how bad was the bird flu

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  • Bird flu can transfer from birds to humans as well as between birds.
  • The most common way for humans to contract bird flu is through contact with birds, their droppings, or their feathers.
  • If you have had flu symptoms after returning from a nation where there has been a bird flu outbreak, consult a physician right away.

Avian influenza, commonly referred to as bird flu, is a type A influenza virus. It can be fatal to humans and deadly to poultry. Bird flu spreads between both wild and domesticated birds. Additionally, it has spread from birds to people who have close contact with chickens or other birds. There is insufficient proof to conclude that the virus can spread from person to person. But in a few rare instances, when someone fell ill after tending to a sick family member, this might have happened. Scientists fear that the bird flu virus could mutate and combine with the human flu virus, opening the door to human-to-human transmission. The H5N1 strain of bird flu is currently affecting Asia. Since 2003, this strain has claimed the lives of over 130 people in Iraq, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and China. Commercial flocks of birds in Australia have experienced multiple bird flu outbreaks, all of which have been contained and eradicated.

Every Wednesday, this page will be updated to reflect any new information. A collection of wild bird data has been ongoing since January 20, 2022. Data on poultry have been collected since February 8, 2022. Protective Actions for People.

How avian influenza virus is spread

All avian influenza type A viruses are thought to be carried by water birds, like wild ducks. Bird feces (poo) release the viruses into the environment after being carried inside the intestines of the birds. The virus-infected migratory birds have the ability to transmit the bird flu to every nation they travel through. Although the currently circulating H5N1 strain has caused illness and death in some wild birds, wild birds typically do not exhibit symptoms of bird flu. Domesticated birds, like chickens and turkeys, are more frequently killed by the avian influenza virus. Depending on the species, symptoms in birds might include vomiting, breathing problems, swollen heads, and even death. A sick bird excretes the virus in its mucous membranes, saliva, and feathers. Bird flu can infect humans if they are in close proximity to sick birds. For instance, someone might handle a sick bird, get chicken poop on their hands, and neglect to wash their hands before eating. They will then ingest the infected bird faeces. This is the most typical method of bird flu infection in humans. The virus can also exist in uncooked poultry meat, but it is eliminated by regular cooking. There is no proof that the H5N1 strain of bird flu that is currently in circulation can transfer easily from person to person.


How many died from avian flu?

NB: This table is updated on a monthly basis following the updates from the Source. Globally, from 1 January 2003 to 21 December 2023, 882 cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus were reported from 23 countries. Of these 882 cases, 461 were fatal (CFR of 52%) (source).

Is bird flu still around 2024?

Cases have been low in the UK during winter 2023/2024, which is very welcome. However, there have been large outbreaks among Cranes in Hungary and Swans in Romania and, very worryingly, the virus spread to the Antarctic region for the first time this winter.

What was the massive bird flu outbreak?

Impact Of Bird Flu Outbreak Widespread Across California Avian influenza or bird flu has affected millions of birds across the country, including here in California. And in the Central Valley, farmers have been set back months due to the loss of flock and eggs.

How bad is the flu this year?

Five influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2023-2024 season were reported to CDC during Week 11, bringing the season total to 121 pediatric deaths. CDC estimates that there have been at least 30 million illnesses, 340,000 hospitalizations, and 21,000 deaths from flu so far this season.