how to assemble a bird feeding station

The location of your bird feeding station should, above all, make the birds feel comfortable and safe. When birds are near natural cover, such as trees, shrubs, or other vegetation, they are probably going to eat more comfortably. This gives birds cover to observe their feeding area and any potential predators while they wait for their turn to eat. To keep unwelcome pests from getting to the seed, keep the feeders approximately 10 to 12 feet away from any trees or other obstacles. Feeders should be hung or mounted closer to a window than three feet or farther away than fifteen feet to help prevent fatal window collisions.

Unused bird baths can serve as a haven for dangerous bacteria and microbes that can infect the birds in your backyard. Remember to regularly clean and replace your water source, whether it’s a shallow dish, fountain, or bird bath.

A bird feeding station is the best place to get everything you need for your backyard birds because it is made to draw a variety and large number of birds all year round. It can grow into a lovely feature in your landscape that gives the birds food, shade, and a secure haven. Use these guidelines to determine the ideal site and discover what fundamental components a bird feeding station needs to have.

After disassembling, certain bird feeders and their components can be cleaned in the dishwasher and put on the top rack. Before putting any feeder parts in your dishwasher, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, all you need for hand washing is warm water, a scrubbing brush or sponge, and unscented dish detergent. For additional information on why and how often to clean your bird feeders, see our cleaning instructions.

Try planting a few complementary native plants close to your birding station, depending on the feeders you select and the kind of birds you hope to attract. Native plants have fruit, seeds, nectar, and insects that live on them that can give birds extra nourishment. When they have a temporary hiding spot or shelter close by, birds find it easier to feed. Bring some color to your bird feeding station by researching the preferred flowers, bushes, and trees for the birds in your area!


How do you arrange Bird Feeders?

Feeders close to natural shelter such as trees or shrubs offer resting places for birds between feeding bouts and a quick refuge if a hawk flies through. Evergreens are ideal—their thick foliage buffers winter winds and offers year-round hiding places from predators.