what type of birds does petco sell

Hello everyone! Im aware that larger pet stores like Pet Smart and PetCo arent exactly known for their tender love and care when it comes to the pets they sell. Ive heard everything from live fish being outright thrown away after becoming “unsellable”, to cats and dogs being neglected and abused from the time they come in until theyre sold. Im expecting to see more stories like this in the comments which is why Ive turned on the NSFW tag.

Now, I know problems like these are complex, and that maybe not every location is run by evil humans. My local PetCo, while nothing stellar, has fairly tame and playful birds for store bought. (They just arent all that hand tame as one of the employees mentioned) Because of this, I encourage comments to remain kind and constructive. Theres no need to shoot the messenger for telling a story or to get onto someone who didnt know better. But also, correct them! (with kindness and compassion please)

As for the main question, Id like to elaborate a bit: Im curious about the birds journey from hatchday, to being transported from the breeder to the store, to waiting on their future human, and what the process looks like while theyre heading for the door.

Do these stores use reputable breeders? From what I can see comparing local shops to my nearby PetCo, they seem to overcharge by a lot. Is that usually the case or is the local shop maybe buying from a breeder thats suspiciously cheap?

Also, the same employee told me the birds arent really “hand fed”. Why say they are when they arent?

And, are those display cages you see at stores really all that safe? One of the GCCs at the local PetCo was hanging (playfully) from a small metal loop while another had its food in an air vent. Seemed like normal bird behavior but I wondered about the safety of those appliances.

Some of the birds housed there havent sold for a while. What do they do if the little guy never sells? I saw a discounted cockatiel, but I wonder if he gets sent back to the breeder or to somewhere else unpleasant once enough time has passed.

Also, can you negotiate prices at these places? Id rather avoid shopping there (perhaps more so after the comments come in), but a little canary winged parakeet named Newt loves to show off for me while Im there. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

8. Birds Need to See Expensive Avian Veterinarians for Bloodwork

Did you know that some bird species can suffer a serious and potentially fatal calcium deficiency during the egg-forming process? Or that birds require fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis?

Caring for birds in a way that keeps them even relatively happy and healthy is no easy feat, and they have many species-specific needs. For example, many owners don’t realize that some bird species must spend a certain amount of time in the dark to keep from developing or laying eggs—and female birds can become ill or even die if eggs become stuck inside their bodies.

It might be challenging to locate a reputable veterinarian in your area that specializes in bird care. Another compelling argument against purchasing birds for sale is that you will never be able to locate a reputable avian veterinarian in your area.

Nature vs. Torture: Why You Should Never Buy Birds for Sale as ‘Pets’

In contrast to the canines and felines that many people share their homes and lives with, birds are untamed animals that have not evolved to be indoor companions for humans. Being confined to a small cage, or even a larger indoor space, like a room, is extremely frustrating for birds born into the “pet” industry. These birds are only a few generations removed from free bird colonies living and flying in their natural habitats.

Birds denied the chance to exercise properly through flight, use their large brains to flex cognitive and social skills, or communicate their feelings to other members of their species are harmed by being caged or kept as “pets,” despite the fact that all of these activities are essential to their survival and well-being. Birds sold as “pets” may scream, bite, pace, peck at the cage bars repeatedly, or pull out their own feathers until their skin is raw and bleeding due to the constant stress of captivity and claustrophobia.

Every day, birds of all kinds display a variety of physical and social behaviors that showcase their extraordinary skills, exquisite senses, and distinct personalities. These can assist birds in finding a mate, finding food for their young, or calling to other flock members who may be hundreds of feet away when they are in the great outdoors—soaring high above the ground, swimming in the water, or perched in the treetops. When purchased as “pets,” people frequently discover that the natural and unnatural behaviors displayed by captive birds are not appropriate for a human home.

When someone purchases any kind of bird for sale as a “pet,” be it a parrot, cockatoo, parakeet, conure, lovebird, cockatiel, duck, or any other species, they are depriving those animals of the opportunity to communicate many of their most fundamental, innate needs. There is never going to be a “pet” bird that is completely content, healthy, and whole, even for those who strictly adhere to the advice of bird care books.

5. Just Like Cats, Dogs, and Humans, Birds Feel Love, Fear, Pain, and Joy

When they are kept as “pets” in cages, they will never be able to live the rich, fulfilling lives that they deserve. “A mate is their ultimate goal in life, and solitary birds will travel great distances to find this kind of relationship.”

Birds are intelligent and require stimulation. For them to mimic their natural behavior and maintain cognitive engagement while in captivity, puzzles and enrichment are necessary. They also need pricey toys that they can disassemble, which means that bird guardians have to replace them often because the toys don’t last very long.


Are Petco birds hand raised?

To reduce costs further, breeding mills often sell babies like these to pet stores, where they may be fed by inexperienced or undertrained staff members. Petco sells birds who have been “hand-fed,” which means that humans tore them from their parents at a young age.

Where do Petco birds come from?

Both Petsmart and Petco get their birds from the Kaytee Preferred Birds program which has two facilities located in Florida. They are also establishing one in Las Vegas.

Why did Petsmart stop selling birds?

Petsmart has suspended all sales of pet birds due to a bacterial infection that can be fatal to birds and in some cases humans. I LIKE THIS ONE:Cristian Trejo finds a bird he likes at Omar’s Exotic Pets in Lake Forest Tuesday afternoon.