how to tell if your bird is hormonal

As title states, I was wondering what the more subtle signs of hormonal behavior are. We got a female cockatiel, so Im obviously aware of the tail in the air and making noises kind of thing, rubbing their butt on something, or being in the bottom of the cage a lot (especially during spring and fall). But I was wondering if theres any other indicators that are maybe more subtle and that we should be aware of so it doesnt even come to the extreme arousal state behavior?

I just watched a video from birdtricks on hormonal behavior and she had mentioned that even cuddliness can be a sign of hormones and something that shouldnt be encouraged. That just made me wonder because whenever Im sitting/half laying on the couch, our girl loves to snuggle up against my neck. She just gets really comfy, often beak grinds, and just gets kind of sleepy. I always assumed she just liked it there because its warm. But now I feel kind of insecure about it. So I was just curious to hear about you guys experiences and insights on whats hormonal and what isnt etc. And figured it might be interesting for others as well. Thank you! 🙂

It can be hard for novice bird owners to understand. Your parrot may behave like a vicious little monster one moment and be a kind, peaceful, and well-mannered member of your family the next. The most frequent cause of these kinds of personality shifts in birds is that they are going through a hormonal shift brought on by the mating season. Continue reading to learn about some of the most typical indicators of hormonal behavior in birds and how to handle them until their behavior changes.

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As the title suggests, I was curious about the more subdued indications of hormonal behavior. Since we recently acquired a female cockatiel, I am obviously aware of their tendency to rub their butt on objects, wag their tail and make noises, and spend a lot of time in the bottom of the cage, particularly in the spring and fall. However, I was wondering if there were any other signs, perhaps more subdued, that we should be aware of in order to prevent the behavior from reaching the extreme arousal state.

I recently watched a video on hormonal behavior by birdtricks, in which she said that cuddliness can also be an indication of hormones and should not be encouraged. That just got me to thinking because our girl loves to cuddle up against my neck whenever I’m sitting or partially lying on the couch. She simply becomes extremely comfortable, frequently grinds her beak, and seems drowsy. I’ve always thought that she just enjoyed the warm environment there. But now I feel kind of insecure about it. I was therefore interested in learning about your experiences and perspectives on what is and isn’t hormonal, etc. And figured it might be interesting for others as well. Thank you! :).


How long will my bird be hormonal?

You can plan strategies so that your household and you can live in peace during the hormonal period. It usually lasts two or three months. You may have to keep the Parrot in his cage (even a mild Cockatiel can become a fireball at this time) if he is super destructive, territorial or biting during this period.

What does a hormonal bird look like?

Signs of chronic hormonal behavior include biting and aggression, loud screaming, ripping up carpet and furniture, hiding under furniture every chance they get, and health issues.

What causes birds to be hormonal?

The most common reason for these sorts of personality changes is that your bird is going through a hormonal period due to the mating season. Read on to discover some of the most common signs of hormonal behavior in birds and how to cope until your pet’s behavior subsides.