how to make a hanging bird nest

DIY Bird Nest Pin It For Later

how to make a hanging bird nest

How To Make A Bird Nest In 5 Steps

Hot glue with grapevine nest onto the grapevine wreath.

The grapevine wreath can be adorned with branches and stems that are fanned out in the same direction.

Add raffia around the nest. As you go around the nest, secure it to the wreath with hot glue by tying sections of raffia together. Make another circle around the wreath, but this time, avoid tying the sections together. Make sure you cover the initial knots to hide them.

Fill in the center of the wreath. I layered sphagnum moss first, then American moss, and finally a few feathers.

Apply paint to your paper mâché eggs (or utilize speckled craft eggs) and secure them with hot glue in the nest’s center.

Didn’t this turn out SO CUTE?!

how to make a hanging bird nest

how to make a hanging bird nest

Spring Bird Nest DIY

Greetings, friends! Today I’m going to be sharing a really enjoyable Spring DIY with you, but first… I shared an adorable tutorial on On Book Stack on Tuesday; if you missed it, you really should! Those book stacks are really well-liked!

For today’s post, I’m sure you all already know how much I adore bird nests, but if not, you’re about to find out! HA!

I was part of a fun Easter inspiration round up with some ladies over on Instagram, and I decided to put together a Spring/Easter tablescape using bird nests as my main element. Do you find bird nests fascinating? I think it is so neat how birds can build a nest…so much time, effort, and detail involved!

how to make a hanging bird nest

Anyway…. A few weeks ago, while perusing a nearby antique market, I came upon this enormous bird nest that I simply ADOREMED! I had never seen a bird nest quite so big! I decided to make my own version of it because I knew I could replicate it, and once I did, I styled it in a springtime tablescape and I wanted to share the process with all of you!

This particular springtime DIY bird nest is enormous—it’s not your typical bird nest girl!

You’re not putting a cloche over this one! HA!

how to make a hanging bird nest


How do birds make hanging nests?

To do this, they gather mud and grasses in their beaks and shake it around to mix it with their saliva. They can then attach it to a branch and build upwards until the nest is complete. In fact, bird saliva is a really strong and sticky material to build nests with.

What kind of bird makes a round hanging nest?

This intricate hanging basket belongs to a Baltimore Oriole. A female gathers long fibrous threads, such as grasses, hair, string, and Spanish moss, and weaves them together. She lines the nest with cottonwood or willow and feathers. Other hanging-nest weavers: kinglets, vireos, and Bushtit.

Will birds nest in a hanging basket?

A hanging basket that is full of ferns is a natural place for a bird to nest and it provides enough cover for them to feel secure and safe. Additionally, hanging baskets, as well as wreaths and light fixtures are high off the ground, which makes it a challenge for certain predators to reach.