how big hole for bird house

Solution One: Cover Plates

The simplest approach is to use a cover plate to hide the original entry. Make sure the plate is composed of durable materials that won’t break easily, such as thick plastic or stainless steel, so it won’t get chewed up or nibbled. Typically, cover plates have measurements of 28 mm, 32 mm, 35 mm, etc. For the birds that occupy the birdhouse, you should select the appropriate dimensions. To ensure that the cover plate doesn’t come loose over time, it should be nailed or screwed into place. Additionally, smooth the jagged edges surrounding the hole’s rim before fastening it to the birdhouse to prevent injury to the birds as they fly in and out.

how big hole for bird house

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Why Entrance Size Matters?

The size of the entrance is crucial for ensuring that birds in a birdhouse feel safe, welcome, and comfortable. Smaller birds will be drawn to smaller entrance holes, and larger holes will draw larger birds. A wren, titmouse, or chickadee, for instance, can fit into a hole that is 1. 125 inches across, whereas a tree swallow or bluebird needs an entrance hole that is 1 5 inches. A large entrance hole makes it possible for adult birds, nestlings, and eggs to be attacked by raccoons, squirrels, and snakes. When hunting, larger predators like owls and hawks frequently search for bigger entrance holes. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose the right hole size for the desired bird species in order to protect the bird family.

Furthermore, establishing a secure habitat for nesting birds and encouraging bird conservation will ultimately depend on selecting the proper entrance hole size. When attempting to repel invasive species such as the House Sparrow, the size of the entrance is crucial. An aggressive bird species, the house sparrow damages other birds’ nests by smashing their eggs, destroying them, or killing the nestlings. They can easily enlarge holes with their sharp beaks to gain access to nests intended for other bird species. Predator intrusion is less likely when the entrance hole is kept at the proper size and chosen to suit the desired bird species. This makes it more difficult for invasive species to enter.

how big hole for bird house


How large should a birdhouse hole be?

The entrance hole should be large enough to admit the bird, but not so large as to admit unwanted species. If you want to attract smaller songbirds, a 1½” diameter is a common size of entrance hole; however, it is an advantageous to use a smaller size if you are planning to attract chickadees and wrens specifically.

How big should a bird box hole be?

Bird Species
Hole Size
Nest Box
Blue & Coal Tit
Natural Log Tit Nest Box
Blue/Coal/Marsh/Great Tit and Tree Sparrow
Wooden Tit Nest Box
House/Tree Sparrow, Great Tit, Pied Flycatcher and Nuthatch
Sparrow Wooden Nest Box
Starling Wooden Nest Box

What size hole can a sparrow fit through?

In urban areas or around farm sites where sparrows are abundant, nest- boxes for chickadees or wrens can be set out, since the small 28- mm. (11/8- in.) entrance hole will prevent sparrows from entering the boxes. Some sparrows can enter a 32-mm (1 ¼- in.)

What bird uses a 1 inch hole?

Bird Species
Diameter of Hole
Height above Ground
1? – 1-1/4?
Bewick’s Wren
Carolina Wren