how to get rid of sparrow birds

The house sparrow, Passer domesticus, is one of the most familiar, widespread birds in the world. It is in many ways a remarkable bird, believed to be one of the oldest known bird species and a marvel of adaptation. Even if you arent a birding enthusiast, you will quickly recognize this smallish bird (about 6 inches from head to tip of tail). Females and young birds are pale brown and grey, while the mature males have brighter black, white, and brown markings. House sparrows have stubby, squared-off tails, and the thick conical beaks common to other seed-eating species, such as finches. These little birds have a fondness for dust-bathing, and you will often see them in summer raising up dust clouds with their fluttering wings.

Getting rid of sparrows is a difficult task and may require a combination of methods to reduce their numbers. Sparrows are aggressive and social birds that are competitive by nature towards other native birds. This bird species prefers habitats modified by humans. How to get rid of house sparrows depends on how easily accessible food, water and shelter are in your yard. They don’t migrate, and sparrows will not travel further than 5 miles from their nesting sites to find. This means if you have a flock of sparrows setting up camp in your backyard, it’s likely they intend to be long-term residents. Learn how to get rid of sparrows and how to keep sparrows away before they make themselves at home.

If sparrows start gathering in your yard, you might notice that they are beginning to fly inside your home. Any gaps or openings outside your home could serve as a sparrow’s point of entry. To help prevent them from entering your home:

  • Any holes larger than 3/4 inch that surround your property should be closed.
  • To stop house sparrows from roosting or nesting, screen in the eaves. For the purpose of keeping sparrows away from bushes, use plastic bird netting.
  • House sparrows can be discouraged from roosting on ledges by using ledge protectors, which are readily available strips of projecting metal spikes. To be effective, the entire ledge must be covered.
  • Replace any broken windows or cover them with plywood. Examine any current nests on items such as window air conditioners, ventilators, overhangs, and decorative decorations.

How to get rid of house sparrows using sound? There is no specific noise that will scare sparrows away, but trying a variety of loud sounds could help reduce the number of sparrows around your home. However, sound deterrents may require adjustments frequently, as sparrows adapt to sound deterrents quickly. Sound deterrents can be more effective if paired with a visual. Visual scare tactics can include balloons, kites and decoy birds of prey forms that fly above your property. Sparrows are also frightened by shiny objects such as mylar tape or foil strips. It’s worth noting that sparrows adapt quickly to both sound and visual tactics, so these methods may only work temporarily.

If you’re looking for ways to get rid of sparrows, you might be tempted to remove trees and shrubs, which are some of their favorite places to hang out. While this could be effective, it is also extreme. Tree and shrub removal can be expensive, time-consuming, and environmentally harmful. Eliminating bird feeders or at least providing sparrows with seed they enjoy, like millet or shelled sunflower, would be a less drastic step. Take care not to remove the nests of other native birds if you try to remove one. It’s also important to note that sparrows are renowned for swiftly repairing damaged nests.

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An Invasive Species

Originating in the Mediterranean, the house sparrow naturally expanded over Europe and eastern Asia. In the 1850s, the birds were brought to North America for sentimental purposes and to aid in the management of insect populations. Upon realizing that house sparrows do not typically consume insects during the non-nesting season, the birds had already expanded their range beyond reasonable limits. House sparrows are among the most common birds in the world, with an estimated 150 million of them living in North America alone.

If house sparrows weren’t invasive birds that disturb other bird species in many places, none of this would be an issue. To protect other species from the aggressiveness of house sparrows and to draw a wider variety of birds into their yard, many birdwatchers would rather deter house sparrows. Since house sparrows are not native to North America, it is acceptable to manage house sparrow populations using fairly aggressive methods. House sparrows are among the few species not protected by federal law, along with starlings.

7 Ways to Get Rid of House Sparrows

There are various steps birdwatchers can take to eliminate sparrows and improve conditions for native birds. It will require a focused effort to remove the factors that draw in sparrows in order to successfully discourage them, just as it is important to attend to the basic needs of birds when attracting them.


Is there a way to keep sparrows away?

Screen in eaves to prevent house sparrows from roosting or nesting. Plastic bird netting can be used to exclude sparrows from bushes. Ledge protectors (commercially available strips of protruding metal spikes) can prevent house sparrows from roosting on ledges. To be effective, the entire ledge must be covered.

How do you make homemade sparrow repellent?

There are several versions of bird repellent sprays you can make at home but the most popular is a concoction of chili peppers, water, and vinegar. To make this spray, crush dried red or green chili peppers into a mixture of water and vinegar.

Why get rid of sparrows?

Competing with other songbirds Sparrows will use birdhouses we may intend for other species. They fiercely defend their nests, so they are vilified for edging out more popular native species, especially bluebirds. Some believe there are fewer native birds because of competition from sparrows.

Can I get rid of a sparrow nest?

It is against the law to disturb nesting birds, and as sparrows are red-listed their protection is particularly important. If you are worried about the impact of sparrows nesting in your roof you will need to wait until the end of the nesting season to take action – this is likely to be the autumn.