how to get rid of bird outside window

While most birds aren’t considered parasites, they can become quite a nuisance. Birds can be helpful in some ways: feeding on predator insects and eating the seeds of pesky weeds that can overtake your garden; but birds can also be pests by feeding on the fruits and veggies in your garden, causing damage to your home and other structures on your property, and leaving droppings that can lead to serious health risks to you and your family. Because it is illegal to kill most species of birds and remove or destroy the nests of other species, homeowners are only left with a few options when it comes to bird control: natural repellents that deter birds away from certain areas around your home and professional wildlife exclusion to safely and humanely remove or relocate nuisance birds. Here are five home remedies to keep birds away:

Shiny, reflective objects make great deterrents for problematic birds. The reflection of light off of these objects discourages birds from returning to these areas. These shiny objects, such as old CDs, aluminum cans, tin foil, small mirrors, or even metallic wrapping paper, can be hung near nesting or landing areas frequented by the problematic birds.

Birds have many natural predators including cats, owls, and larger birds of prey. Placing objects in the shape of these predators around areas frequented by nuisance birds can deter them from nesting or landing near them. These objects can be made of wood, metal, or any other material that can withstand the outdoor environment. Make sure to move these objects around every few days or the birds will get acclimated to them and begin to ignore them.

Round garden balls, which are large colorful balls that can be placed in your garden or hung from trees, fence posts, and stakes are a natural bird repellent. Birds will confuse these spherical orbs with eyes and try to avoid them. They also can be great decorations for your yard or garden.

Bird spikes are long, needle-like rods used for bird control. These spikes can be made of tin or plastic cans and placed in the dirt or attached with wire to window sills and overhangs. They can also be made by hammering nails into wood. Birds find these spikes uncomfortable and won’t land on them, keeping them away from problematic areas around your home.

There are several versions of bird repellent sprays you can make at home but the most popular is a concoction of chili peppers, water, and vinegar. To make this spray, crush dried red or green chili peppers into a mixture of water and vinegar. This mixture can either then be heated in a crock pot for a few hours to infuse or placed in a clear glass in the sunlight for a natural infusion. Once finished, place the repellent in a plant mister and spray any areas where birds are causing problems.

If you try these home remedies and you still have an issue with birds, your other option is to contact a professional pest control company who specializes in wildlife control who can come and thoroughly evaluate your home to help determine not only the species of bird you are dealing with, but also the best course of treatment that is both legal and effective.

Treatments for Existing Windows

Ideally, vertical markings on windows should be arranged in a 2-by-2-inch grid to discourage small birds. (This will protect the windows from even the tiniest birds, like kinglets, siskins, hummingbirds, and gnatcatchers.) ) The exterior of the window should be marked using all marking methods.

  • Tempera paint or soap. Use tempera paint or soap to leave a lasting, low-cost mark on the outside of the window. You can paint designs or other artwork on your window, or you can use the 2 by 2 inch grid pattern shown above.
  • Decals. Apply stickers, decals, sun catchers, masking tape, mylar strips, and other items—even sticky notes—to the window’s exterior. These are only effective when spaced very closely (see above). Note that hawk silhouettes do little to deter birds. Recall that adding a few window stickers to a large window won’t stop collisions; instead, the stickers must cover the majority of the glass, leaving gaps that are too small for birds to fly through.
  • Dot Patterns and Tape. Durable tape products make it simpler to apply the proper dot spacing throughout your window. Items like those found at Feather Friendly are effective in reducing the risk of collisions.
  • Acopian Bird Savers. These closely spaced ropes, sometimes referred to as “zen curtains,” hang over windows. They function similarly to tape or decals, but they are simpler to apply and sometimes have a nicer appearance. We use them to protect the windows at the Cornell Lab headquarters because they are very effective. You can create your own or order them to fit your windows.
  • Screens. If you install mosquito screens on the exterior of your windows and cover the entire surface, the results will be very effective.
  • Netting. Cover the exterior glass with netting that is at least three inches away from the glass and tightly enough to deflect birds before they hit. Small-mesh netting (around 5/8″ or 1. The ideal distance (6 cm) is chosen so that birds can bounce off without getting their heads or bodies tangled. Installing and removing the netting is made simpler by mounting it on a frame, like a storm-window frame.
  • One-way transparent film. Items like Collidescape allow people inside to see outside, but from the outside, the window appears opaque. Sheppard claims that they can lessen the amount of light that enters your window, which can lower your cooling expenses.

