how to make your own flappy bird

Create Flappy Bird: Scratch games are visually fun and interactive ways of learning coding and game development, especially for children between the ages of 8 to 16. A Catcher game on Scratch can be of different types depending on the sprite’s movement, objective, and rewards. In this blog, we will discuss how to make a flappy bird game on Scratch.

Looking to learn Scratch coding? Explore Wiingy’s Online Scratch Coding Classes For Kids to learn from top Scratch coding experts.

Step 4: Make a background [end of the game]

Let’s make a background for the end of the game.

  • Click on the sprite’s “Paint”.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Convert to Bitmap”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Fill” and select the black color.
  • Click on the “Fill” tool.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the paint area.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Convert to Vector”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Text” tool

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Fill” and select the red color.
  • To select the paint area, click the “Text” tool.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Write a note saying “Game Over” when the game ends.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Change the sprite name.
  • Modify the sprite’s location and set (x, y) = (0, 0).

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Code”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Hide the game over sprite when the game start.
  • Drag

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Let’s add a message receive block so that the “game over” sprite appears on the game over message.
  • Drag

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Type the message for the end of the game.
  • Click on “Ok”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • The “game over” sprite will appear and the flappy bird game will end when you drag and drop the “When I receive the game over” message.
  • Drag

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “bird” sprite.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • End the game if the bird touches the pipe sprite.
  • To determine whether the bird touches the pipe sprite, write a conditional statement.
  • Drag

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Let’s broadcast a game-over message.
  • Drag

how to make your own flappy bird

Step 2: Add the pillars sprite [the bird will fly through]

  • Create the pillars that the bird will fly through.
  • Click here to download the pipe sprite.
  • Click on the “Show in folder”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Now, upload the pipe sprite.
  • Click on the “Upload Sprite”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Search your downloaded pipe sprite in your download directory.
  • Click on it and click on the “Open”.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Pipe sprite added. Let’s modify it.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Costumes”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Convert to Vector”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on “Select” from paint tools.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the pipe

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Make a duplicate of the pipe sprite.
  • Press “Ctrl + c” and then press “Ctrl + v”.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • After selecting the duplicate “pipe,” select “Flip Vertical.”

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Arrange both “pipe” sprites as shown below.

how to make your own flappy bird

  • Click on the “Code”

how to make your own flappy bird

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Why was Flappy Bird banned?

Flappy Bird was removed from both the App Store and Google Play on February 10, 2014, with Nguyen claiming that he felt guilty over what he considered to be the game’s addictive nature and overusage.

How much does it cost to make a game like Flappy Bird?

High-quality graphics and audio also contribute to the overall price, as creating detailed art and sound requires more time and resources. For example, a simple mobile game like Flappy Bird may have cost less than $50,000 to develop, while a complex game like Witcher 3 could cost over $10 million.