how to get bird out of fireplace insert

Scenario 2:  How to get a bird out of the fireplace if the bird escapes into the room

  • Turn off all lights. Shut down the space by shutting the doors or covering any gaps in the doorway with a bed sheet. Open the windows and external doors, then use a broom or, for best results, a bed sheet held high between two people to “herd” the bird outside.

Scenario 1: How to get a bird out of a fireplace if the bird is in the fireplace or chimney

  • In the event that the bird is within the fireplace or within the chimney, place a lit flashlight within a cardboard box that is almost the same height as the fireplace, allowing space for a cardboard cover to be placed over the box. Place the box in the fireplace and open the damper if the bird is in the chimney. If the bird is inside the fireplace, push the open side of the box flat up against the fireplace opening and remove the fireplace screen (or open the glass doors). Remove the cardboard cover from the box and take the bird outside if it falls or flies inside.


  • Give the bird a chance to fly up the chimney toward the light and escape by covering the fireplace opening and keeping all light out. Make sure the damper is open.


  • Let the bird into the fireplace by opening the damper. (If the bird is in the fireplace already, shut the damper to prevent it from ascending the chimney again.) ) Throw a towel over the bird. Gently bundle it in the towel. Take the towel outside and let the bird go with its two ends.


  • Cover the fireplace opening with a very thin plastic drop cloth, leaving plenty of slack to create a pocket. Shine a light on the pocket. Gather the drop cloth around the bird when it flies into the pocket, then let it fly outside.

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Thank you for reading our article! Check out our in-depth interview with Elmer Bensinger for more information about bird removal.


How long can a bird live in fireplace?

However, birds can survive stuck in a chimney anywhere from two to seven days depending on the species (as long as you don’t light the fireplace). So take your time, make sure that you prepare right, check what bird control Henderson residents usually call in these situations, and give them a call.

What to do if a bird gets stuck in your chimney?

If you have a traditional chimney, you can try turning off all the lights in the house, leaving a door open and opening the flue—the bird will see the light of the exit and try to get out.

How do I keep birds out of my fireplace vent?

Install a Cap or “Chimney Top Cover” The bottom line is—birds in chimneys is not something that you want to deal with. The good news is that you can easily prevent the problem by installing a chimney cap!

Will lighting a fire get birds out of my chimney?

Too late now. Lighting a fire will suffocate the birds, and then you will have bird carcasses that may or may not desiccate before they rot. You really don’t want to live with a rotting bird in your chimney. You’ve lost the spring 2019 nesting season to any birds that are there.