are seagulls a protected bird

Seagulls are a Protected Species

Although they are migratory birds, seagulls are widespread in the nation, and many of them nest in lakeshore and coastal regions with delicate ecosystems. Seagull populations have fallen to dangerously low levels as a result of damage to these nesting sites. Which is why seagulls became a protected species.

These days, they are included in the group of birds that are protected by the Migratory Birds Convention Act of Canada, making it unlawful to kill them. There are some situations in which culling seagulls is permissible, but specific legal authorization is needed. Seagulls are becoming a nuisance in many populated areas, which is a drawback to their protection. To safeguard the health and safety of locals, some municipalities are employing non-lethal and, in extreme situations, lethal methods to reduce the gull populations in areas where they are out of control.

Gulls and Seagulls | Wildlife Advice | RSPCA – RSPCA

It may surprise you to learn that there are actually several different species of gulls that inhabit the United Kingdom, not all of which are found near the sea.

The most common gulls you will see at the beach are lesser black-backed, great black-backed, and herring gulls.

  • Large in size
  • Pale grey wings
  • Pink legs
  • a summertime white head with dark wintertime streaks

? A herring gull standing on a roof?

  • Slightly smaller in size
  • Darker grey wings with black wingtips
  • Yellow legs

? A lesser black-backed gull by a lake?

  • Big size (biggest in fact!)
  • Big beak
  • Black wings
  • Pale-pink legs

? A great black-backed gull on the beach?

Many gulls spend at least some portion of the year inland, despite the fact that they are primarily found near the coast. They often roost in flocks. They may be seen searching for food in grassy places like public parks, athletic fields, farms, and landfills.

In particular, three species of gulls—herring gulls, great black-backed gulls, and lesser black-backed gulls—have adapted well to nesting in urban settings and frequently construct their nests on rooftops. Gulls frequently favor urban areas because there are fewer predators and a steady supply of food.

Because they are opportunistic, gulls will exploit any food that is available to them in their surroundings. Their primary sources of food are fish, mollusks, invertebrates, and leftover human food.

For tips on keeping gulls away from my food?

When gulls breed and lay their eggs

Typically, gulls breed once a year, from May to July, laying two or three eggs.

It’s common to see gull chicks on the ground because they will leave the nest in a few days and relocate to a nearby safe spot.