how to get rid of attacking birds

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Birds are beautiful to look at, but they can quickly become a nuisance. Not only are birds extremely destructive pests to have around, but they can also carry and spread diseases to humans and pets.

Birds are excellent at finding any nooks and crannies in our homes that they can use to build nests, which is why bird deterrents are crucial for preventing bird problems. If you have pesty birds, don’t worry. There are plenty of solutions for getting rid of birds, which we will go over in this guide.

Having a problem with birds?

how to get rid of attacking birds

how to get rid of attacking birds

How To Get Rid of Birds in Your Home

If you’re experiencing bird problems in your house, here are some of our best recommendations for dealing with bird infestations:

  • Help individual small birds that get into your home. You can feel secure in the knowledge that a lone, tiny bird that flies into your home in search of food wants to leave as much as you do. Birds sometimes wander into our homes. Then, the bright lights stun them and trap them behind glass windows, making it impossible for them to escape. Take a deep breath, remove any pets or open flames from the room, and turn off any fans if one finds its way inside your house. Next, take out the room’s food and water to discourage the bird from staying. Once this is finished, open any doors or windows that will let the bird out of the room and turn out the lights. Give it time, and consider waiting overnight if you can.
  • Perform a perimeter check. Examine dryer vents, pipes, openings, and entryways for any gaps or openings that might allow birds to enter. Replace any damaged or broken screens, and seal any holes or cracks with silicone caulking.
  • Use mesh wire. Cover gutters and any gaps you discovered when inspecting the perimeter with mesh wire. Removing bird entry points into your house will aid in reducing the quantity of birds.
  • Spray insecticides to kill bugs. A lot of birds, like woodpeckers, consume insects found in the plants or trees on your land. Get rid of these bugs with an insecticide to cut off the birds’ food sources.
  • Utilize decoy predators. Numerous natural predators exist for birds, such as coyotes, owls, snakes, and larger birds. Acquire plastic imitations of predators and scatter them throughout your estate. To keep the fear constant, rotate these imitation predators around frequently to keep the birds from realizing they won’t harm them.
  • Make unnatural noises and sounds to scare birds off. Unusual noises, like loud music, high-pitched sounds, or recordings of distressed birds, can easily frighten birds. Use these sounds and music as a deterrent to birds occasionally. Eventually, they’ll become uncomfortable hanging around your property.
  • Use an ultrasonic machine near your house. Birds find high-frequency noises frightening, even though humans cannot hear them. To deter birds, buy an ultrasonic device and play high-frequency noises. Although these devices can be pricey, they are frequently very efficient and require only batteries for upkeep after purchase. If you have dogs or cats, don’t use this as a solution because they can typically hear the ultrasonic sounds, which can be upsetting for them.
  • Use dryer vent guards. Remove the bird nests from your dryer vent openings yourself or hire a professional to do so. Next, cover the opening with a dryer vent guard to keep birds from returning to build their nests there.
  • Install bird spikes. Installing bird spikes on well-liked bird perch locations, like beams and the roof, Bird spikes are a fantastic pest control option because they are simple to install and sufficiently sharp to discourage birds.
  • Purchase a bird repellent. Numerous repellents for birds are offered for sale at nearby retailers or online at Consider using these to repel birds with their smell. A lot of repellents for birds contain grape seed extract, which smells good to people but repulsive to birds.
  • Install pond defenders. Ponds are a popular home feature that attracts birds. Consider purchasing and installing a pond defender. Discs called “pond defenders” float on the surface of your pond to keep birds and other wildlife pests away.
  • Set up a bird trap. Catch birds with a live capture bird trap, then release and relocate them away from your property. Please remember that there might be local laws prohibiting this in some places, so before buying bird traps, always make sure you are in compliance with the law.

Hire a wildlife control professional to treat your property. After evaluating your property, a wildlife control expert can talk to you about the various bird removal options for any birds that are currently on your property or have made nests there as well as ways to keep birds from coming back.

How to Keep Birds Away

Prevention is always easier than treatment. What therefore can you do as a homeowner to deter birds from visiting your property?

To deter birds from using common areas as nesting sites, start by identifying common places where birds are found. Then, think about putting plastic owls, shiny objects, or other preventative measures nearby those common areas.

Common places that birds are found:

  • Attics
  • Garages
  • Vents on the side of the house
  • Porches

Our top tips to repel birds from your property:

  • Put plastic owls in familiar locations around your house where birds are common. Decoys such as plastic owls or other predators can scare birds away from your land.
  • Use shiny objects to keep birds away. Scare birds by hanging reflective, shiny objects on your property. Consider suspending shimmering CDs, reflective tape, or aluminum foil strips from your roof, shrubs, and trees. This makes for an inexpensive but effective bird repellent. To terrify pest birds even more, try selecting shiny objects that are light enough to move with the wind.
  • Hang out with your pet outdoors. Birds dislike our pets, particularly cats and dogs. Spend time outside with your pet and let them scare away birds if you have one. Many dog breeds enjoy chasing birds, and they’ll work up a good sweat doing it.
  • Set up a motion-activated sprinkler system. When birds land on your lawn, the motion-activated sprinkler system’s water will scare them away and disturb any birds that are perched nearby in trees. Birds and many other pests, like raccoons, rabbits, and stray cats, will be scared off your property by the sound and movement alone.
  • Don’t put out birdseed or a drinking fountain. Birds, like all pests, are always looking for easy food sources, so if you give them one, they’ll stay around. Keep your yard free of bird seed, and cover any water features, such as drinking fountains.
  • Remove food sources from your yard. Depriving birds of food sources will force them to migrate because birds will exploit any available food source. Don’t leave leftovers or pet food outside. Make sure that after dining outside, you clear up any food scraps or crumbs.
  • Inspect your trash can and compost pile. Make sure your trash can is securely fastened and that it is routinely cleaned on the inside and outside. Make sure your compost pile doesn’t smell, and make sure the lid is securely fastened and functioning properly on a regular basis.
  • Properly trim your trees. Because trees shield birds from predators, they adore building their nests there. You should prune any low-hanging or extra branches on your trees to prevent wild birds from building nests. Any branches that are in close proximity to or touching your roof should also be removed because they provide a pathway for birds and other wildlife pests to get from the tree onto your roof.
  • Seal off entryways. Seal chimneys, vents, gutters, and other common bird nesting sites or entry points with mesh screens or other dense materials. By doing this, you can stop birds from nesting on your property and becoming pests.


How do you get rid of aggressive birds?

Scare birds by hanging reflective, shiny objects on your property. Try hanging shiny CDs, reflective tape, or strips of aluminum foil from trees, shrubs, and your roof. This makes for an inexpensive but effective bird repellent. Try choosing shiny objects that will easily move in the wind to scare pest birds even more.

How do you stop dive bombing birds?

Use an alternate door or entry to the house to avoid the parent birds, or carry an umbrella to avoid being dive-bombed. The dive-bombing is temporary and will end when the young birds have left the nest and are strong enough to fly on their own.

Why are birds swooping me?

It’s not you; it’s spring, a time when birds get very protective and territorial about their young. The bird isn’t attacking; it’s just trying to scare you away. “It may seem like it’s an offensive behavior and some people might find it offensive, but it’s actually a defensive behavior on the part of the bird.