how many birds per feeder

How many drinkers and feeders are required in a chicken house? Both are important items that play an important role in chicken health. Knowing more about these products will also help you understand which ones to buy and how much.

Feeders and drinkers should be resistant, so that they don’t fall over and the hens do not perch on them ( remember that food on the ground can attract birds and rodents that carry diseases).

In general, a 25 litre drinker and a 15 kg feeder are needed for more than 10 chickens. For a hen house with between 5 and 10 hens, a 12-litre drinker and a 10 kg feeder are recommended. Finally, if there are only a few hens, a 5-litre feeder and a 2.5 kg feeder are sufficient.

The difference between treadle feeders and hopper feeders

Food is deposited into treadle feeders, which are typically made of plastic or metal, and then dropped into a tray at the bottom.

This product has a number of advantages. To start, it is fairly inexpensive and easy to clean. Furthermore, the pedal system keeps other animals from stealing the food from the chickens.

Conversely, hopper feeders allow for the food to be lowered gradually and can be mounted to a wall or placed on the ground. This indicates that the hens will have an adequate supply of feed for a sizable amount of time. It is therefore the perfect option for people who are unable to devote a lot of time to their chicken house.

When using pans, we can frequently determine how much feed is required to fill the pan’s cone when the feed opening is set to the minimum. While different pan types vary, most pans require between 800 and 1000 grams to fill the cones. We can estimate how many pans we will need with this amount. We feed 50 x 10,000 = 500 kg of feed per day if we have 10,000 birds per house and the total amount of feed is 50 grams per bird. If a pan requires 1000 grams to fill it, we can use 500 pans (500 kg / 1 kg), and each of these 500 pans should have 20 birds (10,000 / 500) in sufficient feed places. This demonstrates that using pans with the smallest cones possible is advantageous when rearing We can use 500 kg / 0 if the pan holds 800 grams. 8 kg is equal to 625 pans, and since there will be 10,000 / 625 = 16 birds per pan, there will be more feeder space per bird. This is predicated on the feed being distributed exactly equally, as in the case of feeding in the dark. Although the practical circumstances are frequently too difficult to permit a totally equitable distribution, the idea

Given that a mature breeding bird’s width is roughly 15 cm across the shoulders, each bird should have access to a feeder space measuring roughly 15 cm at the conclusion of rearing and during production. However, because the birds are smaller, this feeder space is not required right away. Using the entire 15 cm from the beginning is also not very practical because feed amounts are very small at the beginning of rearing. Therefore, it is not practical or possible to use all of the feeder space—feed chains or pans—to prevent a large portion of the feeding system from being empty during feeding.

Feeder distribution and space are crucial instruments for raising a homogeneous flock of broiler breeders. Because of their severe restrictions, the birds in a flock compete fiercely for the limited amount of feed. Uniformity will suffer if there is insufficient space for feeders and poor feed distribution, which will deny smaller or less aggressive birds their fair share of the daily feed allotment. Non-feed days are frequently used when there is a shortage of feeder space in order to increase the amount of feed on feed days and provide the smaller birds with more opportunities. This is not advised because it frequently has a negative outcome and increases stress on the birds due to increased competition and stress levels following a non-feed day.

Although there isn’t a true standard for this, we can use one that works: a flock up to five weeks old requires five centimeters of feeder space per bird; flocks up to ten weeks old require ten centimeters of feeder space per bird; flocks beyond ten weeks old require fifteen centimeters of feeder space per bird. It won’t always be able to use precisely these dimensions when using feed chains because we can only work with the feed chain circuits that are in the house.

It is evident that we cannot precisely limit the number of feeder chains to get to 5 or 10 cm per bird if we have, for example, 8 feed chains (4 circuits) and 15 cm per bird. One meter of feeder chain would accommodate 100 cm / 15 cm per bird, or 6 when all the chains are in use and add up to 15 cm of feeder space. Approximately 13 birds per meter of feeder chain (both sides) if 7 birds are found on one side of the feeder chain. We can accommodate a maximum of 13 x 8 = 104 birds per m1 of house length if we have 8 chains (4 circuits) available. Six chains are available if we use one fewer circuit, which translates to 12 meters of feeder space (each chain is used on both sides) for 104 birds, or 1200 divided by 104, or 11. 5 cm per bird. Eight chains, or eight meters, of feeder space would be needed for 104 birds if we used two fewer circuits, so 800 / 104 = 7. 7 cm feeder space per bird. We are unable to use the precise values of 5 cm at 5 weeks and 10 cm at 10 weeks in this circumstance, but we are still able to use two circuits (7 7 cm/bird) for a maximum of 7-8 weeks, and three cycles (11 5 cm / bird) until 11 weeks, at which point all feeder space should be allocated.

Guide to choosing the right feeder

The most practical option is unquestionably the automatic feeders, which operate in a very straightforward manner and prevent food waste by shutting off as soon as the hen leaves.

For hens, 125 grams of feed should be given daily. There are other options besides pedal feeders, such as siphon feeders and hopper feeders. [vc_empty_space height=”20px”].


How many feeders do you need for 100 chickens?

Manual Feeders: Chick Trays are essential from placement to 12 days; the ratio must be 3 trays per 100 chicks. per 100 chickens.

How many feeders do I need for 50 chickens?

For a flock of 50 birds, go for a feeder that can hold at least 50 lb to 75 lb of food. To ensure each chicken is getting fed, you might want to have 2 to 3 feeders, each holding 25 lb to 35 lb. If you have 2 to 4 birds, you can use a metal feeder, perfect for ground-feeding birds.

How many feeders do I need for 25 chickens?

It depends on the size of your feeders however the Chicken Whisperer recommends that you should allow one feeder per 4 chickens, and if you have multiple feeders, space them out within their run/enclosure.

How long does a 50 lb bag of chicken feed last?

If you’re buying a 50-pound bag of feed, it would feed your chicken for about 33 weeks. If you have four hens in your flock, eating about 6 pounds of feed a week, you’ll go through a 50-pound bag of feed about every 8 weeks. For long-term success, feed a complete Purina® chicken feed.