what is the fastest game bird in europe

Pictured above is a golden plover, a tiny bird commonly found in the United Kingdom but also found in Iceland, France, and the Baltic. About a half-century ago, they were among the favorites of game hunters throughout the British Isles. Weighing in at only about seven ounces, they weren’t being hunted for food, though; golden plover hunts were about the challenge, not the post-hunt meal. At about 10 inches (25 cm) tall, the golden plover was a small target.

And it was a fast one, too — so fast, it changed history. Or, at least, how we record it.

In 1951, a man named Hugh Beaver, then a manager at a brewery in Ireland, was on the southeastern coast of the island, participating in a bird hunt. As the Washington Post notes, it didn’t go well for him. Beaver took aim at a golden plover, fired. . . . and missed. He had an excuse, though: he claimed that golden plover was a tough shot, as it was Europe’s fastest game bird. His friend disagreed, arguing that the red grouse (seen here) held that honor. The two engaged in friendly banter over which bird was faster, but that argument went unresolved, for very good reason: there was no way to determine which one of them was actually right.

The discussion ended there but Beaver was inspired by the impasse — and he saw an opportunity to make something new. There had to be hundreds of thousands of questions just like this, where there’s a right answer, but there was no authoritative resource on which to rely, As a brewer by trade, Beaver saw this as a real problem: pub bets, across the UK and beyond, were being left unresolved. Beer and trivia go hand-in-hand, and he decided it was time to solve this problem — never again would someone be left unsure of which game bird was truly Europe’s fastest. For the next few years, Beaver worked with some trivia mavens, putting together a book of interesting and often esoteric data behind the fastest, strongest, longest, etc. about virtually everything he could think of.

But Beaver wasn’t really interested in changing careers and becoming an author. He just wanted to make and sell beer — so he tied his two projects together. In 1955, he printed about 1,000 copies of the book, not to sell, but to give away at pubs, all in an effort to promote his brewery, Guinness. The book, then known as the Guinness Book of Records, proved so popular that people wanted to buy copies; as the Guinness Book’s website notes, the book “became a Christmas best-seller that year.”

Today, Guinness World Records is the authoritative source for the superlative accomplishments around the globe, all because Beaver missed his shot.

(And, yes, the golden plover is the fastest European game bird, at least according to Guinness.)

Bonus fact: More than half a century later, Guinness World Records is the record book, but it’s not comprehensive — and doesn’t strive to be, because they don’t want to give people incentive to do bad things. For example, according to the Guinness World Records website, they used to have a category for “world’s heaviest cat.” But in 1998, that category disappeared from the annual guide; “editors and record managers decided to discontinue the category to deter people from over-feeding their pets just to appear in the book.”

Distribution and habitat edit

European golden plover tends to breed in the Arctic tundra and other palearctic regions; it can be found as far east as central Siberia and as far west as Iceland, where it is known as Heiðlóa. [7] From Europe to North Africa, it typically congregates in big flocks and spends the winter in open spaces, agricultural plains, tilled ground, and short meadows. [8][9].

Tipulidae are necessary for the feeding of golden plover chicks in the United Kingdom, but Bibionidae are more significant in Sweden. [10].

Behaviour and ecology edit

The monosyllabic, melancholic, slightly descending call of the European golden plover is “tuu.” [7][9].

Its flight action is rapid and powerful, with regular wingbeats.[8]

But Beaver wasn’t really interested in changing careers and becoming an author. He just wanted to make and sell beer — so he tied his two projects together. In 1955, he printed about 1,000 copies of the book, not to sell, but to give away at pubs, all in an effort to promote his brewery, Guinness. The book, then known as the Guinness Book of Records, proved so popular that people wanted to buy copies; as the Guinness Book’s website notes, the book “became a Christmas best-seller that year.”

The conversation came to an end there, but Beaver was motivated by the deadlock and saw a chance to create something new. Being a brewer by trade, Beaver recognized that there must be hundreds of thousands of questions like this with correct answers, but there was no reliable source to turn to. This constituted a serious issue because pub bets in the UK and elsewhere were going unanswered. Beer and trivia go hand in hand, so he decided it was time to find the answer so that no one would ever be in the dark about which game bird was actually the fastest in Europe again. Over the following few years, Beaver collaborated with a group of trivia experts to compile an intriguing book containing frequently obscure information about the records for fastest, strongest, longest, etc. about virtually everything he could think of.

It also happened quickly enough to alter history. Or, at least, how we record it.

(And, yes, the golden plover is the fastest European game bird, at least according to Guinness.)

Because Beaver missed his shot, Guinness World Records is now the definitive source for extraordinary achievements worldwide.


What is the fastest game bird in the UK?

Red grouse are the fastest-flying game birds in the UK, which makes hunting them a challenge – and is often cited as part of the appeal of this recreational activity. Grouse shooting is worth an estimated £30 million a year to Scotland’s economy.

What is the fastest-flying species of game bird?

The bird that can achieve the greatest airspeed is the peregrine falcon, able to exceed 320 km/h (200 mph) in its dives. A close relative of the common swift, the white-throated needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus), is commonly reported as the fastest bird in level flight with a reported top speed of 169 km/h (105 mph).