how to get bird nest out of roof

It’s that time again, time when pest birds seek out places to nest. Learn how to get rid of birds easily as well as how to get rid of birds nesting on your home. Your home has all sorts of lofty nooks and crannies that offer refuge from weather and predators, and within easy access to food and water.

The Facts About How to Get Rid of a Birds Nest

Birds construct their nests to offer a secure, comfortable area for them to lay their eggs. Many environmental factors, including the species of bird, the presence of competitors, parasites, and predators, as well as temperature and humidity, influence the locations and types of nests that they choose to build. Some birds nest on grass or even dig burrows in the ground, while others construct their nests in trees and shrubs. Some species build their nests on building roofs, walls, or ledges. Before attempting bird nest removal, there are a few things to take into consideration, regardless of where you’ve seen them or the effect they have on your property. Often, calling a professional is the best first step.

  • Ensure the Nest is Inactive. It goes without saying that the best time to remove a bird’s nest is obviously while it’s still being constructed. But it’s possible that until it’s inhabited, you won’t notice the construction. If there are already birds or eggs there, don’t try to move them. Recall that it is illegal to remove migratory birds’ nests, so you should wait until after the nesting season. Learning how to prevent birds from creating a nest in the first place is also a good idea.
  • Check for Eggs. Eggs may be visible in the nest, but the parents are nowhere to be found. This doesn’t mean the eggs have been abandoned. In actuality, a lot of birds wait to lay their eggs, and they can survive for up to two weeks after that. Alternatively, it’s possible that the adults have just momentarily left the nest to feed or assist in cooling the eggs. Human disturbances on a regular basis may cause the nest to be abandoned.
  • Wait Until After Nesting Season. While most bird species only nest once a year, some can have as many as four or five. Diverse species also spend quite different amounts of time in their nests. Raptors may remain for up to eight or ten weeks, but songbirds typically depart after two or three weeks. Knowing the specifics of each species can be quite difficult, so it’s best to leave it to the experts to decide what to do and when.

It’s time to call Terminix® Commercial if a bird has taken up residence on your property in a dangerous area, is causing damage to your house, or is preventing any space from being used. Our skilled professionals will assist in determining the best course of action, whether you require expert bird nest removal or are looking for more information about how to prevent birds from building a nest.

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The word pest is not commonly synonymous with birds, but if they’re causing damage to your roof, car, or property, you may make an exception. In fact, you may even be considering bird nest removal if you find them wreaking havoc consistently. Not only can nesting birds make quite a racket, but they can block stove, dryer and fan vents with their nesting materials, and clog gutters and drains. Plus, bird droppings contain uric acid, which can also damage car paint. So, while removing a birds nest may not be something you’ve worried about in the past, there are occasions that might necessitate a deeper look. If you’re thinking about removing a birds nest yourself, first consider that there are laws and risks that you need to be aware of.

Bird control is not as simple as just trying to figure out how to get rid of a birds nest. Many species are protected under The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which “makes it illegal for anyone to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, barter, or offer for sale, purchase, or barter, any migratory bird, or the parts, nests, or eggs of such a bird except under the terms of a valid permit issued pursuant to Federal regulations.” Unless you’re an expert, it’s not likely that you’ll be able to differentiate protected birds from others, so it’s always recommended that you leave any bird nest removal to professional wildlife control such as Terminix® Commercial.

Birds can carry diseases that could be harmful to humans, so professional removal is necessary in addition to adhering to rules and regulations. Microorganisms from birds can cause a range of communicable diseases and can spread through different routes. Nests are likely to remain long after the birds have left and may contain mites, parasites, ticks, and other pests carried on the birds themselves. Additionally, it’s likely that the nests will contain droppings, increasing the danger of handling

Common places birds like to nest on your home:

Being proactive is the best strategy to keep birds from building nests near your house. And that entails putting in place humane and efficient bird deterrents ahead of time.

Eliminate all bird droppings and nesting debris from the nesting area as soon as possible to prevent birds from building their nests on your land. Birds that build nests are drawn to their own scent and pheromones, which are present in their nests and droppings. Prior to installing any bird control products, sanitize the area with a hospital-grade disinfectant and cleaning agent.

