how to build a bird aviary

Step 5: Drilling the Bolt Holes

how to build a bird aviary

how to build a bird aviary

It was now time to assemble everything, so I measured and drilled holes around each section so that the sections could be bolted to one another. If you purchase nuts, bolts, and washers at a hardware store, you may pay as much as 75 cents per piece or more! For example, fifty bolts with three washers and a nut each will cost you more than fifty dollars, but if you purchase them at a bulk construction site or a farm and fleet store, you will pay less than ten dollars!

Outdoor Bird Aviary Explained

For example, if you only have one or two parrots, a small cage would be plenty. But you should think larger if you have a lot of feathered friends or very large birds.

Keeping birds inside can be cruel to them because they should spend some time in the great outdoors. This is where an outdoor bird aviary comes into play.

It acts as the perfect haven, giving them enough room to take flight and spread their wings. Most importantly, all without leaving your premises.

You may now be considering how to stay safe from the inclement weather. Will the birds in the outdoor aviary end up drenched in water if it rains?

Does their so-called “haven” provide them with the necessary sun protection on those scorching hot days?

These concerns can be easily put to rest when you know exactly what it takes to make an aviary that is safe and suitable for every type of bird you have. This is what this guide is all about!

The crucial steps you shouldn’t skip when constructing an outdoor bird aviary are listed below. We can help you with everything from choosing the ideal size to placing your birdcage in the ideal location!

1. Determine the aviary and bird sizes

You should give your feathered friends as much space as you can afford in order to get the most out of your birdhouse. Start by measuring up the useable space you can offer.

This will assist you in estimating the size of your outdoor aviary. You are allowing your birds the freedom to fly around and have fun if you have a large aviary.

The species usually determines the aviary’s overall size. Suppose you have large parrots. In comparison to finches and budgies, which can reside in a standard-sized birdcage, they will need a much larger flight case.

Here’s a chart of aviary sizes, courtesy of Here Bird.

  • Small birds: Width: 20?, Depth: 24?, Height: 24?
  • Medium birds: Width: 25?, Depth: 32?, Height: 35?
  • Large birds: Width: 35?, Depth: 40?, Height: 50?
  • Extra-large birds: Width: 40?, Depth: 50?, Height: 60?


How much does it cost to build a bird aviary?

For an aviary of 1-2 acres, the cost can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The initial construction cost will depend on the materials used, labor costs, and any additional features you want to include, such as water features or landscaping.

What is the best material for a bird aviary?

Stainless steel is the best material for a wire mesh aviary. Since minimal chemicals and heavy metals are leached from the material, it’s generally considered non-toxic for animals, humans, and the environment. Also, welded stainless steel mesh is also among the strongest, longest-lasting materials.

What is the best base for an aviary?

If building from scratch, a cement or rubble foundation is best, with a concrete floor on top. This can be hosed down easily, and will not be the muddy, disease-ridden quagmire that an earth floor can transform into. The concrete will also prevent mice and rats from burrowing under the aviary.

What is the best thing to put on the bottom of a bird aviary?

Concrete. Concrete floors for shelters have no doubt been the most popular for many reasons. Concrete is easily swept, scrubbed and cleaned. Parasitic worms can be cut down dramatically, as they do not like concrete; it can also be covered by sand, which also keeps worms down.