how get bird out of house

Interior designers have popularized the notion of bringing the outside in. Folding and disappearing doors can create a seamless transition to the great outdoors. The connection to nature adds a sense of calm and serenity to the home, they say.

But what happens when the connection gets a little too close and nature actually comes inside?

Tony Capparelli recalled the day nature flew in. He and his wife, Pam, had enjoyed a warm day in the backyard of their Lake Forest home. The family room doors had been open for several hours. When it got close to sunset, they went inside. That’s when Pam heard a noise in their second-story master bedroom. She discovered a hummingbird frantically flying around the room. Neither of them had seen it fly in, so they were unsure how long it had been in the house.

“The poor thing was bouncing off the walls and ceiling,” he said. “We were afraid it was going to hurt itself.”

When it finally landed on the ceiling fan, he could see it was a juvenile Anna’s hummingbird and decided to name it Wrongway.

They opened the door to the balcony, hoping the little bird would go out on its own. When it stubbornly stayed put, they attempted to coax it out of the house by hanging a hummingbird feeder on the curtain rod over the door.

“But the bird was having none of it and it was getting way too dark,” he said. “It was clear, Wrongway was going to have to stay the night in the Capparelli B&B for wayward hummingbirds.”

The couple found it necessary to keep the room completely dark until morning. Even the smallest light from a cell phone would agitate the bird, he said. Early the next morning, he opened the door. Wrongway flew to the feeder and drank without lifting its head for minutes not seconds, he said. Then it buzzed out the door.

“Often people panic,” said Starlyn Howard, a volunteer with the International Bird Rescue in San Pedro and the Songbird Care and Education Center in Fountain Valley. When people scream, flail their arms and chase the bird around, it stresses the bird, she said.

When a bird gets into the house, the easiest solution is to lower window shades and close the curtains. Then open a door to the outside. “Birds will naturally go to the light,” she said.

Sometimes it helps to hold up a sheet with another person to create a wall to the rest of the home. Walking together toward an open door with the sheet held high, can help coax the bird out.

Without food, a trapped hummingbird can end up on the floor or windowsill completely exhausted. If a bird is injured or exhausted to the point where it can no longer fly, it needs to be taken to a rehabilitator. Call the nearest wildlife rehabilitation center or animal control services for instructions.

“Keep the bird warm, dark and quiet,” she said. A small box or paper bag with ventilation works to contain it. Use paper towels, instead of cloth, as a liner. Little toes can get caught on terrycloth loops, she said.

Rescuing birds of prey requires the assistance of animal control. “They’re not the easiest thing to catch,” said John Welsh, spokesman for Riverside County Animal Services. “And people will get hurt by their sharp talons.”

He recalled an incident where officers were called out to assist homeowners who heard pecking on the glass fireplace doors in their living room. Using a flashlight, they had discovered the wide eyes of a great-horned owl looking back at them. It had been pecking on the glass like an SOS. Animal services were able to rescue the owl. It was taken to a rehabilitation facility and later released.

Calls about birds getting trapped in chimneys is common, he said. It’s completely preventable by having a chimney cap installed.

Contact the writer: Jennifer J. Meyer is a freelance writer from Mission Viejo. Write to her at or visit her blog at

3 Steps to Get a Bird Out of Your House (and Keep it Out)

Unintentionally leaving a window or door open can result in a difficult circumstance: a bird inside the home. Getting a bird that has gotten inside your house may seem impossible at first, but if you follow these three easy steps, you’ll see that it’s actually quite easy to get the flighty creature outside.

STEP 3: Prevent Your Home from Future Bird Visitors

You managed to get the bird back outside without causing it any serious damage. At this point, you want to ensure that the issue won’t arise again. It goes without saying that you should be aware of open doors and windows, but you should also take the following precautions to keep birds from getting too close.

  • Hang shiny objects near points of entry. Birds avoid bright, reflecting light and will not approach it.
  • Pretend there’s a natural predator nearby. Place weatherproof imitations of cats, owls, and other predatory birds around common landing areas; birds will avoid these animals.
  • Deck out your backyard with garden balls. Colorful spheres are frequently mistaken for eyes by birds, who will avoid them. Put some of these ornamental bird deterrents in flower beds or suspend a few from a tree.
  • Install bird spikes. intended to stop feathered companions from perching on overhangs, windowsills, etc. , bird spikes will help keep feathered friends moving along.
  • Spray some bird repellent. There are many do-it-yourself projects that call for items like vinegar, water, and chili pepper.

After trying these fixes, if your bird issues persist, you might want to consider hiring a qualified pest and wildlife control expert.

STEP 2: Remove the Bird from Your Home

Start by widening the exit door or window of your choice. After that, turn off all of the lights inside the house and close all blinds and drapes covering the remaining windows, making the open window serve as a bright exit sign. Hopefully, the feathered intruder will fly toward this light because it will associate it with open air. After some time, if the bird is still not moving, you might need to direct it in that direction.

Holding a large bed sheet in both hands, raise it to eye level or higher while extending your arms to create a large, level surface. After making sure the bird is safely tucked in between you and the exit, proceed cautiously forward. You can better direct the bird out the window by erecting a “wall” around it. You can shut the door or window of the exit, wash the big sheet, and end the day once the unwanted guest has left. Certain tasks are best left to the professionals. Locate local experts in wildlife removal and request free, no-obligation job estimates right now.

Extra information: It’s time to contact an expert if, despite trying these solutions, the bird is still trapped inside the house. Check your local area for wildlife organizations, bird sanctuaries, or even animal control to see if they can handle your trapped feathery nuisance. Experts in wildlife management are skilled in handling birds without hurting them, and they have the tools necessary to expedite the removal of birds.


What to do if a bird gets in your house?

DO give the bird an opportunity to see itself out. Turn out the lights, open the windows, close the door, and leave it alone. Be patient. If it’s dark outside, consider waiting overnight for it to see the light.

How do you lure birds out?

When a bird gets into the house, the easiest solution is to lower window shades and close the curtains. Then open a door to the outside. “Birds will naturally go to the light,” she said. Sometimes it helps to hold up a sheet with another person to create a wall to the rest of the home.

How do you direct a bird out of your house?

Turn off any lights to darken the room (and neighboring rooms) as much as possible, which will allow the light of the open window or door to act as a beacon to guide the bird out. The brighter the exit, the better. Leave the room and the little guy should find its way out within seconds.

What happens when a bird is in your house?

Good things are heading your way. Generally, seeing a bird enter your home is believed to bring luck and prosperity, so be open to changes in your personal and professional life.