how much do bird vets cost

Over 50% of pet owners took their pet to the vet for a routine checkup at least one time in the previous year.

On To The Next Subject

After going over everything previously mentioned, they can move on to talk about safe caging and bar width, appropriate cage size, optimal cage locations, full spectrum lighting, different perches for healthy feet, the need for toys and how to select safe ones, and the significance of environmental enrichment. While they’re at it, they should also caution them about things like open toilets, fish tanks that aren’t covered, ceiling fans, aerosol sprays, toxic houseplants, non-stick cookware, and other pets and small children. , etc. I’ve been asked to collaborate with one of the local avian veterinarians on creating a behavioral guide for prospective parrot owners. Although he strongly believes in using psittacines to establish appropriate controls, he discovered that his new bird office visits grew to last more than an hour when he also attempted to explain teaching and training!

“Sick Bird Syndrome” or SBS

A sick dog not only appears sick, but its symptoms usually provide the veterinarian with some insight into the cause of the illness. Birds are different on this count, too. Birds with completely different illnesses can present with the same general set of symptoms. Those symptoms are referred to by avian veterinarians as Sick Bird Syndrome, or SBS. A bird suffering from SBS will fluff up in a warm room, sleep more than usual, eat less than usual, be quieter than usual, etc. What then could be the signs of a bird’s terminal renal tumor? SBS How about Parrot Fever? SBS. What about liver disease? SBS. Do you get the idea? This charming little ploy has frequently resulted in the following phone call:

Owner of bird to avian vet: “My parrot is quiet and fluffy.” What is wrong with him?” Avian Vet: “He’s sick. Owner: “I understand that, but what is wrong with him?” Avian veterinarian: “I’m not sure, other than that he’s ill.” I’d need to see him and possibly do some tests to determine what’s ailing him. Owner: “You should be able to tell me more than that; you’re a vet, so that’s crazy.” You’re just trying to rip me off. ” CLICK.

Why Is Avian Medicine So Expensive?

how much do bird vets cost

It was early in the afternoon, many years ago, during that lovely little lull that occasionally occurs during a typical day of a busy veterinary practice. I sat at the front desk, having just finished my lunch. When the phone rang, I answered.

“For the past few weeks, my daughter’s parakeet has been acting strangely, and she believes it is sick.” He’s now on the bottom of the cage, but I’ve been giving him some of that bird medicine I got from the feed store in his water. I asked the neighbor of my husband’s sister-in-law, who owns a bird, what I should do. She advised me to call the new store in town, speculating that perhaps since they only sell birds, they would have better medication. When I called them, they advised me to contact your hospital straight away because you guys treat birds and can advise me on what to do. In passing, she said, “I didn’t know that vets treated birds. My daughter is only eight years old, and she’s going to be very upset if it dies. ” (Like, why would they do such a thing?).

Unfortunately, this sad tale was a familiar one. For a brief moment, I pondered the likelihood that this tiny bird would survive and reach the hospital. I then informed her that the budgie sounded extremely ill and advised her to bring him in right away. I also mentioned the cost of an office visit for birds, as I had extensive experience with them.

“WHAT?!?!?! That’s absurd! This parakeet only costs $10!” she exclaimed.


Is it expensive to take a bird to the vet?

The cost of seeing an avian veterinarian can vary depending on several factors such as the geographic location, the type of bird being treated, the complexity of the health issue, and the services provided. On average, an initial consultation with an avian veterinarian can cost anywhere from $50 to $150 or more.

Can a regular vet treat a bird?

Avian medicine has become a highly technical part of veterinary medicine and often requires extra training after graduation to become well versed in treating pet birds. Most general dog and cat practitioners are not comfortable or knowledgeable in avian (pet bird) medicine.

How often should birds go to the vet?

In addition, all birds should receive annual veterinary examinations. Your veterinarian may have important reasons to see your bird on a different schedule, so discuss your specific plan with them. A veterinarian’s most important job is to help ensure your pet stays healthy and does not get sick.

What is a bird vet called?

An avian veterinarian is a veterinarian who specializes in treating birds.