how to care for a parakeet bird

Due to their social nature, parakeets should only be kept in pairs or small groups. The genders in a group or pair can be mixed. It is advised to keep your birds in groups of the same gender if you plan not to breed them. Medical needs.

Parakeets need fresh water every day. To stop bacterial growth, make sure to thoroughly wash and rinse the dish every day. Supplemental powdered vitamins can also be sprinkled on the food. Avoid putting them in the water as this can encourage the growth of bacteria. You should also give your parakeet cuttlebones to help with calcium absorption and to stop its beak from growing too long. Housing.

Due to their rapid metabolism, parakeets are susceptible to illness even in the absence of food for a full day. Fresh parakeet seed or pellets should be given to parakeets as a staple diet every day. Because they will only eat from the top of what is offered, make sure to check the food dish every day. Apart from being fed pellets, parakeets should also be given different kinds of fruits, hard-cooked eggs, grated cheese, and chopped dark green and yellow vegetables. To keep fresh foods from spoiling, remember to remove them after two hours. The birds may be consuming too much liquid from the fresh fruits and vegetables if their stools become runny. If this persists, limit your intake of fresh foods for a day to see if the problem goes away. Millet spray is also an excellent supplement for parakeets.

Many parakeets can become hand tame. Its easiest to begin hand taming with a young bird. It will take some trial and error to find a treat that your particular bird truly likes. Feed these treats through the bars to entice the parakeet to come closer if it is afraid of your hand being near the cage. Your parakeet may need some time to come to trust you and realize that you have no malicious intentions. You can use the same method to train the bird to perch on your hand once it has grown acclimated to you being close to the cage.

The length of the cage matters more to parakeets than its height. The ideal dimensions for cages are roughly 14″ long, 16″ high, and 17″ wide. Perches are a necessary addition to any parakeet cage. Make sure the perches you use fit your parakeet’s feet properly. The bird may sustain injuries if they are too big because it will find it difficult to hold onto the perch. Offering a range of perch shapes and textures will aid in a parakeet’s foot exercise. The placement of perches is also important. To prevent droppings from contaminating the food or water and to prevent the tail from hanging in the water dish, try to arrange them in a strategic manner. Engaging your parakeet with toys like climbing ladders, ropes, and bells is a good idea.

What do parakeets eat?

Because they can travel great distances in the wild, parakeets eat a variety of foods. Your parakeet’s diet consists mostly of standard birdseed and pellet blends, of course, but it also includes vegetables and sprouted seeds. Once a week, treat yourself to a small piece of appropriate fruit. And don’t forget fresh, clean water everyday.

  • Pelleted food: Refresh daily with a bowl that is always full (4% full = 2015–25% of diet).
  • Blend of bird’s seed: Refresh daily with the bowl at all times (C2%BE full = 50–60% of their diet).
  • Fresh vegetables: Dark leafy greens fed every other day
  • Fresh fruits: berries, melons, papaya fed every other day
  • Treats: honey sticks or millet spray once monthly
  • Water: Change daily and provide at all times

How do I set up my parakeet’s home?

The better, the larger the cage (minimum 18 x 18 x 24 inches). Use a paper liner or bedding made of recycled paper to line the enclosure floor. Replace the liner at least every other day. Position the cage away from drafty windows and doors at or below eye level. Keep your parakeet’s home out of the kitchen because they are also sensitive to smoke, gases, and strong odors.


Are parakeets easy to care for?

They are usually thought of as easy keepers– and are traditionally given bird seed and water and kept as multiples in relatively small cages. However, the more we learn about parakeets and their needs and behaviors the more we know that they require more than just this basic care to thrive in a captive environment.

What not to do with parakeets?

Don’t burn incense, smoke or vape around your bird. Don’t use aerosols around your bird, such as hair spray or spray paint. Keep your bird away from kitchen areas.

What do parakeets need in their cage?

The enclosure needs to have enough room for the parakeets, and allow easy access for your hand when you replenish the food and water bowls. Parakeets need enough space to fly around, and like to have a variety of fixed and swinging perches.

What you need to know before getting a parakeet?

Parakeets are very social birds and prefer to be kept in pairs or small groups. The genders in a group or pair can be mixed. If you don’t want to breed your birds, it’s suggested to keep them in groups of the same gender. Wings and nails can be trimmed to ease the taming process.