how many types of oriole birds are there

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Eight New World oriole species can be found in the US, excluding rarely seen vagrant species (see list below) Orioles are relatively easy to identify because of their distinctive orange-and-black or yellow-and-black plumage. Additionally, many Americans are familiar with these vibrant birds because they live across a significant portion of the nation and occasionally visit feeders.

Despite their relative abundance, most North American orioles are in decline, some steeply. The Baltimore Oriole, for example, has experienced a 42-percent population decline in the last 50 years; the Audubons Oriole has been added to Partners in Flights (PIFs) Yellow Watch List (an indicator of conservation concern); and the Altamira Oriole, which numbers fewer than 500 in Texas, has been listed as “threatened” in the state by the Texas Organization for Endangered Species.

Here is an alphabetical list of all the orioles that regularly breed in the continental United States, both migratory and resident. We only utilize PIF population and conservation data from the US and Canada. (Remember that only the Baltimore, Bullocks, and Orchard species are listed as reaching Canada.) The population estimates displayed here, therefore, do not represent the total number of orioles, as some of their breeding ranges are located in Mexico and Central America. One exotic species that we have included on our list is the Spot-breasted Oriole, which is native to the United S. for more than 70 years, and some vagrant species that sporadically visit have been left out.

Altamira Oriole

U.S. Population Estimate: <500 Population Trend: Unknown Habitat: Dry forest and brush near Rio Grande Threats: Habitat loss Note: Although most of the Altamira Orioles range lies south of the U.S. border, it can be found in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The Texas Organization for Endangered Species lists the species as “threatened” within the state; however, the Altamira Oriole is still considered common in the southern parts of its range.

Audubons Oriole

U.S. Population Estimate: <5,000 Population Trend: Overall trend unknown; decreasing in the U.S. Habitat: Dry forest and brush Threats: Brood parasitism, habitat loss and fragmentation Note: Formerly known as the Black-headed Oriole, Audubons Oriole is the only oriole species in the New World to sport a black hood with a yellow or orange back. Conservation concerns have led PIF to add Audubons Oriole to its Yellow Watch List.

Baltimore OrioleBaltimore Oriole

U.S./Canada Population Estimate: 12,000,000 Population Trend: Decreasing Habitat: Open eastern deciduous forest Threats: Habitat loss Note: Like most oriole species, Baltimore Orioles build hanging nests by weaving an assortment of fibers, including hairs and grasses. The nests, which take one to two weeks to construct, are lined with feathers and downy fibers. Baltimore Oriole populations have decreased by 42 percent over the last 50 years.

Bullocks OrioleBullocks Oriole

U.S./Canada Population Estimate: 6,500,000 Population Trend: Decreasing Habitat: Open western deciduous forest Threats: Habitat loss, possibly pesticide use Note: Bullocks Oriole enjoy a varied diet, including insects, fruit, and even nectar from agaves and other flowers. They can occasionally be found sipping from hummingbird feeders. Populations of the Bullocks Oriole have decreased 22 percent over the last 50 years.

Hooded OrioleHooded Oriole

U.S. Population Estimate: 350,000 Population Trend: Increasing Habitat: Open woods and brush Threats: Localized brood parasitism by Brown-headed and Bronzed CowbirdsNote: Hooded Orioles, which tend to nest in palm trees, have expanded their range northward, following the introduction of ornamental palms in residential areas. They can now be found as far north as Arcata, California.

Orchard Oriole

U.S./Canada Population Estimate: 10,000,000 Population Trend: Decreasing Habitat: Open woods and brush Threats: Habitat loss, brood parasitism Note: The smallest of North American orioles, Orchard Orioles have a noted tolerance for other birds. In areas of favored habitat, multiple Orchard Oriole pairs will sometimes nest in a single tree. They are also known to nest in close proximity to Baltimore Orioles, American Robins, and Chipping Sparrows, among others. Orchard Oriole populations have decreased 23 percent over the last 50 years.

Scotts OrioleScotts Oriole

U.S. Population Estimate: 1,600,000 Population Trend: Decreasing Habitat: Varied open, arid habitats Threats: Habitat loss and fragmentation Note: Although most birds avoid eating Monarch butterflies due to toxins ingested by the milkweed-eating insects, Scotts Oriole and several other bird species have learned to prey upon them by eating the abdomens of less-noxious individuals. Populations of the Scotts Oriole have decreased by 29 percent over the last 50 years.

Spot-breasted Oriole

U.S. Population Estimate: Unknown Population Trend: Increasing Habitat: Lushly planted suburban areas in South Florida Threats: Severe winter freezes, habitat loss and fragmentationNote: Native to southern Mexico and Central America, Spot-breasted Orioles were introduced in the U.S. more than 70 years ago. The birds are now found in areas between Miami and West Palm Beach. They nest in human-altered landscapes with an abundance of flowering and fruiting ornamental trees and shrubs, including suburban yards and golf courses.

Information, images and range maps on over 1,000 birds of North America, including sub-species, vagrants, introduced birds and possibilities

From the burnt orange of the Orchard Oriole to the bright orange of the Northern Orioles (Baltimore Oriole and Bullocks Oriole) to the yellow of the Scotts Oriole and Audubons Oriole, the orioles have a wide variety of colorful plumage. The colors of the female orioles vary, ranging from dull orange to green and grey. These birds, which are all delightful to listen to, are typically found singing their upbeat songs in the treetop crowns. Orioles are recognized for their weaver-style nests, which resemble hanging baskets that sway with the wind from tree limbs.

how many types of oriole birds are there

There are at least nine species of orioles in North America: in the eastern areas, you’ll find the Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, while in the western areas, you’ll find the Bullocks and Scotts Orioles. The Spot-breasted Oriole is only found in central Florida. The Altamira Oriole, Audubons Oriole, Hooded Oriole, and Streak-backed Oriole are the four varieties of orioles that can be found in the southern states and Mexico. To view images of the Orioles seen in North America, click on the bird’s name or image.

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how many types of oriole birds are there


How many species of orioles are there?

Orioles are colorful, popular songbirds, easily recognized and favorites of birders and non-birders alike. Even experienced birders can be surprised to learn that more than 60 species of orioles can be found worldwide.

What is the difference between an oriole and a Baltimore Oriole?

Adult male (Orchard) Orchard Orioles are noticeably smaller than Baltimore Orioles. Male Orchard Orioles are rich chestnut, never bright orange like Baltimore Orioles.

What is the difference between Scott’s oriole and Audubon’s oriole?

The Audubon’s Oriole has a greenish-yellow back and an entirely black tail, unlike the black back and partially yellow tail of Scott’s Oriole.

What is the difference between Old World Orioles and New World Orioles?

The orioles of the Americas were named after similar-looking birds in the Old World, but the two groups are not closely related. Orioles of the Old World are in the family Oriolidae, whereas American orioles are in the same family as blackbirds and meadowlarks.