does a fake owl keep birds away

Theres no need to doubt that putting a fake owl in your yard will deter birds because a study has confirmed it. The study was conducted at Linfield College in Oregon, and it concluded that fake owls were effective bird deterrents but only for a limited time. The strategy works because owls are natural predators of songbirds. Cornell University also reports that plastic owls deter birds – specifically woodpeckers – but that deterrence lasts for only a few days.

Determine What You’re Dealing With

Knowing the kind of bird you are dealing with is crucial before you try to scare it away. Make sure to observe and study birds as some techniques have been shown to be more effective on particular species. Look for nesting areas and droppings to identify the type of bird that is bothering you.

Owls Are Deadly, but Birds Are Smart

For an owl, an intimidating sight with its sharp eyes and massive stature may be impressive to humans, but it must be terrifying for a bird. Owls are fearless flyers that occasionally attack from above in a dead drop. They have unique feathers on their wings that muffle the sound of flapping. Thus, an owl’s presence definitely encourages a bird to fly away.

Nonetheless, birds are intelligent enough to recognize a fake from the real thing, particularly when food is available. According to someone evaluating the efficacy of a specific plastic owl, pigeons had to learn after about four days that it wasn’t real before they could comfortably eat seeds within four to five meters (roughly thirteen to sixteen feet) of the fake owl. Even though the head of this particular plastic owl moved, the birds weren’t persuaded that it wasn’t real. A wildlife removal blog expert assures readers that pigeons typically quickly discover that plastic owls aren’t real.

Using Sound To Your Advantage

does a fake owl keep birds away

High pitch noises are used in ultrasonics to frighten away birds. These noises are typically higher than 20 k Hz, which is inaudible to most people. These sounds are produced by specialized equipment, most of which have speakers that are placed in various locations. The drawback of this approach is that birds have a limited hearing range, so they may approach your property before fleeing.

An additional method for deterring birds with noises is to utilize a distress signal call system. Birds as a species tend to alert one another to danger or possible danger. To deter birds, call systems have been created that replicate those cautionary noises. Although it has long been known that birds can distinguish between recorded and real distress calls, modern technology is making digital calls more and more popular.

This is the technique to use in order to scare off birds. To deter birds, use decoys such as scarecrows, balloons, faux owls, and rubber snakes. For a while, this strategy might work, but eventually birds figure it out. They will eventually grow accustomed to whatever ruse you are employing. Many times they will turn scarecrows into a comfortable perch. The best defense against situations like this is to rotate and reposition the decoy frequently. This will wear out the birds and give the decoy a lively appearance. This is why balloons are a popular pick.


Will fake owl scare birds away?

Fake owls might work if you need to keep birds or animals away from somewhere for just a day or two. Or you could move your plastic owl around your house or garden so it looks like it’s real. Some people also tie it to a rope so it sways and moves, almost like it’s flying.

What is the most effective bird deterrent?

Bird Spikes are a simple but effective deterrent for birds. The blunt, harmless spikes thwart birds’ efforts to land without harming them in any way. Spikes can be permanently or temporarily installed.

What noise scares birds away?

Distress calls mimic the sounds of birds in distress, signaling danger to other birds in the vicinity. Playing recordings of predator sounds such as hawks, owls, or falcons can effectively scare away birds. Combining sound with visual scare tactics can increase the effectiveness of bird control measures.

Do fake owls scare hummingbirds?

As long as there’s no motion involved with the decoy, it shouldn’t scare away the hummers. If it moves or if it’s shiny and appears to move, it might scare them. Hummers can be really shy in that way.