how much space does a bird need

Taking into consideration that birds require a lifelong commitment (many live 40-plus years!), potential bird owners should carefully consider where their new pet should live well before bringing it home. Whether you’re contemplating an individual cage or enclosure, mulling over granting free range in a room, or considering a combination of the two, a clean and well-maintained living space can set the stage for the health and happiness of your bird.

Furniture and Accessories for Birds

The AAV suggests appropriately sized, spotless natural wood branches from non-toxic, pesticide-free trees for perches. According to Latas, your bird’s nails should only go about halfway around the perch. She suggests stocking the cage with a variety of wood, rope, and concrete perch sizes.

“It must be a comfortable place for them to fly, climb, perch high, and maneuver while still enabling them to reach their food and water dishes,” the expert stated.

For food and water, shallow, low bowls made of ceramic or stainless steel that are impermeable and sturdy are advised. Food dishes should be kept away from bird droppings and cleaned daily with hot water and dish soap, according to the owners. Additionally, toys are crucial for companion birds’ welfare, mental health, and general well-being, according to Latas. She supports the use of games, books, and other enrichment activities in addition to recommending non-toxic toys.

Bird cages need to be kept in a clean room and cleaned once a week using hot water, dish detergent, and good old elbow grease because birds are prone to mold and bacteria, according to Latas. She said that in the rare event that a disinfectant is needed, a veterinarian should recommend a suitable and secure item.

“Not every disinfectant eradicates every pathogen, and some pose a serious risk.” Vinegar is not a disinfectant. Bleach should never be used without strict veterinary instructions because it poses a serious risk to people, birds, and the environment, the speaker stated.

According to Latas, cage bottoms should be lined with newspaper, butcher paper, or paper towels (not shredded paper) and changed at least once a day, or more frequently if necessary.

“Steer clear of nugget materials such as walnut shells and corncob bedding,” she advised. “Birds can ingest these, resulting in impaction. Some of these substances are extremely toxic and contain a lot of bacterial and fungal spores, which makes it difficult to inspect droppings, which is crucial for tracking daily health. ”.

When using cage grates, which let food and droppings fall out of a bird’s reach, Latas advised changing the paper every day, wiping down the grate, and cleaning the tray once a week.

Where to Place your Bird Cage

The AAV advises keeping your bird cage near the area of the house where most family activities occur, but Latas advises against keeping your bird cage near fume-filled kitchens, garages, and workshops. She continued, “Wherever activity occurs in your home, your bird should be nearby but not in danger.” While it is ideal to have a room with an outside view, owners should relocate the cage if they believe that the activity around it is too stressful for their pet. It should also be kept away from drafts and windows.

“A bird is stressed if subjected to constant observation,” Dr. Latas said. The common species of companion birds are vulnerable to prolonged periods of vigilant observation because they are preyed upon by raptors and other animals in the wild. They might also become alarmed if a hawk passes by, particularly if their cage is situated right in front of a window. Large objects can also have the same terrifying, stressful effect, such as balloons or an overhead lamp above their cage. ”.

A bird needs 12 to 14 hours of sleep per night, so its cage should be covered or moved to a quiet, dark room.

Can Birds Live Together?

When determining whether a companion bird is appropriate for your bird, Dr. Before acquiring multiple birds, Latas advised prospective pet parents to seek the advice of a skilled avian veterinarian.

“The answer to this is completely dependent on the species, age, living situation, history, and temperament of each individual bird,” the speaker stated. For instance, several birds may be able to live in a sizable, naturally furnished outdoor aviary, but small cages and birds that are bonded to humans might not welcome a new ‘friend.’ There are too many birds in a cage if they are fighting, picking at each other’s features, or getting sick. ”.

She also mentioned that some bird species can even turn deadly toward one another.


How big should a bird enclosure be?

Latas, is to allow for no fewer than 18 inches by 18 inches of floor space per bird, with medium birds requiring at least 24 inches by 30 inches and large birds needing even more space. “A bird cage should be longer than they are tall because birds fly from side to side, not up and down,” Dr. Latas said.

Do birds need space?

Space. Any enclosure should provide a large space relative to the size of the bird, to allow for free movement and flight. Where birds are permanently confined in a cage, they must have regular access to a flight aviary or opportunities to fly in a safe environment (such as indoors).

What is the minimum size cage for a bird?

“In general, an absolute minimum for cage size is one-and-a-half times the bird’s wingspan (width and depth).”

Can I keep a bird in a small cage?

As a rule, the minimum size of the cage should be large enough so that the bird can stretch their wings out without touching the sides and sit on a perch without the tail touching the floor of the cage.