can birds travel in car

Prepare Your Bird’s Carrier

Choose whether to use your bird’s regular cage for transportation or a different carrier while you’re in the car. When moving a bird in its cage, remove all non-essentials from the carrier a week or so beforehand to give the bird time to acclimate to the new environment. You only want essentials in the carrier when transporting a bird in a car. To keep your bird from becoming bored, since this will involve taking away toys, do put some things back in the cage throughout the day and then take them out again.

If you’re moving your bird in an alternate carrier, let them explore it a bit in the month leading up to the move and feed them some yummy treats while they’re in it so they make good associations before travel.

It’s important to set up your bird’s cage or carrier so that it’s safe for them because when you transport a bird in a car, things can easily move around. Here are some tips on doing it right.

  • Take out any toys, swings, or other items that can move during transportation. Make sure all openings are securely closed by using twist ties. Stow necessities in a bag and make sure you can reach them while driving. This includes food, water, and your bird’s favorite toys.

Limit Stress While Packing

When your bird notices that boxes are being packed up all around them, they will probably become aware that something is wrong. To the best of your ability, try to maintain a stable environment for them. While you pack, keep them somewhere quiet, preferably away from disturbances and commotion. Additionally, make sure that your bird stays in its routine during the entire moving process, even when packing.

Visit the Vet Before You Go (and Have a New One Lined Up, If Necessary)

It is imperative that you schedule a pre-trip examination with your bird’s veterinarian. Your veterinarian can check that your bird is well enough to travel and offer advice on how to make the adjustment easier. This could entail making specific dietary adjustments for your bird or adding immune-boosting or digestive supplements to help with stress-related symptoms.

Arrange for this meeting to occur approximately one month prior to your departure. In this manner, there will be enough time for the supplements to start working before the move if your bird does need to start on a supplement regimen.

Make arrangements for a new veterinarian as soon as you can if your move will require it. Finding a veterinarian and setting up that initial meet and greet appointment could take some time because not all veterinarians treat birds.


Do birds get carsick?

Yes, birds can definitely get car sick.

How do you transport a parakeet in a car?

Put the parakeet-carrying box somewhere safe and secure, where it won’t move or fall. The lap of a car passenger is an ideal place, or the floor space beneath the passenger seat. If you are putting the box on a seat, use a seatbelt secure it. Never put the parakeet in the trunk of a car.

How do you travel long distance with a parakeet?

If you plan on bringing your parakeet along with you in the car, whether on a short or long trip, place him in a small travel cage. Choose one with a handle for easy carrying, with dimensions of something like 12 inches by 18 inches by 18 inches, with bars spaced 1/2 inch apart, the Me & My Budgie website recommends.