Here’s what the bird control pros at Bird-B-Gone recommend:

Use 3/4″ Heavy Duty Bird Netting to keep birds from building nests on your house. This net effectively keeps birds out of places they don’t want to go, like attics, under patio covers, and eaves. The physical barrier created by the 3/4-inch mesh netting keeps birds from landing or building nests. It is important to note that the 40 pound break strength of this net does not equate to heavy duty. This net is virtually undetectable from a distance, and it is guaranteed against UV breakdown for ten years. It is also rot and flame resistant. Heavy Duty Bird Netting is the #1 recommended solution for birds nesting in residential and commercial settings. Learn more about the commercial netting options offered by Bird B Gone, including how to install and select netting.

Pigeons and other pest birds find rooftop solar panels to be the perfect place to nest and roost. The panels offer birds easy access and departure, protection from predators, and shade from the hot sun. Furthermore, birds have a tendency to be very persistent, particularly if they nested beneath solar panels the season before. Eliminating nests and droppings can be difficult because the majority of solar panels are typically only 8 inches off the roof deck.

A weather-resistant mesh is included in Bird B Gone’s solar panel bird deterrent kit, which successfully prevents pest birds from building nests or roosts beneath the panels. Thanks to specifically made clips that won’t scratch or compromise the integrity of the solar panels, installation is a breeze. When installed, the mesh is nearly invisible and requires no drilling.

One of the hardest protected migratory birds to effectively prevent from nesting is undoubtedly swallows. While most experts will advise installing ¾” bird netting to keep birds out, our specialists also have simple do-it-yourself options for swallow nesting sites. The Swallow Shield Kit swallow and bat deterrent is one of the few products made expressly to prevent swallows from constructing their mud nests in undesirable locations. Swallow shield deterrents work best when combined with an effective bird repellent, like Avian Block Pouches, to keep migratory birds away from your house so they can build their nests.

Copper Stuf-Fit mesh from Bird-B-Gone is perfect for keeping small and large birds out of small cracks, holes, and nooks in your house because it can be easily “shaped” to keep out pest birds. The mesh comes in 6-inch wide, 20-foot & 100-foot rolls. Additionally, it is stain and rustproof (steel wool will rust, run, and discolor your carport). Even birds that try to make their way under roofing shingles and build nests near conduits and lighting fixtures are deterred by Copper Stuf-Fit.

Bird Slope creates a slanted 45-degree angled surface that is ideal for birds that nest on flat ledges, making it impossible for birds to nest there. Gone Bird Slope by Bird B comes in two color variations: gray Each 4-foot section has an angled surface that shields ledges up to five 5″. The Bird Slope Extenders allow the depth to be increased to a maximum of 10 5″ deep. Slope is an excellent choice for customers in the residential and commercial sectors.

When birds build their nests in dryer vent openings, the Defender Dryer Vent Guard is the ideal remedy. The vent guard is readily mounted and available in multiple sizes to keep birds from building their nests inside the opening. It might be necessary to enlist the help of a pest control expert to remove the nests from the vent.


Can I remove a birds nest myself?

In the United States, it is illegal to remove or destroy any active nest from a native bird type, defined as a nest with eggs or brooding adults in it. The Migratory Bird Act of 1918 protects over 800 birds in North America, including almost all the birds you see each day.

How do you get rid of birds nesting in your roof?

You could eliminate their food source by installing bird netting around any fruit trees in your garden. Keep your roof, eaves, and gutters clean as part of your home maintenance plan. Also, routinely carry out pest control measures. This will also aid in bird control.

Can I remove a nest from my roof?

Can birds’ nests be removed? If you find an active birds’ nest in your home, it’s illegal to remove it.

Is it bad if birds nest in your roof?

Birds have a habit of nesting in unconventional areas. If one builds a nest in your roof vents, this will block air flow from your attic. Then water vapor will be able to build until it condenses on attic surfaces and begins to cause serious moisture damage. Anything from gulls to sparrows may be responsible.