can birds eat almond butter

Nuts are high in calories and fat, it is true, and they can become unhealthy when we allow our parrots to overindulge in them. However, you should understand the part that nuts play in the parrot diet. There are species, such as the macaw, that benefit from the inclusion of nuts to their diet.

Nuts are a great source of omega 3’s – the good fats – and one of the best sources for plant proteins. Nuts in the wild parrot diet help provide the energy needed to maintain their constant high levels of activity.

Because nuts are dense calorically, we want to monitor the amount our slower-moving captive parrots eat, but we definitely do not want to eliminate them from the diet. Most parrots will do anything for a nut. That works to our advantage because that makes them great training rewards. In a perfect world, a parrot should get their nuts portioned out during training sessions.

Occasionally, we incorporate nuts into the diet in snacks. In our cookbook, Natural Feeding System, there are several recipes that call for the use of nut butters. Of the many types of nut butters, peanut butter is the most common. However, we don’t recommend the use of peanuts or peanut butter because of the possibility of aflatoxins , and other nut butters are often difficult to find and expensive.

I thought it would be fun for everyone to learn how to make homemade nut butters for your birds (and yourselves – Shhh! We won’t tell!) It’s ridiculously easy but your parrot and significant other probably doesn’t know that, so you might infer that you spent hours slaving away in the kitchen for their pleasure.

Step 1 – Select the type of nut butter you want to make – you can virtually use any nut type you want. The different nuts will produce different textures and flavors– pecans and walnuts produce a soft, oily butter, pistachio butter comes out drier and crumbly, and the skins from walnuts and pecans leave a bitter after taste and aren’t great in a sandwich, but will not bother your bird at all.

Step 2 – Decide if you want to use roasted or raw nuts – the roasting process is very easy and fast. Raw nuts will produce a drier textured butter. Roasted nut butters are smoother and richer in flavor. If you are making the nut butter only for your parrot, it might be better to use raw. The raw nuts are healthier and the consistency of the butter is a little less messy. I prefer the taste of roasted nut butters, but this is an individual preference.

If you choose to roast, place 2 cups of nuts onto an un-greased baking sheet and toast them in a 350º oven for 13-15 minutes. Stir the nuts up well about halfway through the baking process – after about 8 minutes.

Step 3 – Once the nuts have cooled down, place them in the food processor. Be careful not to overwhelm your machine. Some units with lesser power will only handle a cup at a time.

Different nuts need different processing time. Roasted nuts process more quickly and smoothly. The power of your food processor will also be a factor. In general, it takes between 2-4 minutes to bring the nuts to a buttery consistency (pecans process in about 1 minute).

Pulse the nuts several times until they are broken down into smaller pieces and then turn the processor on for constant blending. It just couldn’t be any easier.

Author Patty Jourgensen specializes in avian health, behavior and nutrition and has been working with and caring for rescue birds since 1987.

How do you feed almond butter to birds?

Here’s how to feed hungry birds in your backyard with almond butter, if that’s your decision:

You can spread the butter on a tree, post, or fence, or you can hang little jars filled with it as simple feeders. You can also decide whether to serve the butter by itself or combined with birdseed. But since it would be more nutrient-dense for the birds, we would advise you to do the latter.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that almond butter soon becomes ranny and stale when offered to birds. Thus, it’s ideal to serve this dessert in areas with some shade and no direct sunlight.

Also, despite what many people think, almond butter does not cause birds to choke.

Are almonds toxic to birds?

Birds can safely eat almonds as long as they aren’t salted. You can feed this snack to backyard or companion birds. Almonds are high in protein, fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, and good fats.

Almonds can help birds’ blood sugar and cholesterol levels drop. It also helps to reduce hunger in these creatures. Thus, if you were unsure about giving almonds to birds, rest assured that it is a healthy and safe practice.

If roasting is your preference, spread out 2 cups of nuts on a baking sheet that hasn’t been greased and toast them for 13 to 15 minutes at 350 degrees. About halfway through the baking time, or after 8 minutes, give the nuts a good stir.

After pulsing the nuts a few times to break them up into smaller pieces, switch on the processor to blend continuously. It just couldn’t be any easier.

Step 3: Transfer the nuts to the food processor after they have cooled. Be careful not to overwhelm your machine. Certain devices with lower power can only process one cup at a time.

Step 2: Select whether to use raw or roasted nuts. Roasting is a simple and quick process. Raw nuts will produce a drier textured butter. Roasted nut butters are smoother and richer in flavor. It might be preferable to use raw nuts if you are making nut butter just for your parrot. The butter’s consistency is a little less sloppy, and the raw nuts are healthier. I personally like the flavor of roasted nut butters, but that’s just personal preference.

Nuts are among the best sources of plant proteins and a fantastic source of omega-3s, or healthy fats. The wild parrot’s diet includes nuts, which aid in providing the energy required to sustain their consistently high levels of activity.


How do you feed birds almond butter?

Pour a generous layer of bird seed onto your plate. Next, spread your nut or seed butter (i.e. peanut or almond butter; sunflower seed butter; etc.) onto the outside of your toilet paper roll using a butter knife or spoon. From here, roll your toilet paper roll in the bird seed.

Is Almond good for birds?

Peanuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds and other nuts are natural, nutritious, energy foods for many birds, especially woodpeckers, jays, chickadees, and nuthatches. Nuts are more expensive than sunflower seeds. But after you discover how much birds love nuts, there’s no turning back!

Can birds eat peanut butter?

Peanut butter is a good high-protein food for birds, and they can eat any of the same types humans do. If you’re buying it specifically for birds, look for natural or organic types with the fewest additives. Try offering crunchy peanut butter for an extra nutty treat.

What nuts can birds not eat?

Salted and dry roasted nuts This includes salted and dry roasted nuts so choose plain nuts instead. Ensure that your bird-feeder peanuts come from a reputable seller who can guarantee they are free from aflatoxin, a fungal growth that can kill birds.