do myna birds mate for life

In culture

The common myna is known by several names in Sanskrit literature, most of which describe the bird’s appearance or behavior. The names for the common myna, in addition to saarika, are kalahapriya, which means “one who is fond of arguments” and refers to the bird’s tendency toward argumentation; chitranetra, which means “picturesque eyes”; peetanetra, which means “one with yellow eyes,” and peetapaad, which means “one with yellow legs.” [68].

The Sanskrit term “??rik?” (?????)[a] appears to allude to the common myna,[69][b], though alternative possibilities exist.

Vocalization edit

Birds make a variety of sounds, such as croaks, squawks, chirps, clicks, whistles, and growls. They also frequently fluff their feathers and bob their heads while singing. When there are potential predators nearby or when it is ready to take off, the common myna will screech warnings to its mate or other birds. [16] Because of their propensity for singing and “speaking,” common mynas are commonly kept as cage birds. Common mynas vocalize in unison before sleeping in communal roosts; this is referred to as “communal noise.” [17].

Description edit

The black hooded head, bare yellow patch behind the eye, and brown body of the common myna are easily distinguishable features. The bill and legs are bright yellow. The wing lining on the underside is white, and there is a white patch on the outer primaries. Birds are typically observed in pairs, and the sexes are similar. [15].

Gloger’s rule is followed by common mynas, which are generally paler in northwest India than they are in southern India. [13][14].

Australia edit In

In Australia, the common myna is an invasive pest. Throughout the entire east coast, they are frequently the most common bird in urban areas. The bird was voted “The Most Important Pest/Problem” in Australia in a 2008 popular vote. Because of their abundance and scavenging habits, they have been dubbed “flying rats.” “The cane toad of the sky” is another name for them. On the other hand, there isn’t much agreement among scientists about how much it affects native species. [44][45].

Between 1863 and 1872, the common myna was first brought to Australia in Victoria, Australia, to control insects in Melbourne’s market gardens. At about the same time, the bird probably spread to New South Wales, where it is currently most common, though documentation is hazy. [46] Later, as a cane beetle and grasshopper predator, the bird was brought to Queensland. Australia’s common myna populations are currently concentrated around Sydney and its surrounding suburbs on the eastern coast, with smaller populations found in Victoria and a few isolated communities in Queensland [47]. In an attempt to lower populations, a number of New South Wales municipal councils started myna bird capture experiments in 2009. [49].

From the cold winters in Canberra to the tropical weather in Cairns, the myna can survive and procreate in a broad variety of temperatures. There are areas where self-sustaining populations exist where the mean monthly maximum temperature is at least 23. 2 °C (73. 8 °F) and a minimum mean monthly temperature of ?0 4 °C (31. 3 °F), suggesting that, although not reaching Tasmania, Darwin, or the dry outback regions, the common myna could travel from Sydney north along the eastern coast to Cairns and west along the southern coast to Adelaide.