how do you use bird netting

For facility managers, pigeons are notorious for getting out of hand quickly. Fortunately, even before things get out of control, various solutions exist to help control the number of birds at an impacted site.

Bird exclusion netting is one solution to manage pigeons and prevent them from accessing areas where they can obtain food and continue growing their population. In this article, we’ll look closely at bird netting types and discuss the pros and cons to see if this is the ideal solution for your pigeon problem.

Expect a Permanent Fix

Although netting will make it more difficult for birds to access your properties, this solution won’t last forever. The deterioration of netting over time will leave gaps or holes that pest birds can readily fly through. If you want bird netting to last for a long time, be ready for ongoing upkeep and updates.

Investigate which kind of bird netting will work best for you before you start. Compare the different kinds of netting, their sizes, weights, and installation-related tools. Once you’ve selected the appropriate kind, compare prices to get the best offer.

Maintain organization as you start to install your bird netting. Determine which side is up by spreading out the net to its full length, locating every corner, and This will make the process much simpler and more manageable and help to reduce tangles.

What is Bird Netting?

A form of bird control strategy called “bird netting,” sometimes referred to as “pigeon netting,” uses nets to keep birds out of specific areas. Bird netting is frequently used to prevent birds from damaging buildings and crops. It can also be used to deter birds from visiting other locations, like building facades and agricultural and industrial uses.

Several materials, such as nylon, polyethylene, and stainless steel, are used to make bird netting. The particular requirements of your application will determine the kind of bird netting you select. Because nylon bird netting is lightweight and simple to install, it is frequently used in agricultural settings. Because it is more resilient, polyethylene bird netting is frequently utilized in industrial settings. The strongest kind of bird netting is stainless steel, which is frequently utilized in locations like airports where controlling birds is crucial.

Install on a Windy Day

Even on the calmest of days, installing bird netting can be challenging. If not handled correctly, the long, thin nets are easily tangled or knotted. It will be far more difficult to install netting when it’s windy than if you wait for a day when there isn’t as much wind.


Does bird netting need to go to the ground?

They can be persistent though and are smart enough to find gaps. I’ve discovered birds on the inside of the netting; they found a way in but not a way out. That’s why it’s important to have all edges secured flush to the soil or mulch surface.

Does bird netting really work?

Netting is one of the most common and utilized bird control methods. It is proven to be effective by physically blocking pest birds from the desired areas. Bird control netting is highly versatile and can be successful in many different settings such as buildings, rooftops, fisheries, agriculture areas, and many more.

What can I use to hold up bird netting?

Masonry ladder is a material for building walls and will run you about $3 per ladder. I use one ladder and cut it in-half with heavy-duty wire cutters to create two hoops for a raised bed. The hoops create a frame that lifts the bird netting away from the growing crops and keeps the netting from getting tangled.

Do birds get caught in bird netting?

Loose netting only causes animals to get stuck and entangled within the net. Standard bird nets — having holes over 10mm — are hazardous to wildlife, because they easily get a leg, snout, head, or beak through them. This can ultimately lead to their death.