how many bird species in uganda

For anybody interested in African bird watching, Uganda is the ultimate destination. The countrys small size might mislead you into dismissing it as a bird-watching destination, and yet more than 1000 different bird species can be seen there.

Statistically, this is around 50% of all bird species in Africa. As a birder, this means you will check off the most birds in Uganda. Whether you are new to birding or a seasoned birder, this is exciting.

This article is intended to give you a glance at all the birds in Uganda. Going into any form of detail would require a dedicated book. The birds are grouped and shown in tables and lists for simpler formatting, and we hope this makes it easy to read through.

Drongos edit

The drongos’ primary colors are black or dark grey, though occasionally they have metallic undertones. Their tails are long and forked, and certain Asian species have beautiful tail decorations. They sit very straight when perched, resembling shrikes, and have short legs. They flycatch or take prey from the ground.

Sunbirds and spiderhunters edit

These tiny passerine birds, called sunbirds and spiderhunters, mostly eat nectar, though they occasionally eat insects, particularly when they are feeding their young. Flight is fast and direct on their short wings. While most species can hover like hummingbirds to collect nectar, they typically perch to feed.

Gulls, Terns, And Skimmers

The family Laridae includes terns, skimmers, gulls, and medium- to large seabirds. Gulls are usually white or grey in color, with black markings on their wings or head. They have stout, longish bills and webbed feet.

A group of medium-sized to large seabirds known as terns usually have grey or white plumage, with black markings frequently found on the head. While most terns hunt fish by diving, some also harvest insects from freshwater surfaces. Terns are known to live for more than 30 years, and they are typically long-lived birds.

Skimmers are a small family of tropical tern-like birds. They use their elongated lower mandible to fly low over the water’s surface and skim it in search of small fish.

  • Lesser black-backed gull
  • Slender-billed gull
  • Caspian gull
  • Gray-hooded gull
  • Black-headed gull
  • Pallass gull
  • White-winged tern
  • Gull-billed tern
  • Caspian tern
  • Lesser crested tern
  • Whiskered tern
  • Black tern
  • Common tern
  • African skimmer

The majority of medium-sized “true petrels” are called procellariids, and they are distinguished by having united nostrils with a medium septum and a long outer functional primary

Large, long-necked, long-legged waders with thick, long bills are called storks. Even though storks cannot talk, they still clatter their bills when they communicate at the nest.

They can build large nests that they can use for a long time. Many species are migratory.

  • African openbill
  • Black stork
  • Abdims stork
  • Woolly-necked stork
  • Yellow-billed stork
  • Marabou stork
  • Saddle-billed stork
  • White stork

Due to their long, thin necks, anhingas, also known as darters, are sometimes referred to as “snake birds” because they resemble snakes when swimming with their bodies submerged. In comparison to females, males have a larger bill, an erectile crest on the nape, and black and dark-brown plumage.

The plumage of females is significantly paler, particularly around the neck and underparts. The darters’ legs are short and positioned far back on the body, and their feet are entirely webbed.

Similar to cormorants, their plumage is somewhat porous, and after diving, they spread their wings to dry.

The family Phalacrocoracidae is made up of medium-sized to large coastal fish-eating seabirds, such as shags and cormorants. The majority of species have mostly dark plumage, while some have black-and-white plumage and a few have colorful plumage.

  • Long-tailed cormorant
  • Great cormorant

Large aquatic birds called pelicans have a unique pouch under their beak. They have webbed feet with four toes.

  • Great white pelican
  • Pink-backed pelican

The shoebill is a large bird related to the storks. It derives its name from its massive shoe-shaped bill.

A medium-sized bird with a long, shaggy crest is the hamerkop. Its name comes from the shape of its head, which resembles a hammer due to its curved bill and crest at the back. Its plumage is drab-brown all over.


How many species of birds does Uganda have?

This is a list of the bird species recorded in Uganda. The avifauna of Uganda included a total of 1088 confirmed species as of February 2023. Of them, one is endemic, and three have been introduced by humans.

Which bird is endemic to Uganda?

The rare Fox’s Weaver (Ploceus spekeoides) is Uganda’s only endemic bird. It is listed globally as a Near Threatened species. This bird’s preferred habitats are the papyrus-fringed lakes with nearby wooded grassland and seasonally flooded wetlands.

Which African country has the most bird species?

Which African country has the most Bird species? The Democratic Republic of The Congo (DRC) is the country with the most bird species in Africa it has 1139 Bird species. Nearly beating Tanzania which has 1137.

What is the rarest bird in Uganda?

Undoubtedly one of the world’s rarest birds, the Shelley’s Crimsonwing can be found on most bird-bucket lists. They live in a thin strip of mountains and volcanoes – known as the Albertine Rift – that borders Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.