how to make a paper flying bird easy

Things You Will Need

  • A square piece of paper.
  • Scissors (optional)

Making a Paper Bird Plane

  • 1 Grab a piece of square origami paper. If you don’t have square paper, align the edges of a rectangular piece of paper by folding one corner down. After folding, you will have a triangle shape with a rectangular piece remaining. Remove the rectangular portion to end of with a square. [6] Place your paper on the table with the white side up and the colored side down. Note which side of your paper is facing up and which side is facing down if it has two different colored sides. If the two sides of your paper are the same color, mark one side slightly or draw a pattern to help you distinguish between them. For example, mark the bottom side facing the table. You can use this mark to determine which side of the paper is facing you at any given time. When the bird is finished, the side or color that faces the table will be the side or color you see.
  • 2 Make two creases by folding the paper in half twice. Fold your paper in half, first on a horizontal fold. Next, unfold it once more and fold it vertically this time. Unfold your paper so it’s laying flat again. You should have two creases that look like a cross. The marked side will face the table if the bottom was marked.
  • 3 Using a diagonal fold, bring the two corners of the paper together. To make a diagonal crease, fold the paper diagonally now. Unfold and repeat with the other side. You will now four creases in your paper. Two diagonal ones, one vertical, and one horizontal. The marked side will still be facing the table if you marked the bottom.
  • 4 Fold the paper in half again. On the horizontal crease, fold the bottom of the paper up and away from you. The bottom marked side will now be up facing you. Next, turn the paper over so that the two exposed flaps are facing you.
  • 5 Raise a corner and fold it in along the line of your diagonal crease. Now you should have a triangle on the paper with a flap overlaid on a square section. Bring the flap over to the left and fold the triangle in half. There will already be crease lines; just fold along those lines. The side of the paper that was initially facing up and unmarked will become the inside flaps of your folds. Continue doing this on the opposite side of the paper until you have four triangle flaps. Your paper should have two flaps on each side, forming the shape of a triangle.
  • 6 Fold the top flaps into your center crease. Fold the inner edges of each of the two top flaps inward to match the center crease. Now, place two flaps over the paper’s base flaps to form a diamond shape. Fold the top flaps in half on a backward fold. Now, align the outer edges of each of the folded flaps by folding them backward. You will now have three layers of folds.
  • 7 Bring the centerline of the top layer of folds together. Lift each flap up from the inside edge. Bring it over to align with the center crease. You will be making another crease and widening the top flap’s outer edge as you bring it over to the center crease. The top flaps’ outer edge will line up with the fold from your prior fold. You will still have three layers.
  • 8 Bring the bottom flaps in to align with the edge of the fold you just made. The flat flaps, or the layer of paper on the table, should now be folded in half so that the edges match the outer edges of your previous fold. With four points at the bottom and one point at the top, your paper will now resemble a stealth bomber paper airplane.
  • 9 Lift the section of the paper beneath the middle flaps. As you raise the center of your paper, preserve the folds you made earlier. Slide the two tail flaps back to expose a flat piece of paper underneath. Pull the flat piece of paper through the two flaps on your Fold on the creases in the opposite direction to preserve the folds you made for the tail. This will allow you to flatten the layers of folds. Now you should have a piece of paper that resembles a shark fin and is standing up. The fins’ exteriors ought to match the side and color that you’ve indicated. The inside is the plain color.
  • 10 Flatten the center portion of paper down. Take the shark fin’s edge and press it flat against the other fold layers. Now, a triangle will form that sits between the inner edges of your wings. Looking at the back of your bird, you will now have six layers of folds.
  • 11 Unfold the outer flaps that make up the wings. There will be a diagonal crease line in the middle of each wing once they have flattened. Pull out on the uppermost layer of the wings in an upward and diagonal direction, maintaining the center folds, until the crease line becomes the outer edge. The bottom edge of the wings should be flat. Another layer will now be on top, with a bottom diagonal edge meeting at a corner. Press down on the center folds of your bird as you pull the paper outward, allowing the portion you are pulling out to flatten on the creases you have already made. The bird’s center fold and tail folds should remain undamaged.
  • 12 Fold the outer parts of the wings inward. Once more, fold the wings in such a way that the lower edge of the fold matches the lower edge of the first layer of paper. Verify that every wing is equal and that the bottom edges of each wing meet.
  • 13 Unfold the wings so each one is flat again. Next, fold each side of the wings into a tiny triangle by bringing their upper corners inward. Align the triangle fold’s long edge with the crease you just made from the previous fold.
  • 14 Fold the wings inward twice more until the inner edge of each wing touches the outside edge of your bird’s tail. Maintaining the small triangle folds you just made, fold the wings inward. Twice on each side, fold the wings back over using the crease lines as guides. The fold you made before folding the triangle corners is the first of these two folds. On your second fold, a section of your paper will cross the central region. The bottom of the wings should align with the tail.
  • 15 Fold the paper’s upper portion back toward you. Take the tip of your paper and fold it back so that it meets the center layer’s horizontal bottom edge, which is located directly above the tail. At the bottom, you will now have four points: two from the wings and two from the tail. Your paper will have a flat top with a tip that points down toward you.
  • 16 Fold the tip back once more so that it faces the way it was originally intended to. To ensure that the tip of your folded portion extends slightly beyond the flat top portion of your bird, fold it in half again. Now that you have folded the paper into a zigzag pattern, you have made the head and beak.
  • 17 Take a piece of paper out from underneath what you folded back. You now need to extend the wings on each side. Remove the wings until the undersides of each wing are once more horizontal and flat. It’s difficult, but you have to unfold the bird’s wings from below while maintaining the bird’s lower jaw intact. Flatten the paper out. It’s okay if the region surrounding the bird’s head appears smushed.
  • 18 Turn the paper over so that you are facing the flat side. The bird should be folded in half so that the folds you made are visible and the wings rise. Ensure that the wings’ edges line up and that both sides are as equal as possible.
  • 19 Fold the wings down. Give yourself enough space to be able to grab the body like a paper airplane. The goal is to fold the wings down so that they point downward and the bird’s top edge is flat. Next, lift each wing until it is flat on top. Do the same for the tail. The marked side of the bird that you initially had facing down toward the table will be visible on the outside. Now you can toss your bird like a paper airplane.
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