how to keep birds out of house eaves

Birds need to nest in order to have their young, and with the loss of their natural homes over the years they have been forced to share our homes and use our roofs to nest. It’s important that whilst we protect your home, we also protect theirs too.

All birds, eggs and their nests are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981. It is an offense to damage or destroy an active nest or prevent parent birds from returning to the nest. Also, there are certain birds such as Owls, Bearded Tits & Golden Eagles who are specified in Schedule 1 of the legal act, outlining that it is an offense to cause disturbance to the birds when they are in or near their nest.

Authorised personnel can remove nests but only when there’s risk to public health, for example if it’s to stop the spread of disease or if there’s a potential risk to the air space. They can also be removed if it’s proven that they are causing ‘serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit..’according to the RSPB explanation of the Wildlife and Countryside Act.

In order to protect yourself and to ensure you don’t harm the wildlife, you should avoid touching the nest or interfering with the birds at this time.

We know this doesn’t solve your problem, so keep reading to see 4 key steps to prevent birds nesting on your home in future.

The UK is known to have around 600 different bird types, but actually very few will be attracted to your roof space. The most common are :

Wondering what type of birds you have? Try this handy tool from the RSPB

Sound repellers and spikes

Audio devices can effectively deter birds from entering your home by providing the appropriate frequency. There are two types of sound repellers available: sonic and ultrasonic. To prevent birds from building nests on eaves, sonic models generate and broadcast predatory noises. These have a great feature that makes them ideal for large properties: they can broadcast over a wide area. However, ultrasonic models are a more popular way to keep these avian animals at bay. They emit a high-frequency sound that humans cannot hear at all, but birds find annoying—typically at frequencies of 20,000 hertz or higher.

Spikes are also a flexible deterrent. They are simple to fix on straight or curved surfaces thanks to their distinctive design. Spikes have projections made of plastic or metal that deter birds from building nests without endangering them. These barriers deter a variety of species, including pigeons, crows, and seagulls. Spikes are commonly utilized due to their robustness and ease of installation. Because of their low-profile design, they also have the advantage of not likely detracting from the aesthetics of your house.

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How in the world can I get rid of birds nestling in my eaves? is likely to be your first thought if their constant scrabbling is driving you insane or if you’re tired of the mess they’re leaving behind.

In short, unless they pose a health risk and you have permission to remove them, the answer is pretty much no!

You are thus not allowed to touch a bird once it has chosen to nest!

I apologize; I realize that wasn’t exactly what you were hoping to read.

But let’s move on from the bad; you can stop them from building nests in the future. Some of our best advice for making sure you have the necessary equipment set up so you can rest easy during the upcoming nesting season is provided in this article!

how to keep birds out of house eaves

Because they must nest in order to raise their young, birds have been forced to share our homes and use our roofs as nesting sites as their natural habitats have been lost over time. It’s crucial that in addition to protecting your house, we also safeguard theirs.

The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 protects all birds, eggs, and their nests. It is illegal to harm or destroy a nest that is still occupied or to keep parent birds from returning to their nest. Additionally, there are some birds like Bearded Tits and Owls.

Only when there is a risk to the public’s health—for example, when attempting to stop the spread of disease or when there may be an issue with the airspace—may authorised personnel remove nests. If it is demonstrated that they are causing “serious damage to livestock, foodstuffs for livestock, crops, vegetables, fruit,” they may also be removed. “In accordance with the Wildlife and Countryside Act explanation provided by the RSPB,”

Check out this link for more information.

Now is not the time to mess with the birds or touch the nest; instead, you should protect yourself and make sure you don’t hurt any wildlife.

Since this does not resolve your issue, continue reading to learn 4 essential strategies to stop birds from building nests on your property in the future.

how to keep birds out of house eaves

Although there are approximately 600 different species of birds in the UK, very few will be drawn to your roof space. The most common are :

  • House Sparrows
  • Starlings
  • Swifts
  • Swallows
  • Blue tits/Great Tits
  • Jackdaws

Wondering what type of birds you have? Try this handy tool from the RSPB

Bird Prevention 4 key steps to stop birds using your property as a nesting ground.

Make sure to remove all of your trash to prevent birds from ever being drawn to your house in the first place. Make sure your bins and lids are securely fastened to prevent birds from viewing your home as a potential nesting site. They view trash as building materials.

Not only can open trash draw birds to your house, but it can also draw in a lot of other pests!

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How do I keep birds out of my eaves?

Seal up holes in your roof If you find spaces then make sure to clean them out and seal them up, make sure to do this in the morning to minimise the risk of a bird roosting in them. For your home it’s recommended using a wire mesh over any holes in your roof to deter them from getting in and nesting.

What is the best deterrent for nesting birds?

Physical Barriers (Bird Spikes and Netting) Bird spikes and netting are barriers you can put up over open and semi-open areas to prevent birds from entering them. Bird netting helps provide a barrier that blocks the flight path of the birds while providing a thin cross-section area that they can’t land on.

Can birds get into attic through eaves?

Sometimes they’ll just roost under the eaves, or in the eaves on the soffit, but often they will enter the attic given access. Birds in the attic cause a few problems. First of all, they poop everywhere, and this feces, or guano as it is also called, can be a host for mold growth, and it can contain certain pathogens.