how to get a bird to like you

Budgies are highly intelligent, relatively low maintenance, and are renowned for their hilarious personalities! And with their beautiful, striking appearance too, it’s hardly surprising that budgies are the world’s most popular pet bird. As with any pet, building a good relationship between you and your feathered friend can take time, so ensuring your budgie feels safe and comfortable around you is key to building a long-lasting friendship. So, you may now be asking the question of how to get my parakeet or budgie to like me?

Step 1 – Make Sure They’re Comfortable

The first step to getting your budgie to like you is to make sure that they’re comfortable in your presence and their environment. Providing them with a safe and secure cage is a great place to start. The Omlet Geo Bird Cage is the perfect space for budgies, with a geodesic, spacious design, offering plenty of room for perching and flying! Furthermore, the Omlet Geo Bird Cage has a choice of Omlet Geo Bird Cage Night Covers to choose from, that not only look great but most importantly, help to protect your bird from any loud noises and provide them with a feeling of security at night when you are not there.

Another crucial step in ensuring your budgie’s comfort is to make sure it has enough space. Naturally, our pets don’t feel happy in an untidy, cluttered environment any more than we do. Thankfully, the Omlet Geo Bird Cage is very easy to clean and very practical. With a wipe-clean plastic base and a no-spill feeder that catches food, you won’t need to do much work to keep your budgie’s cage looking great!

You should start establishing your bird’s comfort level in your presence once it has become acclimated to its new residence. Remember that parakeets and budgies are prey animals, and you should remain vigilant until they determine that you pose no threat.

To start, you should take a seat next to their cage, being careful not to startle them with loud noises. Talk to them quietly, introducing them to everyone in the house and softly repeating their name. Maybe read them a book as well (even if it makes you feel a little silly!). The first step in developing a wonderful bond with your budgie is for it to become comfortable around you, so patience is essential.

Step 2 – Start to Bond with Them

As soon as your bird settles into their new house, you can start to deepen your relationship with them. Though bonding with your bird may take months, in general, a budgie will only take about two weeks to get used to their new home. But don’t let that deter you—bonding times actually differ amongst these intelligent birds because they all have unique personalities.

To begin building a stronger bond with your budgie, you can start talking to them and giving them treats at the same time. You should try hand training your budgie if you see that it is afraid of your hands; we’ll talk more about this later. As an alternative, you could give them a bird treat holder to enjoy in their cage. A treat holder will not only keep your bird occupied, but it will also foster good associations with their cage. Being there will also help you show your budgie love during this time. You can be sure that your affection is returned because budgies usually love their owners after the initial getting to know each other phase. Just remember that treats should only be given to budgies occasionally in addition to a well-balanced diet consisting of premium seeds, fruit, and vegetables, as well as a block of mineral supplements.

Even though parakeets require little upkeep, you must invest enough time in them to form the kind of bond you want. Parakeets should ideally receive at least an hour of your time each day, dedicated to meeting their needs. You can divide this up into quick sessions where you can give your bird your full attention; it’s not necessary to spend an hour with them at one sitting. Continue conversing with them during this time before you begin to play.

Step 4 – Handle them Gently

You might want to start handling your bird now that you’ve begun to develop a bond with them. Raise your hand to your budgie’s cage before doing so, and of course, talk to it and give it toys and treats. The first step in handling your bird is for it to get used to your hand in a matter of days.

Now it’s time to put your hand inside the cage. Here, it’s crucial to avoid making any abrupt movements that could frighten your bird. When making your first physical contact with your budgie, it’s important to maintain composure, but you should also feel confident in your approach. Your bird should become acclimated to being near you by slowly putting your hand inside the cage before they feel totally at ease sitting on your finger. Practice this during your sessions with your budgie throughout the day by keeping your hand in its cage for five minutes at a time. Apply millet to your finger so that your bird will eventually become accustomed to obtaining their reward by navigating between your thumb and index finger.

It is important to note that when you reach for your fingers, your bird may peck at them at first. It’s important to note even though it won’t be difficult enough to draw any blood. Budgies, however, are generally not hostile animals by nature. If anything, they might fight over food and territory, but these outbursts are usually fleeting.


How do you get wild birds to trust you?

Provide a nice, safe space to get easily accessed food and water, then hang around the site. Most “backyard” birds come to tolerate the presence of humans as long as the humans are not noisy, move around a lot, or act like they are approaching the bird in any way.

How do you make a bird not scared of you?

If you want to get closer to birds, the most important thing is moving slowly enough that you don’t make them nervous. Birds will display nervous behavior if you try to approach too quickly. It’s important to recognize nervous body language so you can slow down and give the bird time to relax.