can you feed moldy bread to birds

My tree was knocked over by a storm and this is what we are left. I have no way of cutting it down any further and to me its just an eyesore. My uncle set a couple o… See more

Well, we make Lawn Art, totem poles… Were currently making mushrooms & flowers and totems on poles….

Our very large willow tree (Bubba) is beautiful but I want to add more visual interest by planting several varieties of Hostas around the base of her, in particular, … See more

I dont know what these are but they get harder to handle every year. I only use preening and pulling as a weed barrier but these are coming in more and more every yea… See more

I have tried the crushed red pepper in the bird seed, and have tried putting vaseline on the pole that holds the feeders….any other suggestions? I will at times hav… See more

Bread can be Dangerous to Birds

Since bread tends to mold, we frequently consider feeding it to the birds in the first place. We decide to leave the moldy bread out for the birds since we don’t want to waste it. ”.

Salmonella is a major concern, and moldy bread can poison and kill birds. When we hang our bread product bird “treats” in our gardens, we are precisely doing the same thing that causes bread products to mold very quickly when exposed to moisture.

Moldy bread illnesses can result in deformities of the feathers, preventing the birds from flying. Other diseases can also cause respiratory illness and even death.

Pine cones can be used in place of those bread products to make treats for the birds in your wildlife garden, and you and your kids can enjoy the same fun experience. Even though you would still coat them in peanut butter and coat them in high-quality bird seed, you are not endangering the health of your feathered companions.

The purpose of a wildlife garden for birds is to benefit them, not to harm them. So please don’t feed your birds bread.

Although I have nothing against bird feeders, in my opinion, their main purpose is to allow me to get a better look at my avian guests.

By including a wide range of native plants in your wildlife garden that will meet all of the needs of birds, you can increase the value of your space for them.

Birds love berries, seeds, nuts, and insects that are drawn to your native plants. In your Ecosystem Garden, these plants meet all of the birds’ nutritional needs.

You are truly making a difference when you design your wildlife garden to sustain pollinators, birds, butterflies, and other wildlife through all of their life cycles and throughout every season of the year, going beyond the simple bird feeder.

And that is exactly what Ecosystem Gardening does. By establishing natural habitats in your garden, you can draw in more wildlife.

Our very large willow tree (Bubba) is beautiful but I want to add more visual interest by planting several varieties of Hostas around the base of her, in particular, … See more

My tree was knocked over by a storm and this is what we are left. I have no way of cutting it down any further and to me its just an eyesore. My uncle set a couple o… See more

I have tried the crushed red pepper in the bird seed, and have tried putting vaseline on the pole that holds the feeders….any other suggestions? I will at times hav… See more

I dont know what these are but they get harder to handle every year. I only use preening and pulling as a weed barrier but these are coming in more and more every yea… See more

Well, we make Lawn Art, totem poles. Were currently making mushrooms & flowers and totems on poles.

Bread is not Good for Birds

Consider bringing your young kids to McDonald’s every single day. Even though they might become full from that food, do you really believe that your kids are getting all the nutrition they need?

It’s the same thing with birds. For birds, bread is junk food because it offers very little energy and no nutritional value to help them survive the winter in our wildlife gardens.

Birds require the proper ratio of lipids and fats during this time of year to meet their energy requirements. And they do not receive this from bread.


What happens if a bird eats moldy bread?

Uneaten bread left on land can become moldy and toxic. Moldy food can contain tremorgenic mycotoxins and can make wildlife and our pets very ill. Mold can also cause Aspergillosis when the spores are inhaled. This can be fatal since there is no treatment available for birds.

Is it okay to leave bread out for birds?

Bread offers wild birds absolutely ZERO nutrition. Simply, bread fills up a small stomach in a hurry. The bird doesn’t know the food is useless, but leaves feeling full and satisfied, nonetheless. This is a deadly combination of factors, considering how many calories birds need to eat in order to survive.

Can wild animals eat moldy bread?

Decreased Wildlife Health Bread, corn, and other unhealthy foods can cause deformities, malnutrition, and illness. Birds that eat moldy bread can develop lung infections. These foods thrown near water can turn toxic in the heat of summer, causing avian botulism.