how to get bird out of microwave vent

Removing birds from a vent may seem like an easy thing to do – simply startle them out, seal up the hole and the job is done, right? Unfortunately, bird removal is not that easy, and involves serious hazardous bacteria that should be handled by professionals. While many homeowners may want to remove the birds themselves, they neglect to remember all the droppings, materials and parasites they may be disturbing inside the ventilation systems of their homes.

Starlings build extremely messy nests consisting of dried leaves, grass and twigs. When disturbed, these nests produce large amounts of airborne dust and debris that are easily inhaled. When mixed with droppings, this can result in a very unhealthy situation. Starlings are also carriers of bird mites, a parasite that feeds on the blood of birds. Densely packed nests present an ideal environment for mites to thrive. When removing a nest, mites will scatter and attach themselves to humans. For these reasons, personal protective equipment should always be worn when dealing with starlings. If a starling has chosen to make a best in a home, they have likely chosen one of the following places:


Adult starlings will frequently make some noise and probe their way out of a vent system on their own. It’s critical to ascertain whether there are any babies inside the vent after the adults have left. Young starlings are dependent on their parents for food and care and do not leave the nest for several weeks after birth. Babies can only be removed through hands-on techniques. It’s imperative to remove all birds before fastening the vent cover. Dead birds trapped in your vent will produce an unpleasant smell, maggots, and flies.

Because nesting material reduces your ability to see and hear, it can be challenging to determine whether there are babies present. To access the nest and any babies inside, specialized tools and equipment are frequently needed. Each dryer, kitchen, and bathroom vent system is unique based on the design and construction of the house. From one home to the next, the vent system’s length and shape can differ greatly. There are times when the exhaust on the outside of the house and the bathroom fan can be more than 20 feet apart, with several bends and angles. Others are far simpler. Different materials can also be used to make duct tubes; solid aluminum or flexible plastic that resembles an accordion can be used. Plastic vent tubes are easily damaged and broken through by a family of starlings, giving them access to your attic or walls and greatly complicating things.

Protecting Your Kitchen Vent From Birds

We can install top-notch cages and screens to prevent birds from building nests in your range hood or microwave vent. When we provide you with a quote for the work, we can go over the various materials we have available. Check out our Bird Guard Installation service for more details.

Sanitizing the Microwave or Range Hood

Birds can cause a lot of mess in your range fan or microwave, especially if they fly straight up. The birds can build their nests right on top of the fan in a vertical exhaust configuration. Nest materials and bird droppings can get all over the machine’s interior. We are able to disassemble and thoroughly clean these appliances, allowing you to resume cooking with confidence.


How do you get birds out of a vent?

How do I remove the bird in vent? If you suspect that you have a bird in a vent, call your local Animal Control Bureau or a pest control professional for the humane removal of the birds from your vents.

How do I get rid of birds in my bathroom vent?

The best way to keep birds off your bathroom vent is by preventing their entry by sealing off the vents. However, if the birds have already entered the vent, you should have an expert to remove them. A trained wildlife removal expert will safely and efficiently remove the birds.

How much does it cost to remove a bird’s nest from a vent?

Bird’s Nest Location For example, if a bird’s nest is in an easy-to-reach location, such as a vent, it’ll cost $200 to $500 for removal. Compared to an inactive nest in a hard-to-reach area, like a roof, you’ll end up paying $300 to $2,000.