what is the meaning of crane bird

Crane symbolism is rich and varied – these majestic birds are revered across various cultures and stand as symbols of happiness, longevity, and peace.

Among the tallest flighted birds globally, the 15 crane species boast long legs and necks. Their resonant trumpeting calls echo far across the wetlands they inhabit, creating a harmonious melody in the places they call home.

Cranes have a rich history in symbolism, deeply rooted in various cultures and mythologies across the globe. These birds are very family-oriented – they form life-long pairs and fiercely attack any intruders. This is why they are often perceived as protectors and symbolize lifelong relationships. They also symbolize family, insight, long life, loyalty, patience, endurance, and communication.

In ancient Turkey, they were believed to usher in good luck, happiness, and fertility as well as represent loyalty and wisdom.

Cranes also stand as symbols of hope, exemplified by the remarkable resurgence of the Whooping Crane population.

Additionally, the Japanese origami art of Senbazuru further underscores the crane’s association with hope and also the wish for peace.

Folding 1,000 origami cranes is believed to hold the power to fulfill a pure, heartfelt wish. A Japanese girl undertook that journey as she was suffering from leukemia as a result of the Hiroshima bombing. She wished for health for her and her family and peace.

What does a crane symbolize?

A crane symbolizes happiness, longevity, peace, loyalty, vigilance, and hope.

What does a pair of cranes symbolize?

A couple of cranes represents a happy and devoted union, demonstrating their enduring love and focus on raising a family.

Cranes are considered intelligent birds.

Are cranes good luck?

Cranes are considered symbols of good luck in many cultures.

The women of the Ainu people danced the crane dance in northern Hokkaid?, and Arnold Genthe photographed it in 1908. Since the Silla Dynasty (646 CE), a crane dance has been performed in the courtyard of the Tongdosa Temple in Korea.

Knowing she was going to die from leukemia brought on by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, she set out to make a thousand origami cranes before passing away at the age of twelve. Following her passing, she gained recognition on a global scale as a representation of the defenseless victims of war, and many Japanese girls still look up to her.

Records of cranes dating back thousands of years have placed them in many cultures as highly symbolic birds because of their beauty and amazing mating dances. Crane mythology is prevalent and can be found in many places, including the Native American cultures of North America, the Aegean, South Arabia, China, Korea, and Japan.

Pine, Plum and Cranes, 1759, by Shen Quan (1682—1760). Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk. The Palace Museum, Beijing.

In the History of Animals, Aristotle recounts the crane migration and includes a story of their skirmishes with the Pygmies during their wintering near the Nile’s source. He calls untrue the story that the crane contains a touchstone that, when vomited up, can be used to test for gold. (This second theory is not completely out of the question; cranes may swallow suitable gizzard stones in one place and regurgitate them in another where they would otherwise be rare.) ).