can a bird crack a windshield

9443067 600x338A pilot got a scary surprise when a bird crashed through the windshield of his plane as he came in for a landing. Broken glass and feathers everywhere – it was a scene right out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

Could this happen to you? Sure, if you have a plane, but it could also happen while you’re driving down the road.

Imagine grooving to your favorite song on the radio when SPLAT! a bird smashes into your windshield. It’s estimated that at least 80 million birds are killed every year by crashing into car windshields.1

Bad luck for the birds, but it’s dangerous for drivers, too. A bird hitting your windshield would surely startle you, and could cause you to swerve or slam on the brakes, putting you and other drivers on the road at risk.

The best thing to do if a bird hits your windshield is remain calm and not make any sudden movements with your vehicle. Then, when it’s safe to stop, pull to the side of the road and assess the damage.

If there’s any damage in the driver’s line of sight, it’s best to call for a tow and have the windshield replaced before continuing on.

If the damage present is minor and doesn’t impede your vision, you can continue to operate the vehicle, but make an appointment to have your windshield repaired in the near future.

Specified uniform pressure: q = 3180 kPa (Rhett’s Impact Pressure)

Results: D = Es. t3 / [12(1 – u2)] = 70,000 x 6. 73 / [12(1 – 0. 222)] =1. 86e+06 N. mm.

Deflection at the center: yc = -q . a4 / (64 D) = -1 x 3,180. 0 x 10-3 x 504 / (64 x 1. 86e+06) =-0. 2 mm.

Bending moment at the center: Mc = q . a2(1 + u)/16 = 3,180. 0 x 10-3 x 502 x (1 + 0. 22) / 16 =606. 2 N. mm/mm.

Uniform Pressure on Flat Circular Plate (Reference: Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, 7th Edition, Table 11.2 Case 10)

Plate’s Fix Supported Radius: a = 50 mm (the poop’s size)

Thickness of plate: t = 6. 72 mm (Properties of Auto Glass According to Germans).

Poisson’s ratio: u = 0. 22 (Properties of Auto Glass According to Germans).

Es = 70000 MPa is the modulus of elasticity (German Auto Glass Properties).

Imagine that as you’re listening to your favorite song on the radio, a bird slams into your windshield. At least 80 million birds are thought to be killed annually when they collide with automobile windshields. 1.

It is advisable to get a tow and have the windshield fixed if there is any damage within the driver’s field of vision before proceeding.

Could this happen to you? Sure, if you have a plane, but it could also happen while you’re driving down the road.

9443067 600x338A pilot got a scary surprise when a bird crashed through the windshield of his plane as he came in for a landing. Broken glass and feathers everywhere – it was a scene right out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

The best course of action in the event that a bird strikes your windshield is to stay calm and avoid making any abrupt movements with your car. After it’s safe to do so, pull over to the side of the road and evaluate the damage.


Can a bird bust a windshield?

Depending on where you live, you may notice wild turkeys roaming around. The sheer size and weight of such a large bird can easily shatter a windshield on impact.

Can bird poop crack a windshield?

If you bird had a poop that big and was dropped from a significant height and perhaps had some debris in the poop, then it could possibly crack a windshield.

Can a windshield crack without anything hitting it?

Stress crack Stress cracks happen without any pressure being applied to the glass. It occurs due to a sudden and extreme change in temperature.

Do windshields crack on their own?

Your car’s windscreen expands in hot weather and contracts when temperatures drop. If this happens too quickly, the glass can’t keep up and can develop a stress crack. If a stress crack starts at the edge of the windshield, it may be difficult to repair. The chances are even slimmer the bigger the crack.