how many bird species are endangered

Top Threats to Birds (U.S. only. Ordered by Median Estimate of Bird Mortality Annually. As of 2017.)

Hazard/Type Min Range Max Range Median/Avg. Estimated
Habitat Loss/Conversion N/A N/A N/A
Collision – Building Glass Loss et al. 2014a 365,000,000 988,000,000 599,000,000
Collisions – Communication towers Longcore et al. 2012 6,600,000
Collisions – Electrical lines Loss et al. 2014c 8,000,000 57,300,000 25,500,000
Collision – Vehicles Loss et al. 2014b 89,000,000 340,000,000 214,500,000
Collisions – Land-based Wind Turbines Loss et al. 2013b 140,438 327,586 234,012
Collisions – Offshore Wind Turbines N/A N/A N/A
Collisions – Solar Panels N/A N/A N/A
Electrocutions Loss et al. 2014c 900,000 11,600,000 5,600,000
Burning -Solar Towers N/A N/A N/A
Poison 72,000,000
Cats Loss et al. 2013a 1,400,000,000 3,700,000,000 2,400,000,000
Oil Pits Trail 2006 500,000 1,000,000 750,000
All 1,863,540,438 4,758,227,586 3,324,184,012
All (excluding cats) 463,540,438 1,058,227,586 924,184,012
Industry only (excludes cats and vehicles) 374,540,438 718,227,586 709,684,012

How Many Birds are Killed?

True estimates of mortality are difficult to determine. Nonetheless, recent research has combined the best available information to estimate the ranges of mortality to North American bird populations from some of the most prevalent human-caused causes of bird mortality. These are listed in the table below. This list addresses only human-caused sources, not natural sources. There are numerous other human-caused threats to birds that are not included on this list because it is difficult or impossible to determine how much of an impact they have, either directly (causing injury or death right away) or indirectly (causing health problems or productivity over time). For example, habitat loss is considered to be the biggest threat to birds, both directly and indirectly, though it is very difficult to determine the exact impact of habitat loss on bird populations overall. Various entanglement and entrapment threats, as well as other common human-caused and natural threats to birds, are known, but are not included below. g. , exposed pipes and nets); predation by animals other than cats, such as people (e g. , poaching); weather events; starvation; and disease.

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which includes species like Brazil’s Stresemanns Bristlefront and Colombia’s Blue-billed Curassow, as well as species that are native to the United States and included on the U.S. S. Endangered Species Act, which protects both Hawaiian birds like the Akikiki and Akekee as well as mainland species like the Piping Plover and California Condor.

Employees of ABC took part in a mission to look for more Critically Endangered Antioquia Brushfinch populations in Colombia. Amazingly, the group located birds at eight locations, five of which were previously undiscovered locations for the species. The 20 to 25 birds observed collectively indicate a minimum of a twofold rise in the species’ known worldwide population, presenting fresh chances for its preservation.

On October 2, 2019, a female Stresemanns Bristlefront was captured on camera and photographed just outside of the Mata do Passarinho Reserve, which ABC supports via Biodiversitas, a partner organization. This attests to the species’ ongoing survival, even though there is currently only one known bird. But this gives us hope that the species can still be saved if efforts to find more birds are successful.

Earthjustice filed a lawsuit against the Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative on behalf of ABC and a number of partners, which resulted in compensation for the deaths of Newells Shearwaters at its power lines. ABC also used legal action to compel Kauai resorts and businesses to cover up or remove lights that confuse shearwaters. Funding for mitigation of minor effects that could not be completely eliminated has gone toward protecting colonies.

ABC prioritizes its work to halt extinctions by identifying the species at greatest risk, based on the IUCN Red List and the U.S. Endangered Species Act list, and then works with partners to identify conservation opportunities and to develop field-based conservation projects, species by species. We especially prioritize sites where Endangered or Critically Endangered species are confined to a single site (Alliance for Zero Extinction or AZE sites).


What is the #1 bird threat?

For instance, habitat loss is thought to pose by far the greatest threat to birds, both directly and indirectly, however, its overall impact on bird populations is very difficult to directly assess.

How many bird species are currently listed as critically endangered?

As of December 2019, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed 224 critically endangered avian species, including 19 which are tagged as possibly extinct or possibly extinct in the wild.

How many bird species go extinct every year?

Abstract. Unqualified, the statement that ?1.3% of the ?10,000 presently known bird species have become extinct since A.D. 1500 yields an estimate of ?26 extinctions per million species per year (or 26 E/MSY).