how to attract birds to a nesting box

Are you an avid bird watcher looking to encourage more feathered friends to visit your back yard? A bird house is an excellent addition to your property, and the right one is as functional as it is beautiful.

Still, one important question remains. How can you encourage nesting birds to actually find and use your bird house? What’s the secret to making yours the most comfortable and hospitable spot on the block?

Today, we’re sharing 10 of our top tips that can turn any bird house into a haven for a variety of bird species. So read on, take notes, and grab your binoculars!

3)    Position Your Box Well

Now, how should a nest box be positioned? This is important for two reasons. First, you must confirm that the entrance hole is pointed in the right direction. If it is facing south, the sun will shine on it all day long, overheating the interior. It might not receive enough sunlight if it faces west or east to keep the babies warm enough. The best position for most nest boxes is northeast facing.

Second, ensure that your nest box is elevated enough above the ground. Again, this is for the safety of the baby birds. If they were too low, a predator could easily reach in and take them. If it’s too high, they might not be able to properly fledge (fly) when the time comes for them to leave the nest. Four to six feet above the ground is considered a good height.

Additionally, you must ensure that your nest box is sufficiently remote from any bushes or trees. A predator could easily climb up and reach the babies if it’s too close. Around ten feet from any vegetation is usually best.

1)    Set Up Several Nest Boxes

If there are multiple nest boxes available, birds are more likely to use them. This keeps them from being crowded or competitive and allows them to select the nest box that best meets their needs. Either buy several nest boxes or construct your own If you’re handy with tools, building your own nest box is a great way to save money.

2. Choose the Right Type of House

The kind of house you choose is just as important as the location where you put your bird house.

Understanding the nesting habits of the birds you wish to attract is helpful and should be one of your main priorities. For example, certain species prefer to live in groups, while others choose to establish their homes alone and apart from other people.

Purple martins are one species of bird that just so happens to enjoy the social aspect of living in a community. These birds prefer to build their nests in apartment-style bird houses, which allow numerous feathered families to coexist. They are also drawn to gourd-style homes, which are frequently seen hanging in groups of a dozen or more from poles or racks!

Chickadees, bluebirds, and wrens, however, need their own personal space. These homes ought to be placed apart from other comparable buildings and large enough to house a single family. Installing our Cedar Chickadee/Wren Nest Box in your backyard will attract other species that share your interests to build their nests there.

In need of additional guidance while looking for the best bird house? Our Right Bird, Right House guide is the ideal addition to your newest venture. All the information you need to always set up the perfect nesting structure is included in this guide.


Why won’t birds nest in my birdhouse?

If the hole is too small, the bird you built the box for won’t be able to get inside. If the hole is too big, predatory birds and mammals will be able to get inside and reach the nest, and cavity-nesting birds may not use the house. Use the proper materials. Wood is the best material for birdhouses.

What should I put in a birds nesting box?

Fallen leaves and twigs left unraked make excellent nest materials for many birds. Providing nooks in your backyard where this untidy debris can collect provides a variety of material for the birds to check out when they are building nests.