how to attract native birds to your garden

You can also hang water baths, plant native flowering trees, and leave areas of leaf litter around your garden.

Five ways to attract native birds

One of the best ways to draw birds to your garden is to use native plants, according to Tom

You should incorporate a range to accommodate various bird species. For instance, eucalyptus (gum trees) for rainbow lorikeets, dense shrubs to offer cover for smaller birds, and nectar plants like grevillea (spider flower) for birds that feed on nectar.

“Ensure that the garden has a varied structure and dense plants so that the smaller birds are not outcompeted by the more aggressive species,” Tom advises.

Additionally, native grass will help draw insects for foraging birds.

When working with a balcony, Tom suggests potted native plants that yield honey.

“Some that might succeed are a hardy grevillea species, kangaroo paws, or a compact form of candle banksia.” “.

According to Tom, all birds need to drink, but those with a dry diet, like pigeons and finches, particularly need to.

However, all species require water in hot weather, so giving birds access to a clean source of water, such as a bird bath or trough, is a great way to support them. “.

To ensure that birds feel safe, raise it off the ground and provide cover close by so they can flee quickly in the event that a predator does show up.

According to Tom, you should put sticks in your water source to make it easier for birds to drink and to let lizards and bees crawl out so they won’t drown.

In order to stop bacteria and algae from growing, you will need to clean the water every day.

how to attract native birds to your garden

Consider building a nesting box where birds, possums, and reptiles can live if you have large trees.

“With the exception of Antarctica, we are the only continent devoid of woodpeckers, who simply drill holes in tree trunks,” Tom remarks.

Our hollows develop over a long period of time, as a result of fungus rotting old gum trees, for example. However, many of our species—parrots and cockatoos, for instance—need hollows. “.

Gardening stores sell pre-made boxes and kits, or you can create your own by searching online for designs.

Although many of us enjoy feeding wild birds, many bird organizations oppose it.

Tom and a few other experts on birds say it’s acceptable as long as it’s done correctly.

“Research has shown that people will still do what you tell them, no matter what you say.” People enjoy up-close bird viewing, and that’s a good thing. Its engaging people in nature,” Tom says.

“Given the opportunity to engage our society in the natural world, providing food is not the worst thing you can do.” “.

Seed will attract birds including finches, pigeons and doves. However, Tom points out that there’s also a chance of drawing in outsiders like house sparrows, which are small brown birds that are common in food courts.

Lorikets and honey eaters will be drawn to nectar mixtures and sugar water.

Other birds like currawongs, magpies and kookaburras prefer high-protein food.

Many people use our raw mince, which poses a risk of bacterial spread.

Instead, Tom advises buying meal worms or native insectivore mixes, which offer the ideal balance of protein, fiber, and macro- and micronutrients.

Fruit will draw lorikeets, king parrots, and rosellas, among other wild birds.

It’s a good idea to vary the times you put out feed and not do it every day.

Tom says, “That will stop large flocks of predators like magpies coming in.”

Additionally, he says that in order to prevent the spread of bacteria that can kill wildlife, the feeding area needs to be kept sanitary and clean.

Why attract native birds?

The local birds you can attract will depend on where you live—whether in an urban or rural area.

However, Tom claims that the majority of us have the chance to see birds like finches, magpies, rainbow lorikeets, and honeyeaters.

“You can attract a really wide range and variety of bird species, depending on the city you’re in and the amount of bushland nearby.” particularly if there is a habitat nearby, such as a park or other green area

However, this does not imply that you cannot have opportunities even if you reside in the most densely populated concrete jungle. You can use pots to create a habitat even on a balcony. “.

how to attract native birds to your garden

Tom says you can help native birds survive by making your home a safe haven.

“When we clear habitat there are species that disappear. By luring birds to your garden, you can attempt to correct some of the imbalance we’ve caused. “.

Birds can improve your garden’s health as well as your mental well-being.

“Nature has proven to improve peoples wellbeing,” Tom says.

Supply them with food

Whether you’re planning a new garden at home or have a sizable site to restore, make sure the plants you use to attract birds are evergreen.

Even a tiny garden can draw birds, particularly in the winter and spring when tūī, bellbirds, and kererū (native wood pigeons) will fly great distances to find fruit and flowers.

Make an effort to use ecosourced plants, or those that grow naturally in your area. These could include wineberry, karamū, and korokia for fruit, and kōwhai, flax, kakabeak, and tarata for nectar.

Who eats what? – some common species and their diet

Species Fruit Foliage Nectar Insects Other
Bellbird Y Y Y
Fantail Y
Grey warbler Y
Kaka Y Y Y Seeds and tree sap
Kererū Y Y Flowers
Kingfisher Y Lizards, small rodents
Shining cuckoo Y
Ruru/Morepork Y Small rodents, birds, lizards
Tūī Y Y Y
Wax/White/Silvereye Y Y Y

If you don’t have enough room for large trees, consider growing plants in containers. g. titoki, broadleaf and cabbage tree. Certain shrubs, such as kakabeak, can even be shaped to blend in with your garden’s design; however, you should let them flower so that the birds will benefit.


How do you attract birds naturally?

Providing multiple bird feeder styles and foods attracts more birds to your backyard. Simultaneously offering sunflower, thistle (aka Nyjer®), peanuts, fruit, jelly, suet, and mealworms will attract the greatest variety of bird species to your birdscape.

How long does it take for birds to notice a new bird feeder?

When you introduce something different—new food, new bird bath, or a new feeder—it’s going to take a while for them to get used to it. While working at my local wild bird store, we used to tell our customers that it may take two to three weeks for birds to interact with a new feeder.

What type of bird feeder attracts the most birds?

Hopper feeders are attractive to most feeder birds, including finches, jays, cardinals, buntings, grosbeaks, sparrows, chickadees, and titmice; they’re also squirrel magnets.

What is the best bird seed to attract colorful birds?

Sunflower seeds are the seeds favored by most seed-eating birds, some 40 species including cardinals, tufted titmice, Carolina chickadees, house and purple finches, American goldfinches, brown-headed nuthatches, and red-bellied woodpeckers, to name a few.