how to get wild birds to like you

1. Start talking to them.

Maggie magpies sitting on the postYou can call out to them gently and talk to them when putting out the water and food, or you can talk to them while they are eating and drinking. If you see a bird in the bush, or on the bank, or sitting on a post, you can just talk to the bird directly. If the bird is not used to talking to humans, the bird may retreat in shyness, fly off, or pretend to have not heard you. Do not feel discouraged or dissuaded by any of this. Just wait for the next opportunity and try again.

Theres definitely a list of dos and donts when it comes to talking to birds. butcherbird and rainbow lorikeet making friendsWild birds have a big advantage over us, if they dont like what were doing or saying they can fly away and avoid our company altogether. So in this case it is useful to understand the donts.

Speak slowly and gently, maintaining a normal or soft voice. When we get excited and forget that they will fly away from us, we do things like shout loudly near them, wave our arms excessively if we are only a short distance away from them, and run towards them, even just to greet or give them food. The more daring birds will stay a little while longer as they get to know you before deciding whether to leave. However, shy birds will still fly away from you even after they are fully aware of their safety. This is just to be cautious. That being said, you will discover that once you have earned their trust, even the shiest birds will remain and pay attention if you chastise a mischievous bird loudly. The other birds really appreciate you standing up for them because they understand rules very well and know when one of them is being reprimanded for breaking them. Now that we have got that out of the way. We can focus on the Dos.

The bird will start to relax and interact more positively as it gets used to your voice, recognizes your body language, and feels confident that you are not a threat. For them, too, your conversation with them is a novel development, and they must determine how best to react to your initiative. You might ask, “What can you talk about with a wild bird?” and the answer is, “There are a lot of things.” They are actually very intelligent and excellent communicators. They devote their entire lives to deciphering the messages sent by other birds and other naturally occurring creatures, all of whom speak distinct languages. Therefore, they comprehend other species far better than we humans do. You can talk to them about the weather. Do they enjoy sunshine or rain? How did they handle the recent storm? Tell them you hope they are not too hot and dry or too cold and wet. Ask them if they are having a good day. Have they been busy keeping sentry duty for eagles, hawks, or cats? Whatever is happening around you, is affecting their lives too. You’ll be shocked at how much they actually do comprehend. Even though they won’t understand what you’re saying at first, they will pick up on the tone and start to recognize interest, care, and concern. 2. Watch Their Reaction: Stay outside or switch to another activity for a little period of time after waiting for a response, even if you don’t receive one. That lets the birds know that you are expecting a response from them. Do this regularly for a few days. Thank them when they look at you. Thank you has a very powerful energy. It demonstrates to the birds your respect for them and your belief in their significance. The birds will begin to respond as soon as they realize that your conversation with them is not a freak incident. One of them will approach to call out to you, maybe accompanied by one or two more. After that, you can respond to them and engage in a two-way dialogue. Thank them again for talking to you. We’ll look at more strategies for developing trust tomorrow because it’s the cornerstone of enduring friendships and allows a whole community of birds to come together.

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How do you make a wild bird love you?

In the wild, birds recognize each other by their voice. If you want a bird to remember you, try talking to it. Some birds, such as crows, are even capable of facial recognition. Overall, if you spend enough time with the bird, it’ll be able to “recognize you regardless of what you wear,” says Rösch.

How do you make wild birds not scared of you?

Birds respond best when we are patient. Approaching birds slowly over time and allowing them to become accustomed to our presence and movements is perhaps the most important technique for getting close while they continue to behave naturally. When we give birds time to get used to us, they can be remarkably confiding.