how often clean bird cage

A key factor in keeping your bird healthy is to make sure their cage, play stands, and other accessories are regularly cleaned. Once you have a routine, incorporating it into your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule is easy and you get the satisfaction of knowing your bird is healthier and happier. When you’re cleaning your bird’s cage, this is the best time to see if there are any signs that your bird isn’t feeling well. Look for hazardous conditions that could be in the cage, then remove or correct them. Pay attention to these things:

Daily Liners: The liner of the cage should be replaced every day. Newspaper and other paper liners are easily replaceable and allow you to see your birds’ droppings. For smaller birds placing several layers down and removing the top layer is an option. Just make sure that the remaining liners are clean, and nothing has seeped through.

Dishes: Food and water dishes should be cleaned every day with hot water and soap then thoroughly dried. Make sure the dishes are dishwasher safe if you choose to use one. Food bowls should be completely dry before replacing as bird food can mold quickly. Having multiple sets of dishes may be more convenient for you. If you use a water bottle, use a bottle brush to clean.

Accessories: If you have a birdbath in the cage this should be cleaned every day with hot soapy water and a bird-safe disinfectant. Accumulations of droppings on perches or toys should be removed.

Surrounding areas: Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove seeds, hulls, feathers, and other debris. Placing a plastic liner under your bird’s cage will save time while cleaning and will keep your floors clean. Weekly/monthly Depending on the type and number of birds you have, the cage size, and how often your birds are in their cage you may have to clean more or less often. Most cages should be deep-cleaned once a week, but for some smaller birds, a monthly cleaning is enough.

Cleaning Supplies: Have all your supplies handy in one place. Keep them in an easy-to-carry tote or in a nearby cabinet. Your supplies should include:

Step 1: When cleaning, keep a trash can nearby. Remove your bird from their cage and place them in a safe and secure location.

Step 2: Remove accessories and toys. Remove seeds and loose drippings from the cage and scrub the cage with hot soapy water. Many people will do this in a tub or shower to help wash it. Rinse the cage well with plain water, soak with soapy water, rinse the soap out, then let dry completely before replacing toys.

Step 3: Clean toys and perches. Remove droppings from all toys and accessories with bird-friendly cleaner. Sandpaper can help remove these from wooden accessories. Just like the cage, wash, rinse, and disinfect. Some toys are dishwasher safe, and some ropes may be able to go into the washing machine. All accessories should be dried completely before being placed back in the cage. Having multiple sets of perches can save time while they are being dried. Discard any toy that does not come out clean or is broken.

Step 4: Clean the surrounding area. Plastic coverings on the floor should be washed and disinfected. Walls should also be checked as food or other objects may have been flung out by your bird.

Step 5: Reassemble the birdcage. Once the cage and accessories have been dried off place all items back in the cage. Put in a clean liner, fill the food and water dishes, then bring back your bird into their clean home.

Items to Clean Every Day

Newspaper can be used in one layer or in multiple layers as the cage liner, which must be changed on a regular basis. Additionally, it must be in black and white because colored ink can poison your pet. When you replace the top sheet, make sure your bird’s waste hasn’t seeped through the lower newspaper layers.

You must clean your bird’s food and water dish in a location separate from where your food is prepared, using hot, soapy water. Alternatively, you could use a disinfectant or put them in the dishwasher. Ensuring that there are no residues of detergent left is crucial. In order to prevent mold from growing on top of the food pellets, the cage must be completely dry. Some buyers will buy multiple dish sets so they can use one while the other is being cleaned.

The birdbath should be cleaned with hot, soapy water, dried, put back in its original location, and then replenished with clean water. You can wash your pet’s water bottle with a bottle brush. It is advisable to use a vacuum to remove any feathers, droppings, seeds, or other debris from the floor area surrounding the cage.

Accessory: If the cage has a birdbath, it should be cleaned daily using hot, soapy water and a disinfectant that is safe for birds. Accumulations of droppings on perches or toys should be removed.

Step 1: When cleaning, keep a trash can nearby. Take your bird out of its cage and put it somewhere safe and secure.

The surrounding areas should be vacuumed or swept to get rid of any debris, such as seeds, hulls, and feathers. You can keep your floors clean and save time when cleaning by placing a plastic liner under your bird’s cage. Weekly or monthly cleaning may be necessary, depending on the kind and quantity of birds you own, the size of the cage, and the frequency of cage visits. Although most cages need to be thoroughly cleaned once a week, some smaller birds can get by with a monthly cleaning.

Step 5: Reassemble the birdcage. Place every item back inside the cage after the cage and its accessories have dried off. Replace the food and water dishes, insert a fresh liner, and then return your bird to their tidy nest.

Step 3: Clean toys and perches. Remove droppings from all toys and accessories with bird-friendly cleaner. Sandpaper can help remove these from wooden accessories. Just like the cage, wash, rinse, and disinfect. Certain toys can be washed in the dishwasher, and certain ropes might be suitable for the washing machine. Before reinstalling any accessories in the cage, they must all be fully dry. While they are drying, having multiple sets of perches can save time. Throw away any toy that breaks or doesn’t come clean.


How often should you change bird bedding?

She recommends changing small animal bedding at least once a week to maintain hygiene and prevent health issues.

How often should you change the paper in a bird cage?

In addition to being uncomfortable, it is unhealthy for birds to walk around in discarded food and droppings. Unchanged cage papers can also emit a very unpleasant stench. Avoid these problems by making sure to replace the liner of your bird’s cage every day.

Do birds like clean cages?

Keeping the cage clean will keep your bird happy and healthy, and that translates to good bird/family relations.

How often should I clean my bird?

However, as a general rule of thumb, you should clean your bird’s cage at least once a week. If you have a larger bird, then you might need to clean their cage more frequently. Also, make sure to clean up any messes or droppings as soon as you see them to ensure that bacteria or germs do not accumulate.