do birds eat maple seeds

Genesis 1 from verse 11 explains everything yielding after its own kind. Its just amazing really.

The idea of variability states that fruit production varies from year to year. It was believed that resource tracking could predict mast years. This phrase describes years when there are plenty of resources, including light, water, and nutrients. According to theory, trees will be content and bear a lot of fruit when this happens. However it isn’t always true, and is difficult to correlate. Instead, because it requires a lot of energy to produce fruit, we see masting as a cycle. A tree’s energy reserves are depleted after one mast year; it must recover and build new reserves before it has enough energy to mast another year. It is unlikely that a tree that produced a lot of fruit one year will produce a lot more the next year. Riding a bike is a better indicator of when trees will likely mast next.

The whole picture cannot be explained by trees using variability to outwit predators because successful trees also need to synchronize. To improve the chances of pollination and viable offspring, trees belonging to the same species should all mast at the same time. Another excellent evolutionary adaptation for situations requiring cross-pollination is this one. If pollinating with other trees is necessary, it makes sense that they all do so at the same time and during the same year. This is the idea of pollen coupling.

Composed by: John Wayne Farber, Certified Treecare Safety Professional 01462, Board Certified Master Arborist (BCMA) WI-0877B

Don’t panic if you’ve noticed a higher-than-normal whirlybird flurry from your maple trees; the sky is NOT falling. It’s a mast year because there are a lot of these seeds, which are also referred to as helicopters. When nuts, acorns, or maple samaras (whirlybirds) fall from trees in large quantities, they can occasionally be hazardous, repulsive, or just a hassle to clean up. Although it doesn’t happen every year, we certainly pay attention when fruit trees bear an abundance of fruit. When do trees produce so much fruit, and why do they do so?

Trees need to know when to synchronize. So how do trees communicate with each other? The Moran effect is our best guess. According to this, similar trees can react to similar environmental cues together because of climate rather than weather. Trees will successfully reproduce if they are exposed to the same climate cues and respond in sync; trees that do not will be eliminated from the gene pool. As a result, trees can maximize their reproductive potential over vast land areas when their quantity and timing are synchronized.

Verse 11 of Genesis 1 describes how everything yields to its own kind. Its just amazing really.