can birds eat dried apricots

We love adding some kitchen foods and homemade treats to our bird feeder as occasional snacks and meal variety for the birds–but it’s important to know what NOT to feed wild birds, too! Here’s a list of foods to never feed to birds–some which aren’t surprising but some that you may have never realized could be deadly.

It’s always important to keep all forms of alcohol away from birds; don’t leave a drink lying around for birds to discover.

Apple seeds contain amygdalin which, when it degrades, leads to cyanide poisoning. The fruit of the apple itself is safe for birds and a great winter treat–but be sure to remove the seeds!

While it is safe for birds to eat the fruit of an apricot, the seed or pit (sometimes called a pip or kernel) of the apricot is NOT safe. Like several other fruit seeds, apricot pits contain amygdalin, which can cause cyanide poisoning. Never grind up pits to create food…just throw them away safely.

While avocados may be considered a superfood for us, avocados are toxic for birds. This is due to an natural fungicide in the plant called persin found in every part of the plant. Keep the avocados for yourself and keep them out of the bird feeder!

OK, this one almost goes without saying but don’t feed birds chewing gum or discard chewing gum where birds might swoop in and pick it up. Besides the choking risk, the gooey mess can stick to their feathers and become a real hazard.

Chives fall in the same family as onions–a definite no for birds. Consumption of chives can damage the red blood cells of birds and lead to anemia as well as cause digestive upset.

Chocolate is toxic to birds in all forms–milk chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate chips, chocolate cake, you name it. Keep the chocolate for yourself!

Uncooked potatoes and potato peels

Favorite foods at the bird feeder are baked potatoes and sweet potatoes, but not raw potatoes or potato peels. Protease is an enzyme inhibitor found in raw potatoes that makes it difficult to digest food and absorb nutrients. Cook all potatoes before feeding them to birds. To avoid the fat and salt of fried potatoes, baking them is the ideal way to serve them.

Coffee (and other caffeinated drinks)

Coffee’s caffeine can lead to cardiac problems and even death in birds.

Desiccated coconut, the shredded, dried coconut used in many cakes, is harmful to birds because it rapidly rehydrates in their stomachs after ingestion. Keep the shredded coconut for your own sweets and only serve fresh coconut, which birds will adore.

Garlic won’t harm a bird that swoops in and nibbles on some pizza, but too much of it can harm red blood cells and cause digestive issues.

Leeks are members of the Allium family and, like chives, onions, and garlic, they are toxic to birds to varying degrees.

As with chives, leeks, and garlic, onions are toxic to birds, so don’t throw out the outer parts for them.

Similar to the pits of apricot, cherry, apple, and other stone fruits, peach pits also contain amygdalin. As this compound breaks down, there is a chance of cyanide poisoning.

Plum pits, another stone fruit that resembles peaches and apricots, contain amygdalin, which increases the risk of cyanide poisoning.

When DRY, porridge oats can be given to birds; however, cooked porridge ought to be disposed of. The porridge’s gluten makes a gooey mess that could stick to a bird’s beak.

Similar to coffee and other caffeinated beverages, tea can raise blood pressure, induce hyperactivity, an elevated heart rate, and cardiac arrhythmia.

Xylitol, which is found in toothpaste, some vitamins, diet foods, and diet gums, is extremely toxic to animals. The fact that some peanut butters, a staple at the bird feeder, now include Xylitol is particularly concerning. If you think something might contain xylitol, make sure to read the ingredients list; it’s sometimes referred to as “Birch sugar.” “.

It is never appropriate to feed uncooked beans—the dry beans in the sack—to birds. Dry beans contain hemagglutinin which can be deadly to birds. Cook the beans first before giving them to the birds because they are a good source of protein and fiber.

Cardinals, Finches, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Jays, Titmice, Grosbeaks, and Woodpeckers are associated with cranberries; similarly, woodpeckers are associated with cherries; woodpeckers are associated with raisins; woodpeckers are associated with apples; woodpeckers, chickadees, finches, nuthatches, jays, titimice, and grosbeaks are associated with juniper berries; woodpeckers, chickadees, Finches, Nuthatches, Jays, Titmice, Grosbeaks, and Songbirds are associated with Woodpeckers, Finches, Jays, and Buntings; and woodpeckers are associated with papayas

Many birds will readily eat fruit. To avoid mold and bacteria, it is recommended to use dried fruit in feeders.

Buying wild bird foods with actual fruit in them is the simplest way to provide fruit. Make sure to read the label. Fruit flavorings are often used and provide no real fruit.


Are dried fruits safe for birds?

Small dried fruits, such as cranberries, raisins, or currants, ought to be soaked or moistened before being offered to birds. Never offer any fruits with candy or chocolate coatings, seasonings, or spices, which do not appeal to birds and could even be toxic or otherwise unhealthy.

Will birds eat apricots?

While most fruit is safe and generally healthy for birds to consume in small amounts, certain fruits containing seeds (such as apples and pears) and pits (such as cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, and plums), should not be offered to birds without removing the seeds and pits first, as these seeds and pits …

Can birds and squirrels eat dried fruit?

All dried fruits and vegetables including corn, peanuts, sunflower seeds or other standard ‘critter mixes. ‘ Its ok to give these to your squirrels on a rare occasion in moderation, but know that they are equivalent to a diet of candy and cannot sustain a captive squirrel long term.

Can parakeets eat dried apricots?

Any dried fruit offered should be organic, unsulfured, and with no added sweeteners. Apricots, prunes, figs, mango and papaya, for example.