how to get rid of birds in building

This blog covers how to get rid of birds nesting on your home:

  • Best Overall Solution for Nesting Birds
  • Best for Birds Nesting Under Solar Panels
  • Best Way to Stop Nesting Swallows
  • The Best Way to Prevent Small Birds from Nesting in Clefts, Niches,
  • Alternative Bird Control Solution to Help Prevent Birds from Nesting

Controlling Birds Around Farm BuildingsSteps to keep birds from becoming a problem or to lessen the problem if one currently exists.

Birds in large numbers can damage and create unhygienic working conditions in and around barns, livestock and poultry facilities, and farm buildings. Birds have the ability to eat and contaminate food and water, which could cause diseases to spread to livestock and poultry. Accumulated droppings are messy and can corrode farm equipment. Nests frequently clog gutters and drains, and birds can also inflict harm by eating through insulation.

There are things you can do to prevent birds from becoming an issue or to minimize an existing issue. However, you should be aware of the laws safeguarding birds, be able to identify the specific birds causing the issue, and have some understanding of their habits and behavior before starting any control program. This is required because the characteristics of a specific bird species dictate the approaches to take in order to manage the issues the birds cause. Certain species, especially in and around barns and other farm buildings, can be problematic. These include house finches, house sparrows, pigeons, and European starlings.

Pigeons, or Rock Doves

Pigeons, familiar to most people, are an exotic (nonnative) species. Their eating habits are omnivorous; while they eat grain and seed, they also eat bread, insects, and other human leftovers. Pigeons around barns may feed on grain that has been spilled or stored incorrectly. They nest on building ledges, rafters, and beams. Nests are fragile, shallow platforms composed of grasses, twigs, and sticks. Although they can breed all year round, pigeon production peaks in the spring and fall.

An exotic (nonnative) species that was brought from Europe to North America is the European starling. Large flocks of starlings are common, and they tolerate humans quite well. Similar to pigeons, starlings are omnivores that consume a variety of foods, including insects, seeds, berries, grains, trash, and human leftovers.

These birds are cavity nesters. They build their nests in drain pipes, within wall and ceiling openings, and in any other cavity-like opening found inside and around buildings. Starlings typically produce two broods between April and July.

Pennsylvania is relatively new to house finches, which are native to the western United States. Since their 1940 release in New York, they have spread out and begun to breed in Pennsylvania in the 1970s. They resemble purple finches, with the exception that the males’ red coloring on their faces and breasts is less intense. Females are streaked brown overall. House finches consume mainly seeds. This diet makes them drawn to feeders for birds and livestock.

House finches nest in a variety of places and are well suited to urban and suburban settings. They create their nests in hanging plants, conifers, vines, and cavities in buildings as well as on ledges. House finches can breed as early as March in Pennsylvania. They generally have two or more broods per summer.

House sparrows are a nonnative species introduced from Europe. The man can be identified by his white cheeks and black bib. Much more difficult to distinguish, the female is frequently mistaken for other sparrows. She has a buff eye stripe, a streaked back, and an unstreaked, dingy breast. Her overall color is gray brown. She can often be identified by her noisy monotone chirp. Knowing how to recognize this species is crucial because all other sparrow species are legally protected.

House sparrows consume many insects during the spring and summer. As generalists, they also eat food that people discard, including garbage, and they feed on grain and weed seeds in fields and around barns.

Large, untidy piles of grass, straw, leaves, and garbage make up the nests that sparrows construct in cavities. Nests built in the open are often domed. Rafts, holes in walls, spaces behind shutters and under eaves are among their preferred nesting locations near barns and other buildings. House sparrows nest primarily from March to September. A female has two to three broods per year.


How do you get a bird out of a large building?

First, close off and cover all but one exit point—your doors and your windows, among others—and open it as wide as possible so that the bird can easily fly through. Next, turn off any lights you can and make the interior of your warehouse as dark as possible.

What scares all birds away?

Generally speaking, birds hate strong smells, shiny objects, and predators, such as birds of prey and larger animals or humans.

What will deter birds from building a nest?

Install bird spikes. Bird spikes are devices with small, needle-like rods that protrude from the base. These rods are dull and won’t harm birds, but will deter birds from perching and building a nest. You can place bird spikes on railings, ledges, under eaves, and anywhere that’s a likely nesting spot.