what is the national bird of ukraine

Lviv, Ukraine: Forty of them are gliding above my head – our national bird, back for a spring that is like no other

My name is Oleksandr Ruchko and I am a birdwatcher. Because I am 59 years old, I still have another few months when I can be called into action by the military recruitment office, to fight in the war with Russia. Lately I have been providing birdwatching tours around the parks in Lviv, my home. The tours are with refugees who have come here from cities around Ukraine, including Kyiv and Kharkiv. They have lost their homes and some have lost family members. I’m trying to help them to be calm, and take a break from thinking about what is happening.

Spring is the best time for birdwatching here. You can hear the song of flycatchers, wrens, black redstarts and yellowhammers, and all the migrants are coming back to breed, including swifts, house martins, chiffchaffs, golden orioles and cuckoos. The most famous one is the white stork, Ukraine’s national bird. The stork is very sacred to Ukrainians, a symbol of spring, of babies, and of peace. They are believed to be a kind of amulet, and protect your house against evil. Nobody here ever kills storks to eat, not even in the worst times like the Holodomor or the Holocaust.

At the moment, because of the war, it is a problem to watch birds with binoculars or telescopes. Any person using these things will cause suspicion, so we must use our ears and eyes instead. Nobody wants to look like a spy.

But sometimes you only need your ears and eyes. My wife and I were driving back from the Carpathian mountains last week, where we had gone for a few days to escape the air-raid sirens. Near to the village of Rozvadiv, we saw above us a group of storks, gliding in the sky with no effort. They looked like aristocrats, calm and sure of themselves. The area is attractive for storks because of the Dniester river – its valley has lots of swamps and small ponds which have the right food.

This was a good sign, I thought. It meant that despite the snow in the fields, spring had finally arrived. But maybe they will bring us peace soon too. The flying bird is the ultimate symbol of freedom. They don’t know borders, they need no visas or permissions to spend winter in Egypt then come back to Ukraine. And we are all happy that they are back safely, giving us hope for better times.

Oleksandr promotes birdwatching in Ukraine as an alternative to bird hunting. His website is here and his Instagram here

But sometimes you only need your ears and eyes. Last week, my spouse and I were returning by car from the Carpathian mountains, where we had spent a few days fleeing the air raid sirens. A group of storks was gliding through the sky above us, seemingly effortlessly, as we passed the village of Rozvadiv. They looked like aristocrats, calm and sure of themselves. The Dniester River, whose valley is home to numerous swamps and tiny ponds with the ideal food, is what draws storks to this area.

Lviv, Ukraine: Our national bird, forty of them, is soaring above my head as it returns for an unparalleled spring.

My name is Oleksandr Ruchko and I am a birdwatcher. I still have a few months left before I’m called up by the military recruitment office to fight in the conflict with Russia because I’m 59 years old. I’ve been leading birdwatching excursions through the parks in my hometown of Lviv lately. The tours are led by refugees who arrived from various Ukrainian cities, such as Kyiv and Kharkiv. Some of them lost family members, and others lost their homes. I’m attempting to support them in remaining composed and taking a break from contemplating what is going on.

This was a good sign, I thought. It meant that spring had finally arrived, even with the snow covering the fields. But maybe they will bring us peace soon too. The flying bird is the ultimate symbol of freedom. They are borderless, and they have no need for permits or visas to spend the winter in Egypt before returning to Ukraine. And the fact that they have returned safely gives us all hope for better times.

Currently, it is difficult to observe birds through binoculars or a telescope due to the war. Anyone using these devices will raise suspicions, so we should instead rely on our ears and eyes. Nobody wants to look like a spy.

The national symbols of Ukraine are a range of official and unofficial emblems as well as other objects that are used in the country to symbolize its distinctive characteristics and to reflect various facets of its history and culture.


What animal symbolizes Ukraine?

The bison has been an important part of Ukrainian culture and folklore for centuries. In Ukrainian mythology, the bison resembles strength and power. The animal is the country’s natural heritage and beauty.

What is the national pet of Ukraine?

WhatisthenationalanimalofUkraine? Unlike many states, Ukraine does not have an official animal symbol. There are no animals on the country’s flag or coat of arms, though some may argue that tryzub is a stylized image of a falcon.

What is Ukraine’s signature animal?

Answer and Explanation: There is no animal is regarded as the national animal in Ukraine, but the nightingale is known as the best for the honorable position and is considered significant according to the website “Proud of Ukraine” and several other resources.