New Homes and Remodels

  • Install exterior shutters, and when you’re not in the space or utilizing the light or view, keep them closed. (These can be huge energy savers, too!).
  • To prevent sunlight from reflecting off of windows, install awnings or external sun shades. Remote controlled shades are available.
  • When installing new windows or building new structures, take into consideration windows that have a screen covering the entire exterior of the glass.
  • Install vertical blinds inside, and only partially open the slats.
  • Avoid visual paths to sky and greenery. The picture window’s opposite wall may have bright windows that create the appearance of an open path to the other side. Sometimes this can be resolved by closing a door between rooms or the shade on a window.

Lights Out initiatives are gaining ground in U. S. cities including Dallas, Houston, Philadelphia, and New York. Particularly hazardous is the all-night radiance of cityscapes, office buildings, and streetlights, which can divert migratory birds from their intended path, prolong their journey, and increase their risk of being struck by windows. A couple of fairly easy solutions to lessen the issue of artificial light at night are turning off unnecessary lights and installing downward-facing lighting. Using any of the aforementioned preventative measures against window collisions is still a good idea, especially for homeowners.

Although most birds aren’t thought of as parasites, they can nonetheless be a real annoyance. While birds can be beneficial in certain situations—for example, by consuming the seeds of weeds that can take over your garden and feeding on predator insects—they can also be pests in your garden, destroying your home and other structures, and contaminating it with bird droppings that pose a serious health risk to you and your family. There are only two options available to homeowners when it comes to bird control: professional wildlife exclusion to safely and humanely remove or relocate nuisance birds, and natural repellents that keep birds away from specific areas around your home. This is because it is illegal to kill most species of birds and remove or destroy the nests of other species. Here are five home remedies to keep birds away:

You can make a variety of bird repellent sprays at home, but the most well-liked recipe calls for combining vinegar, water, and chili peppers. Crush dried red or green chili peppers into a vinegar and water mixture to create this spray. After that, this mixture can be allowed to naturally infuse in the sunlight or heated in a crock pot for a few hours. When you’re done, pour the repellent into a plant mister and mist any areas where birds are bothering you.

Shiny, reflective objects make great deterrents for problematic birds. Birds are deterred from returning to these areas by the light reflecting off these objects. These shiny items, which include metallic wrapping paper, aluminum cans, tin foil, old CDs, and tiny mirrors, can be hung close to the problematic birds’ landing or nesting sites.

Numerous natural predators of birds exist, such as owls, cats, and larger prey species. You can prevent nuisance birds from nesting or landing close to these objects by arranging them to resemble these predators in the areas they frequent. These items can be constructed from metal, wood, or any other substance that can survive being outside. Ensure that these items are repositioned every few days to prevent the birds from growing accustomed to them and ignoring them.

In the event that these DIY solutions prove ineffective for your bird problem, you may also consider hiring a wildlife control pest control business. They will conduct a thorough assessment of your property and help identify the type of bird problem you have as well as the most appropriate, safe, and efficient course of action.


How do you keep birds away from windows?

Install external sun shades or awnings on windows, to block the reflection of sunlight. Remote controlled shades are available. On new construction or when putting in new windows, consider windows that have the screen on the entire outside of the glass. Add interior vertical blinds and keep the slats only half open.

What does it mean when a bird keeps trying to get in your window?

This is a problem that is most common in spring as male birds are establishing and defending territories. The male sees his reflection in the window and thinks it is a rival trying to usurp his territory. He flies at the window to try and make the rival leave.

How do you scare away chirping birds?

Apply bird repellent to areas where pest birds are known to land. Use liquid, non-toxic bird repellent that will not harm the birds or you. Spread the liquid on affected areas to create a tacky surface that prevents birds from landing. Place a fan in your room to muffle the sounds of chirping birds.