed so that rats can’t get to it easily is essential for any pet owner. If the rats get a taste for the food you feed your pets, They won’t hesitate to find a way of getting at your bird feeder.

If you want to be as proactive as possible, laying down humane rat traps is an effective solution. Leaving spring-loaded killing traps around your home could end in disaster. But humane traps are unlikely to cause any accidental harm to people or pets.

No one wants to deal with bugs, rats, mice, cockroaches, flies, textile pests, insects, wasps, hornets, or bee control and ants in their house or business.

Pest infestations should be addressed as soon as possible, since if left unchecked, they might spread rapidly and cause structural damage to your house, health risks, lots of stress or even a fire danger.

At Bon Accord, we provide a full range of home pest control services as well as the Bon Accord Helpline, which allows us to deliver our clients with the level of service they require when dealing with rodents, ants, cockroaches and other infestations.

We offer a full range of services from basic to expert, ranging from a self-service solution with all the tools you’ll need to DIY treatments, supported remotely by one of our technicians to our premium service in which one of the specialists performs the whole treatment

We have a mouse in our apartment. I covered the radiator cover that I believed he was entering through with 1/4″ mesh, set out two no-kill traps for a few days, and sprayed an all-natural mouse repellent spray. Because of the birds, we are unable to use poison or kill traps. But over the last two evenings, the mouse has managed to get inside the bird cages. Even though I tried to take away anything I believed the mouse was using as a ladder to enter the cage, it managed to get in last night.

Infestations of pests should be dealt with right away because, if unchecked, they may spread quickly and result in structural damage to your home, health hazards, a great deal of stress, or even a fire hazard.

Nobody wants to deal with ants, bee control, wasps, hornets, cockroaches, mice, bugs, or textile pests in their home or place of business.

Rats can be avoided without setting up traps or poison, though these are helpful to have on hand in case you do discover an infestation. There are a few much easier things you can do to keep rodent infestations at bay.

You definitely don’t want rats getting into your bird cages, whether you keep birds indoors or out. Rats pose several threats to birds. They not only disperse illnesses but also steal food from birds and occasionally attack birds and other pets with unexpected ferocity. Rats are drawn to bird cages because they can find food and materials for their nests there. Long before they begin to pose a risk, every owner of birds should take precautions to keep rats away.

We provide a comprehensive range of services, from basic to expert. Our self-service solution includes all the tools you’ll need to perform treatments yourself with remote support from one of our technicians. Our premium service involves having a specialist complete the entire treatment.


Do rats eat birds in cages?

Yes! Not only are they attracted to the seed that birds will drop from their feeder, but they will also attack birds to eat. I wish I had known this before because unfortunately my pet budgie was injured by my pet rat when she landed on the bars of his cage to perch.

How do I keep rats out of my aviary?

The best way to protect your birds against rodents is to use an aviary mesh that has a very small aperture, as mice can climb through holes as small as 6-7mm in diameter.

How do you keep mice out of your bird cage?

To avoid rodents keep the outside of the aviaries clean of food scraps. Hanging feed dispensers rather than floor or wall mounted will help to discourage rodents. Install traps and poison in bird proof boxes outside the aviary. Some aviary owners keep a resident guinea pig in the aviary to deter rats and mice.

How do you get rid of mice without harming birds?

Mice hate mint. Try growing a few potted mint plants around the house. I use essential mint oil to keep them out of my car, that might be a bit harsh for your birds, but you could certainly put it outside the house wherever they might gain entrance.