how to keep birds off a wire

Sure, it can be a somewhat poetic —a couple of birds sitting in bliss on a power line, high above traffic and the worries of the world below. But multiply the scene by just several more birds and the quickly turns ominous. More importantly, this scenario can be damaging, for both the birds and the power equipment. If you’ve been looking for an effective and humane way to keep birds off power lines, it’s time to try the WhirlyBird Repeller!

How Does It Work?

By utilizing multiple effective bird scaring techniques, the WhirlyBird Repeller deters birds from flying into power lines. These techniques, which scare birds without hurting them, include visual and auditory scare tactics:

  • Predator Disguise. The WhirlyBird Repeller has bright yellow eyes and is predator-sized, inspired by the Peregrine falcon, which is a natural predator of numerous bird species.
  • Random Movement & Sound. The WhirlyBird imitates sounds of both predators and humans, including the sound of flapping wings and sprinting, as it spins and vibrates in the wind.
  • Scattered Light. Many bird species are deterred by reflective labeling, which scatters sunlight in an erratic pattern.
  • Long-Term Effectiveness. The WhirlyBird Repeller works by acting randomly to keep birds from getting used to it.

Products called “visual bird deterrents” are made to frighten away birds or keep them from landing or roosting in places you don’t want them to. The kind of bird you are dealing with and the deterrent you are using will determine how effective they are. There are many options available for these deterrents. Many use gel because, to birds, its reflective surface appears to be on fire. It also feels sticky if birds land on it. A number of these deterrents have scents, including peppermint oil, to further discourage birds from approaching them.

Removing birds and their nests can be a challenging (and occasionally illegal) task. This season, if you’re having trouble with birds, get in touch with your neighborhood pest control company. They can accurately identify the kinds of birds you have an issue with and recommend the best preventative and removal measures.

Making sure birds can’t enter your house is the best method to keep them out. Examine your house and any other outbuildings carefully from the outside, and seal any openings you find, especially those that lead to the attic. Use netting or 1/4-inch wire mesh to cover any vent or eaves openings.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that many bird species are protected by federal, state, or local laws whenever you interact with birds. Removing bird nests is one such regulation.

Predator decoys are typically not recommended for long-term use, though they can be useful in a pinch. Selecting a predator that is realistic for the bird species you are working with is crucial. A decoy owl won’t be very effective if owls aren’t the bird you are dealing with’s natural predator. To keep birds from realizing the decoy isn’t real, it’s also crucial to rotate or move it frequently.

Power Line Bird Problems

Ever ponder why birds on power lines avoid electrocution? The explanation is straightforward. They don’t break the circuit and don’t conduct enough electricity. However, there are a few main ways in which power lines affect birds and birds affect power lines:

  • Electrocution. Birds can get electrocuted if they fly over power lines, even though they cannot get electrocuted by just perching on them. Electrocution can happen if a bird touches two wiring components or poles to complete a circuit.
  • Collision. Birds that unintentionally collide with power lines are more likely to become electrocuted. Birds may suffer injury or even die in other collisions, particularly if they strike the poles. Certain crashes, particularly involving larger birds, may even result in damage to the power lines themselves.
  • Nesting Interference. Some birds enjoy snatching at insulation or wiring fibers to use them as building materials. Some might decide to build their nests right up against or inside power line poles.
  • Pole Damage. Although collision and nesting are the two main causes of pole damage, other species, like woodpeckers, can seriously harm power line poles.


How do I keep birds off my electrical wires?

Bird flight diverters — or the “spinning things on power lines” as some folks call them — serve a dual purpose: They help keep the lights on and help preserve wildlife.

Does aluminum foil keep birds away?

Aluminum Foil Birds don’t like the feel of the foil under their beaks and will stay away. You can also hang strips of aluminum foil (or shiny party streamers) from the trees or other high points around your home and garden. The sun reflects off the shiny surface and bothers their eyes, deterring them from coming near.

What is the most effective bird deterrent?

Bird Spikes are a simple but effective deterrent for birds. The blunt, harmless spikes thwart birds’ efforts to land without harming them in any way. Spikes can be permanently or temporarily installed.

What is the wire for bird repellent?

Bird deterrent wire is typically made of steel springs and wires that are strung between fixed pillars, arranged in two or three parallel rows, making it difficult for birds to land or move around the area that is being protected.