can birds get stuck in vents

What risks come from birds in a vent duct?

Fire Hazards: You should take immediate action to prevent a fire if birds are building their nests in your dryer vent. Because lint accumulation over your dryer vent can pose a fire hazard, there should be no mesh guard installed over it. Special bird proof dryer vents should be installed. Buildups in dryers are the cause of thousands of home fires annually, so it’s critical to avoid becoming one of them.

Health Risk: A wide variety of dangerous pathogens can be carried by birds. Some, like salmonella, are well-known, while others are not Some infections must be ingested, while others are dangerous if particles or spores are inhaled. PPE should be used when eliminating nesting materials or cleaning contaminated areas.

Pest Risk (Infestation) – Birds can carry mites. Bird mites have the ability to leave the nest and enter a house. Even though they don’t think of humans as a good host, bird mites can still bite and irritate you while they crawl on you. Once the bird problem has been resolved, a licensed pest control company can treat for mites to help solve the problem if you have one.

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What to do if you have birds in your vents?

If you find birds in your vents it is important to first determine what bird species you are dealing with. To figure out what bird species you are dealing with you can use a field guide to birds or you can use a phone app such as Audubon Bird Guide app. Once you identify what kind of bird you are dealing with you can determine if there are any restrictions on how to handle that bird species. Songbirds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. Some species such as the European Starling are considered invasive and are not protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Once you have identified the species of bird you are working with and any limitations, you should find out what is within the duct. Look into the vent with a light and mirror or your phone’s camera to see if the birds have begun to build their nests. If nesting has started, it’s critical to ascertain the stage of the nesting process you are in. Does the nest contain eggs, are there young birds present, and do the young birds have feathers? Is this the first nest? Is it an established nest?

After you have the answers to those questions, you must devise a strategy. You can remove the nesting material and replace the vent with a bird-proof vent or install a guard over the vent if the nesting activity is still in its early stages and there are no eggs or juveniles visible. You can remove the eggs and/or juveniles if they are present and the species is not protected. We advise getting in touch with a nearby wildlife rehabber to see if they will take the birds from you before removing any eggs or young birds. Alternatively, you could wait for the birds to finish building their nests before removing the nest and sealing the vent after they depart. To remove all the materials that have become nesting and contaminated, we advise replacing the duct if at all possible. If you have any questions or feel uneasy about any step of the procedure, please get in touch with a reputable wildlife removal or bird control business.


How do you get birds out of vents?

If you have birds in your vents, it is important to call a professional to remove them safely and effectively. A professional will be able to assess the damage that the birds have caused and will be able to recommend the best course of action to prevent the birds from returning.

Can birds get into vents?

Many people enjoy birdwatching, and some people even invite them near the home with birdfeeders. Unfortunately, some birds cross the line. They can get into the vents of your home and build nests.

Who do you call if a bird is stuck in the vent?

If you suspect that you have a bird in a vent, call your local Animal Control Bureau or a pest control professional for the humane removal of the birds from your vents.

Can a bird get stuck in a bathroom vent?

Bathroom vents can be an attractive place for birds to build their nests. Given their high location above the ground, they offer protection from predators and the elements. On the other hand, young birds can also occasionally get stuck in the exhaust pipes and are unable to fly out.