what is the national bird of wales

Description edit

Male red kites weigh 800–1,200 g (28–42 oz), while females weigh 1,000–1,300 g (35–46 oz). Red kites are 60–70 cm (24–28 in) long[14] and have a wingspan of 175–179 cm (69–70 in). [3] It is a graceful bird that soars on long, dihedral wings and a long, forked tail that twists as it changes course. The body, upper tail and wing coverts are rufous. The dark secondaries and black wing tips contrast with the white primary flight feathers. The sexes are similar except for the difference in weight; juveniles have a larger breast and belly. It makes a thin, piping sound when calling, not as mewling as a common buzzard. A rare white leucistic form makes up about 1% of the hatchlings in the Welsh population, but this variation puts the population at a disadvantage when it comes to survival. [15].

Ireland edit

The following numbers, the most of which are estimates, have been compiled from multiple sources. [3][60][62][63][64][65] They encompass the majority of the nations thought to be the breeding grounds for red kites.

Behaviour edit

Red kites typically begin reproducing at the age of two, though on rare occasions, they may do so as early as one year. [17][18] They are monogamous, and in resident populations, the pair-bond is likely preserved throughout the winter, especially if the pair stays in their breeding area. Because migrant populations are loyal to a specific nesting site, pair bonds are likely to be renewed during each breeding season. The nest is typically positioned between 12 and 15 meters (39 and 49 feet) above the ground in a fork of a large hardwood tree. A couple will occasionally use a nest from the previous year and may even take up residence in a common buzzard’s old nest. The nest is built by both sexes. Dead twigs measuring 30–50 cm (12–20 in) in length are brought by the male and placed by the female. The nest’s perimeter is covered in grass, occasionally with sheepswool. No greenery is added to the nest, in contrast to the black kite. Throughout the nest-building and nestling stages, both sexes keep adding materials. The size of nests varies a lot and can grow significantly if the same nest is used for multiple seasons.

The eggs are laid at three-day intervals. Typically, there are one to three eggs in the clutch, but records have occasionally shown as many as five eggs. The eggs have a white background with reddish-brown dots; they are not glossy. The average size is 57 mm × 45 mm (2. 2 in × 1. 8 in) with a calculated weight of 63 g (2. 2 oz). Laying starts in early March in the Mediterranean region, but it starts at the end of March in Britain and central Europe. The female is the one who incubates the eggs for the most part, but the male will occasionally step in while she feeds. The male will also bring food for the female. Incubation starts as soon as the first egg is laid. A clutch of three eggs requires 38 days to incubate because they hatch asynchronously; each egg hatches after 31 to 32 days. The chicks are cared for by both parents. For the first fourteen days, the male brings food to the nest, which the female gives to the chicks while she stays at home and tends to them. Later, to help the chicks feed themselves, both parents bring food items to the nest. After 45 days, the nestlings start to climb the branches surrounding their nest, but they rarely fledge before 48–50 days and occasionally not until 60–70 days. The young are fed by their parents for a further 15–20 days while living close to the nest. Every year, only one brood is raised; however, in the event that the eggs are lost, the female will relay

In Germany, the oldest known age of a ringed bird is 25 years and 8 months. [21] A bird discovered dead in Buckinghamshire in 2018 also holds the BTO longevity record for Britain and Ireland at 25 years and 8 months. [22] In Oxfordshire in 2023, one of the first red kites to be reintroduced to the UK was discovered hurt. It eventually passed away at the age of 29. [23].


What is Wales national animal?

Welsh Dragon
The red dragon, or “Y Ddraig Goch” in the native tongue, is a symbol of all things Welsh. Sitting front and centre on the national flag, it has proudly posed as the national animal for thousands of years. Like the unicorn in Scotland and the lion in England, there’s a grand story behind the beast.

What is England’s national bird?

The robin may be feeling a sense of deja-vu – it was also declared Britain’s National Bird on December 15th, 1960.

What bird is native to Wales?

Redstarts and pied flycatchers are typical birds of Welsh oak woodland and breeding chough can be found around the Welsh coastline in areas of short coastal grassland and rocky cliffs.

What is the symbol of the Welsh bird?

The red kite Thanks to – frankly miraculous – conservation efforts during the following decades, however, these beautiful birds of prey can once again be seen soaring over rural areas of Wales, and in 2007 the Welsh people voted the copper-breasted raptor as the nation’s favourite bird.