can birds eat olive oil

I know this has been discussed before, I apologize, but the advice available seems to be contradictory. I’m hoping someone can provide me with clear-cut, straightforward guidance. It has long been recommended that when preparing winter feeding mixtures, hard, saturated animal fats like lard and suet should be used because they offer longer-lasting energy. I recognize that, and we don’t have to discuss it. However, there appears to be a strong message (interpreted as such?) that the RSPB and others are sending out, and several wildlife gardeners have confirmed this to me. The message is that unsaturated fats, e g. Despite coming from the same nuts and seeds that humans frequently feed our pets in the garden (such as sunflower and peanut) or that wild birds graze on in agricultural areas (such as rape and flax seed), vegetable oils are actually harmful to birds. ). It doesn’t sound right, and I can’t help but believe that people are being misled. If we have access to vegetable fats and oils, then surely it is better for us to use them than to serve lower-energy combinations of fruit, cereals, etc. This is a recurring issue, especially since some water companies are pushing their customers to make fat balls out of waste fats and oils and are selling fat traps to homeowners in order to prevent clogged drains. I should also add that our home is vegetarian, so the birds are receiving vegetable fats or nothing from us. Is it truly that harmful to feed the birds with leftover oil or waste from your roasting tin? What if it’s just vegetable fats, as we are vegetarians? The RSPB advises that oils and soft fats can be problematic if they get on the feathers of birds, but we always incorporate ours into a lot of grains and cereals and combine them with fruit to make the food feel less greasy when we serve it on our feeding tray. Throwing away a useful resource seems wasteful, and given the current state of the economy, I’m not sure I can justify purchasing any more high-fat snacks just to feed the birds. Furthermore, I personally believe that it is unethical to raise farm animals only to turn them into lard that is used to feed wild animals. However, I don’t want to do anything that would be harmful, so if feeding fat is truly the issue, I’ll just stop feeding it completely and return to providing nuts, grains, seeds, and mealworms as well as keeping a wildlife-friendly garden where birds can forage for insects and worms. Cheers for your comments and advice!.


What oil can birds eat?

Try feeding them flaxseed oil, which is a natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, phytochemicals and minerals that have been shown to support heart health and blood clotting. Plus, by eating flaxseed oil, birds can take advantage of all the nutrients contained in it.

Can I put olive oil on my birds feet?

The short answer to your question is, yes, in small amounts it is safe to do this. However, this may not fix the problem if you’re seeing dry, flaky beak / feet.

Can birds digest oil?

Internal Organs Because birds preen themselves meticulously to maintain their insulating air layer, external oiling almost always leads to some oil ingestion. Once oil is ingested, it can cause direct damage to the gastrointestinal tract, evidenced by ulcers, diarrhea, and a decreased ability to absorb nutrients.

Can crows have olive oil?

Olive oil is fine to use with birds. It’s as healthy for them as it is for humans.