how many birds did noah send out

How many of each land animal kind did Noah actually bring onto the ark? Two? Seven of some? Seven pairs of some? What about the birds? Why are we even asking these questions?

When it comes to answering the question, “How many animals were on the ark?” it’s not just two of every kind—only the land-dwelling, air-breathing animal kinds needed to go on the ark.

Dr. Tim Chaffey, content manager for the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum, explains how many animals were on the ark in this video:

God also gave specific instructions for how many of each of the clean animal kinds and bird kinds were to board the ark. But exactly how many of the clean animals and birds were sent to the ark? Here’s the relevant biblical text:

While the ESV says “seven pairs,” some other translations word it differently—such as the NKJV, which says, “You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal.”

So is it seven pairs or seven each? Watch the short video below by Dr. Chaffey (and check out this article for a more detailed response).

Be sure to subscribe to the Ark’s YouTube channel so you don’t miss a video, and plan your visit to see our life-size Ark with three decks of teaching exhibits.


He sends out the raven of the law. This bird is a good, holy bird. It cannot lead us to God, even though it is of and from God.

Luther states, “It is a feature of the Law that its teaching cannot reassure, strengthen, and console fearful consciences.” Instead, it scares them because it only teaches us what God expects of us and what He wants us to do. Furthermore, it testifies against us in the conscience because we have not only disobeyed God’s will as it is revealed in the Law, but we have even gone against it (Genesis Commentary, AE 2:158).

Because it always finds something about us to accuse, the raven of the law flies about cawing its accusations against us. It proclaims no harmony, peace, pardon, or reduction of wrath. It is from God. God wants the raven to fly, to caw, to accuse.

The raven is a gloomy bird with a menacing warning to transgressors. One we have to hear to understand how hopeless things are for us if we handle things on our own.

So is it seven pairs or seven each? Watch the short video below by Dr. Chaffey (and check out this article for a more detailed response).

Additionally, God specified the number of each clean animal and bird species that needed to be on the ark. Here is the relevant biblical text: But precisely how many of the clean animals and birds were sent to the ark?

The answer to the question, “How many animals were on the ark?” is not simply two of each kind; only the animal species that could live on land and breathe air were required to be on the ark.

Why are we even asking these questions? How many pairs of any one land animal did Noah really bring on the ark? Two? Seven of some? What about the birds?

Some translations phrase it differently, such as the NKJV, which states, “You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal,” although the ESV says “seven pairs.” ”.


Noah’s two birds have a lesson for us to learn. An object lesson or allegory concerning the types of birds that are flown from pulpits nowadays

See, a pulpit is more than just a piece of furnishings for a church. Its also a naval term. It can refer to a raised platform on a ship. Here the vision is clearest.

Preachers resembling Noah stand in this pulpit, just as they did on the ark, to address those of us waiting for words from God.

Additionally, these preachers are spewing out dove and raven terms.


What are the birds that Noah sent out?

and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth. Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground.

How many times did Noah send dove out?

This ancient motif calls for a threefold sending out of birds such as in the model described in the fol- lowing verses when Noah sends out the dove three times. Each time the dove is sent out it reveals some new information to Noah.

What animal was not allowed on Noah’s ark?

Again, the Bible does not suggest that ANY animal missed the ark. Besides, Noah was given a direct order by God take every beast, fowl and any other living thing that creepeth upon the earth, onto the ark.